Evolution Theory: Incomplete Ideas

In summary: Therefore, your statement is false.In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of evolution and the role of diversity and natural selection in it. The conversation also touches upon the importance of points and the use of geometry in understanding evolution. The participants question each other's theories and provide counterarguments, ultimately leading to a humorous exchange.
  • #1
Edit. My ideas are incomplete.
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  • #2

Will anyone join me for a big "WTF?!"?
  • #3
  • #4
Yes, but what kind of cookies?

MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm. Coooookies.
  • #5
Ok, I was going to ask WTF? But I thought maybe he meant, in a very weird way, that we needed diversity to survive.
  • #6
I think that (s)he's been infected by Doug Moon.
  • #7
Actually I think he meant we need to create points to survive. In otherwords we need to become a load of social darwinist spartans.
  • #8
Originally posted by russ_watters
Yes, but what kind of cookies?

maybe he means the Internet type cookies
  • #9
Originally posted by b11ngoo
Evolution exists by people living out their desire to eat cookies. It is the same for sex, or value of velvet paintings, etc...

sooo let me get this straight...
If I don't have sex I'll evolve?
What kind of evolution are you referring to?
  • #10
Originally posted by b11ngoo
Unified evolution. The unity of 1 person who lives to drink health shakes, carve a totem, look at picture books. And of course have children. But evolution is unified by diversity, right now. Diversity in the points chosen, point I mean.

If I like to climb cliffs. My evolution of life will kill me if I fall. Evolution has happened.

Points chosen evolve the world through diversification. Diversication is dead with no point differing from another.

Points are not defined in geometry. So there is no one point to legally say is the point to be. Just points that are diversified is legally justifiable. Based on diversity needing points differing to diversify.

Lets see here...

Evolution is driven by natural selection, not geometry or ganja cookies. Points don't evolve, life does. Your right, people aren't defined by geometry? I like to climb cliffs and I have fallen a couple times yet evolution has not killed me(obviously).

The vocabulary of your "theory" needs to be more cleary defined, but in order for that to happen, you would probably have to know what you are talking about.
  • #11
Originally posted by b11ngoo
So in other words. Evolution is without a unified meathod ? We exist by chaos greater than predicted because of that, a natural selection chaos.

And geometry is nonsense. Natural selection proves it to be so.

And your strong. You have fallen down and survived.

I got what you were saying right ?

First, define a "unified method" and tell me why evolution should/does follow your "unified method". Secondly, provide some sort of geometrical proof of what you say, you can't just say "this is true because of geometry!" you must actually show data or mathemetical evidence that supports your theory.

I am pretty strong though, I've got a hard head too.
  • #12
Originally posted by b11ngoo
You want a formula I take it. One that uses points, geometric points and defines a unified meathod.


Please refer to that link. If you would be so kind as to dispute and destroy that formula. I would like you to do that. Please.

I used such meathod to explain that evolution uses the point as well.

Well. Go on. Get wrecking my formula.

I have a most conclusive mathematical proof proving that your statement is false..

Alpha + beta - oranges = One happy monkey.

As you can see here, it is obvious that your statement is wrong. I would perhaps try a different angle if I were you.
  • #13
Originally posted by b11ngoo

I hold that my postulate is just as valid as yours.

FAQ: Evolution Theory: Incomplete Ideas

1. What is the theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution is a scientific explanation for how species have changed and diversified over time. It states that all living organisms share a common ancestor and have evolved through the process of natural selection and genetic variation.

2. Is evolution a fact or just a theory?

Evolution is both a fact and a theory. The fact of evolution is the observation that species have changed over time. The theory of evolution is the explanation for how and why this change occurs.

3. What evidence supports the theory of evolution?

There are many lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution, including the fossil record, genetic and molecular evidence, anatomical similarities among different species, and observed instances of evolution in action.

4. How does evolution explain the diversity of life on Earth?

Through the process of natural selection, organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring. Over time, this leads to the diversification of species and the development of new characteristics.

5. Is evolution compatible with religious beliefs?

Many religious beliefs are not in conflict with the theory of evolution. While some may interpret religious texts as a literal account of creation, others see them as symbolic or metaphorical. The theory of evolution does not address the existence of a higher power, but rather explains the natural processes by which species have changed over time.

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