Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix

In summary, the speaker is having trouble running a system of four equations as they are getting a "near singular matrix" error. They have tried controlling for fixed effects and using the same instruments for each equation, but the issue persists. They are unsure if the problem is due to bad programming or a missing element in the theory. However, they later realize that putting the equations in a system does not solve the issue and the error goes away when they only include two equations.
  • #1
I'm doing a replication paper and having a bit of issues. The author uses 2 instruments and has 4 endogenous variables. Since he is under-identified, he runs 4 separate regressions, so that each equation has 1 overidentifying restrictions. I want to extend this and run the four equations as a system, because I'm sure that the error terms for each equation is correlated. however, every time I run this, I get a "near singular matrix" error. I have written my system below.

essentially, I control for the fixed effects for the 8 countries in my data set, schooling, and urbanization in 1850. Each equation has a different variable that measure culture (control, obedience, tolerance, and trust). I am using the same instruments of institutions and literacy for each equation. so the only difference with each equation is which culture variable is being used.


gdp_pc_ca9500= C(1)*country1 + C(2)*country15 + C(3)*country2 + C(4)*country3 + C(5)*country4 + C(6)*country5 + C(7)*country7 + C(8)*country8 + C(9)*school + C(10)*urb_1860_1850_30 + C(100)*control

gdp_pc_ca9500= C(12)*country1 + C(12)*country15 + C(14)*country2 + C(15)*country3 + C(16)*country4 + C(17)*country5 + C(18)*country7 + C(19)*country8 + C(20)*school + C(21)*urb_1860_1850_30 + C(101)*obedience

gdp_pc_ca9500= C(23)*country1 + C(24)*country15 + C(25)*country2 + C(26)*country3 + C(27)*country4 + C(28)*country5 + C(29)*country7 + C(30)*country8 + C(31)*school + C(32)*urb_1860_1850_30 + C(102)*tolerance

gdp_pc_ca9500= C(34)*country1 + C(35)*country15 + C(36)*country2 + C(37)*country3 + C(38)*country4 + C(39)*country5 + C(40)*country7 + C(41)*country8 + C(42)*school + C(43)*urb_1860_1850_30 + C(104)*trust

@inst pc_institutions literacy1880

My question is whether or not my problem lies in bad programming (if you can call eviews programming), or in something I'm missing in the theory. If I do it in 3SLS or Multiple equation Generalized method of moments, I get the near singular matrix error (which makes sense, since 3SLS is a special case of GMM).

I would appreciate any help
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  • #2
Nevermind: I figured out the problem. Putting it in a system doesn't solve the under-identification problem, and the near singular matrix issue goes away when I only included 2 of the equations/

FAQ: Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix

1. What is Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix?

Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix is a statistical software used for econometric analysis. It is specifically designed for handling three-stage least squares models, which are used to analyze causal relationships between variables in econometric models.

2. How does Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix handle near singular matrices?

Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix uses advanced numerical algorithms to handle near singular matrices. These algorithms are designed to identify and address any issues that may arise due to near singularities in the data, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

3. Can Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix handle large datasets?

Yes, Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix is capable of handling large datasets. It has been designed to handle complex and large-scale econometric models, making it suitable for use in a wide range of research projects.

4. Are there any limitations to using Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix?

As with any statistical software, there may be certain limitations to using Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix. For example, it may not be suitable for all types of econometric models or may have limitations in terms of the size of the dataset that can be analyzed. It is important to thoroughly understand the capabilities and limitations of the software before using it for any analysis.

5. Is Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix user-friendly?

Yes, Eviews 3 stage least squares near singular matrix has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use for both beginners and advanced users. It also offers a variety of tutorials and resources to help users get started with the software, making it a popular choice among researchers and analysts.

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