Evidence for preferred frames?

In summary: The Einstein postulates assert an invariance of the propagation speed of light in vacuum for any observer, and which amounts to a presumed absence of any preferred frame. The postulates appear to be directly linked to relativistic effects which emerge from Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, which is based upon the concept of a flat spacetime ontology, and which then lead to the General Theory of Relativity with its curved spacetime model for gravity. While the relativistic effects are well established experimentally it is now known that numerous experiments, beginning with the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, have always shown that the postulates themselves are false, namely that there is a detectable local preferred frame of reference. This critique briefly
  • #36
Aether said:
That would be some trick!

Apparatus?? Now we're no longer simply in a vacuum, but also on a platform assembled from atoms fastened together by EM forces where apparently "...you have introduced a 'preferred frame', that of the average centre of momentum of the ..." apparatus
Frames are not very meaningful unless there is a coordinate system and each coordinate system in GR is defined such that it has a set of clocks and rods which define it. In fact in SR the coordinate system is just another term for "observer." But it is these clocks and rods which defines systems, even if simply by inference. But its easily said that he's simply speaking of the zero momentum frame anyway. When a zero momentum exists then there is a preferred frame.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
And there is as well:Precision test for the new Michelson-Morley experiments with rotating cryogenic cavities
A new ether-drift experiment in Dusseldorf is currently measuring the relative frequency shift of two cryogenic optical resonators upon active rotations of the apparatus. I point out that the observed fractional amplitude of the sidereal variations of the signal in February, Csid ~ (11 ± 2) · 10−16, is entirely consistent with the expectations based on Miller’s observations in the same epoch of the year. This leads to predict that, with future data collected in August-September, the observed sidereal variations should increase by ~ +70%, i.e. up to Csid ~ (19 ± 2) · 10−16 retaining the present normalization. This would represent clean experimental evidence for the existence of a preferred frame.
(Emphasis mine)
What do others make of this paper?

  • #38
Garth said:
And there is as well:Precision test for the new Michelson-Morley experiments with rotating cryogenic cavities

(Emphasis mine)
What do others make of this paper?

Nice try at exploiting gravitational refraction. However, regarding eqs. 4 & 5 of the paper, why wouldn't any effect due to the mass of the Earth be overwhelmed by a more than 14X greater (unobserved) effect due to the mass of the Sun? Except for an apparent sign error in eq. 5, the gravitational impact on the refractive index of the interferometric medium seems real enough, but likely to also affect the aberration of clocks/rods in the same proportion thus leaving no residual effect.

On the other hand, there is an electrostatic force imposed on the apparatus to balance the Earth's gravity which has no counterpart with respect to the Sun's gravity, nor with respect to the speed of light in vacuum. If that causes a detectable imbalance, then perhaps the effect could be amplified using a centrifuge. Thank you for the link, Garth.
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  • #39
Aether said:
I contacted Reginald Cahill today. This is what he had to say regarding the posts in this thread:

I never heard of Reginald Cahill before -- so I did a Google. The good news is that he apparently is a professor, so I presume he actually has a degree (I don't know for sure).

The bad news is that apparently the main person who cites his papers is the author himself (not a good sign),.

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  • #40
Fortunately, it is the outcome of experiments and not the number of citations to one's paper that ultimately matters to a scientist (as opposed to a theater critic). Nevertheless, when the results of any new experiment that is specifically designed to probe Cahill's assertion are published, then his paper(s) touching on the issue will be cited.

There are three basic experiments that need to be carried out in gas-mode with a variable refractive index medium (e.g., Michelson-Morley, Kennedy-Thorndyke, and Ives-Stilwell) in order to settle this matter. I am quite confident that I can do the first two experiments myself without an external funding source, and I intend to do so (unless someone else beats me to it).
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  • #41
Didn't Einstein basically admit to a preferred frame(s) in the following 1916 quote?:

The only satisfactory answer must be that the physical system consisting of S1 and S2 reveals within itself no imaginable cause to which the differing behavior of S1 and S2 can be referred. The cause must therefore lie outside the system. We have to take it that the general laws of motion...must be such that the mechanical behavior of S1 and S2 is partly conditioned, in quite essential respects, by distant masses which we have not included in the system under consideration.

Doesn't that still fit with GR?

Aether said:
why wouldn't any effect due to the mass of the Earth be overwhelmed by a more than 14X greater (unobserved) effect due to the mass of the Sun?

Uhh, for the same reason that we don't all fly off the Earth toward the sun? :confused:
  • #42
TheAntiRelative said:
Uhh, for the same reason that we don't all fly off the Earth toward the sun? :confused:
AntiRelative, gravitational force is proportional to [tex]r^{-2}[/tex], but gravitational refraction is proportional to [tex]r^{-1}[/tex]. So, we (the most fortunate inhabitants of this biosphere) feel a gravitational pull from the Earth that is about 1,666X stronger than that of the Sun, but the gravitational refraction due to the Sun's mass is around 14X stronger here than that due to the Earth's mass.
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  • #43
Aether said:
Fortunately, it is the outcome of experiments and not the number of citations to one's paper that ultimately matters to a scientist (as opposed to a theater critic). Nevertheless, when the results of any new experiment that is specifically designed to probe Cahill's assertion are published, then his paper(s) touching on the issue will be cited.

Well, I'll be more impressed with Cahill's results when there are some repeatable experimental results which back them and which don't back relativity. Currently, repeatable experimental results are all in accord with relativity.
  • #44
pervect said:
Well, I'll be more impressed with Cahill's results when there are some repeatable experimental results which back them and which don't back relativity. Currently, repeatable experimental results are all in accord with relativity.
That's fine, pervect. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
  • #45
Aether said:
That's fine, pervect. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Don't look for any new results in favor of Cahill soon. Every imaginable test of GR supports it. Which leads to stranger and stranger theories to explain why such results are actually "wrong". As pointed out previously, Cahill has stayed away from new experiments in this fundamental area because there aren't any that support his position. So he must use old, discredited work.

Sure, there may be a better theory out there. But Cahill's work is trying to turn back the clock - at least the way it appears to me. Speculation is still speculation until you turn it into something more. Work like this is entirely ad hoc - no useful or testable predictions. I would think that a reputable physicist would acknowledge the obvious and address the issues head on rather than ignore them or accuse others of not understanding. Whenever the explanation is that "the rest of the world doesn't understand my theory", well...

Meanwhile GR is used everyday with the GPS (it's useful); and every day particle accelerators fail to see any evidence of drift (in accordance with GR). I'm looking for something like this from new theory - what problem does it solve? It seems like this theory is solving an invented problem.
  • #46
DrChinese said:
Don't look for any new results in favor of Cahill soon. Every imaginable test of GR supports it. Which leads to stranger and stranger theories to explain why such results are actually "wrong". As pointed out previously, Cahill has stayed away from new experiments in this fundamental area because there aren't any that support his position. So he must use old, discredited work.

Sure, there may be a better theory out there. But Cahill's work is trying to turn back the clock - at least the way it appears to me. Speculation is still speculation until you turn it into something more. Work like this is entirely ad hoc - no useful or testable predictions. I would think that a reputable physicist would acknowledge the obvious and address the issues head on rather than ignore them or accuse others of not understanding. Whenever the explanation is that "the rest of the world doesn't understand my theory", well...

Meanwhile GR is used everyday with the GPS (it's useful); and every day particle accelerators fail to see any evidence of drift (in accordance with GR). I'm looking for something like this from new theory - what problem does it solve? It seems like this theory is solving an invented problem.

Unfortunately, DrChinese continues misunderstanding points.

The idea of that every imaginable test of GR supports GR is, of course, a joke. Well known material published in top journals like Physical Review D provides sufficient evidence on the contrary.

I would remember to "Chinese" that many supporting of GR relies in aditional asumptions, unobserved facts or ad hoc corrections of GR. For example, in the computation of Mercuri perihelion, one ignores time delay caused by retatrded potentials for maintain conservation of angular momentum. If one introduce a time delay, the orbit is destroyed, informatic programs ignore the delay. That is not i call a proof of GR. In the cosmological scale, GR asumes a 90% of unobserved misterium called dark matter, in redshift one ignores limbo variation, etc.

Your claim of that "Cahill has stayed away from new experiments in this fundamental area because there aren't any that support his position. So he must use old, discredited work" is so stupid like incorrect. DrChinese, great expertise, have your heard about the predictions of Cahill for the Prove B? He claims for an experimental distinction between GR predictions and his own predictions.

It is really interesting like others "supporters" of GR in this forum claim for refusing ideas of others on basis of experimental data. Always is ignored that some of those analisys of data are simply forced fits to save GR. Others, of course really are consistent with GR. It is also ignored, and this is very atonishing for me that actually, researchers in quantum gravity are working with the posibility of preferred frames. It is the so called scenario A) in quantum geometry:

"The relativity of inertial frames is broken and there exists a preferred frame. In this case the analysis has to be done in that preferred frame."

Curiosly, that explains the violations of the GZK bound observed in ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) detected by the AGASA experiment. In the preferred frame the violations of the GZK bounds can be explained by either E^3 or E^4 terms in the proton energy-momentum relation.

At least we agree in one point "Sure, there may be a better theory out there."

We need a new theory of gravitty, that is sure, at least if you like real fit of experimental data, without ad hoc ignoring of terms in the equations or the appeal to unobserved things like spacetime curvature. Are you measuring it anyway?

Your appeal to that GR is used everyday with the GPS may be understood like full GR is not used in GPS how any that studied the topic seriously know, similar questions on your appeal to particle accelerators.

In theory development i posted that we need:

Juan R. said:
1) A theory giving exactly the Newtonian limit in a flat Euclidean space and absolute time. “Cartan-like” covariant “reformulations” are not that.

2) A theory for gravity on a flat spacetime. Unless one can measure curved spacetime, all our experimental evidence is for flat space and time.

3) A theory explaining usual Solar system tests: perihelion, radar delay, redshift, etc.

4) A theory explaining other tests, e.g. binary stars, but without appeal to unobserved gravitational waves, etc.

5) A theory where gravity speed is infinite. The model cannot violate SR but may, at the same time, fits experimental orbiting and astronomical data on BH, binary stars, aberration, etc.

6) A theory departing from GR at extragalactic regimes explaining data and empirical laws (e.g. TF one) without ad hoc assumptions like unobserved dark matter and fine tuning with two-three parameters.

7) A theory unified with EM.

8) A theory that can be satisfactorily quantized from first principles.

9) Solving of most hard problems of cosmology: inflation, cosmological dark matter (90%!), cosmological constant, etc.

and that GR does not verify those points.
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  • #47
DrChinese said:
As pointed out previously, Cahill has stayed away from new experiments in this fundamental area because there aren't any that support his position. So he must use old, discredited work...Cahill's work is trying to turn back the clock - at least the way it appears to me. Speculation is still speculation until you turn it into something more. Work like this is entirely ad hoc - no useful or testable predictions...I'm looking for something like this from new theory - what problem does it solve?
Can you cite any experiments (old or new) that are inconsistent with [tex]\alpha(n),\ \beta(n),\ and \ \delta(n)[/tex] as described previsously?
  • #48
ohwilleke said:

The de Witte, Miller and Michelson-Morely results show the Earth to have space-speed components due to 1) its diurnal rotation (0.35 km/s), 2) its orbit around the sun (30 km/s), and 3) its movement relative to the microwave background (~400 km/s). But the Hafele-Keating time lags seem to depend on the diurnal rotation only. Can anyone explain why? Jeremy Fiennes
  • #49
Hi, Jeremy -

Welcome to Physics Forums!

The last post in this thread was in 2005. It's considered bad form here to resurrect a thread this old. Could you please start a new thread for your present question?

  • #50
bcrowell said:
Hi Ben,

sorry, I hadn't realized it was that far back. But I have answered my own question: the planes' clocks' delays are an average over a complete round trip of the Earth, so the other effects cancel out. (I'll try to think of a better one next time!) Regards, Jeremy

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