Evidence against existence of dark matter?

In summary, there is an alternative theory called MOND that challenges the existence of dark matter. It is the only theory that has been proposed to explain the gravitational forces that keep galaxies in orbit. John Baez discusses this theory in his latest TWF, #206. Some members of the physics community have also shared links to TWF in online forums like PF.
  • #1
evidence against existence of dark matter??

Hi have there been any recent publications that u guyz may have read that are against the idea of dark matter and have other theories on wot keeps galaxies in orbit.? I really need ure help coz its for an essay that i have been working on. cheers.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is an alternative theory called MOND (modified Newtonian dynamics). I am not sure how viable it is, but it is the only theory that I've seen that fits your question.
  • #3
John Baez has a brief intro to MOND in his latest TWF, # 206 .
  • #4
selfAdjoint said:
John Baez has a brief intro to MOND in his latest TWF, # 206 .
Thanks SelfAdjoint! TWF is really cool! Ignorant question: could one find links to TWFs sprinkled throughout PF?

FAQ: Evidence against existence of dark matter?

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to make up approximately 85% of the total matter in the universe. It does not interact with light and has not been directly observed, but its existence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. What evidence suggests that dark matter may not exist?

There are several pieces of evidence that have been put forth to challenge the existence of dark matter. These include discrepancies in measurements of galactic rotation curves, observations of galaxy clusters, and alternative theories that aim to explain the observed gravitational effects without the need for dark matter.

3. How do scientists study and search for dark matter?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study and search for dark matter. These include observing the rotational speeds of galaxies, mapping the distribution of mass in galaxy clusters, and searching for evidence of dark matter particles in high-energy particle collisions.

4. Can dark matter be proven to not exist?

At this time, there is no definitive proof that dark matter does not exist. While there are alternative theories and challenges to its existence, the majority of evidence still supports the presence of dark matter in the universe. Further research and observations are needed to fully understand the nature of dark matter.

5. What are the implications if dark matter does not exist?

If dark matter does not exist, it would call into question our current understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe. It would also require a significant revision of our current models and theories of cosmology. However, at this time, the evidence for dark matter remains strong and the majority of scientists continue to support its existence.
