Evolution style algorithm to determine EOM

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discussed an algorithm that uses evolutionary principles to deduce equations of motion in systems, specifically in the case of a double pendulum. This approach, known as evolutionary computation, involves generating a population of potential solutions and selecting the best fit equations through a fitness function. Over time, the algorithm refines the equations to converge towards the true equation of motion. This approach has been successfully applied in various fields and there may be information available in open source packages.
  • #1
I had seen a documentary about an algorithm that uses notions of evolution to deduce the equation of motion of a system by sampling a variable connected with the system.

For example, they used the double pendulum case where they sampled the position of the free end of the pendulum and arrived at the equation of motion using curve fitting. For example, if there was a Π/2 in the equation, it would show up as 1.5707.

Here's my vague recollection of how they did it. They used a lot of candidate functions like, x, x^2, exp(x), exp(2x), etc. As you process the samples, some functions better fit the data than others and hence "survive" while the others "die" out. Eventually as the number of samples tends to infinity, the resultant equation tends to the true equation of motion of the system.

The algorithm is very likely in an open source package.

If anyone's heard of something like this, could you please tell me how I could find more info on it.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your interest in this algorithm. I am familiar with the concept of using evolutionary principles to deduce equations of motion in systems. This approach, known as evolutionary computation, has been used in various fields of science and engineering to solve complex problems that cannot be easily solved using traditional methods.

The algorithm you are referring to is likely a form of evolutionary computation, specifically a genetic algorithm. In this method, a population of potential solutions (represented as equations in your case) are randomly generated and evaluated using a fitness function, which in your example is the fit of the equation to the data. The equations with the highest fitness are then selected to "reproduce" and create new equations, mimicking the process of natural selection.

Over time, as the algorithm iterates and more data is processed, the equations with the best fit to the data will "survive" and be refined, eventually converging towards the true equation of motion. This approach has been successfully applied in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer science.

As for finding more information on this specific algorithm, I suggest searching for keywords such as "genetic algorithm", "equation of motion", and "double pendulum" in scientific databases or online search engines. You may also find helpful resources in open source packages or repositories related to evolutionary computation.

I hope this helps in your search for more information on this algorithm. Best of luck in your research endeavors.

Related to Evolution style algorithm to determine EOM

1. What is an Evolution style algorithm?

An Evolution style algorithm is a computational method inspired by biological evolution and natural selection. It involves creating a population of potential solutions to a problem and using genetic operators such as mutation and crossover to evolve and improve these solutions over multiple generations.

2. How does an Evolution style algorithm work?

An Evolution style algorithm starts by creating a random population of potential solutions to a problem. Each solution is evaluated and assigned a fitness value based on how well it solves the problem. The solutions with the highest fitness values are then selected to "reproduce" and create new solutions through genetic operators. This process is repeated over multiple generations until a satisfactory solution is found.

3. What is the purpose of using an Evolution style algorithm to determine EOM?

The purpose of using an Evolution style algorithm to determine EOM (Equations of Motion) is to find the most accurate and efficient mathematical model to describe the motion of a system. This is especially useful in fields such as physics and engineering, where precise and efficient EOMs are crucial for predicting and controlling the behavior of complex systems.

4. What are the advantages of using an Evolution style algorithm for EOM determination?

An Evolution style algorithm allows for a more automated and efficient approach to EOM determination compared to traditional methods. It also has the ability to handle complex and non-linear systems, as well as adapt to changing conditions and constraints. Additionally, it can potentially find more optimal solutions that may not have been discovered through manual methods.

5. Are there any limitations to using an Evolution style algorithm for EOM determination?

While Evolution style algorithms can be powerful tools for EOM determination, they do have some limitations. These algorithms may require a large amount of computational resources and time to converge to a satisfactory solution. Additionally, the quality of the final solution may be dependent on the initial population and selection of genetic operators used. Human intervention and tuning may still be necessary for fine-tuning the results.

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