Evolving with skin stronger than bone

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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of an organism evolving with skin stronger than bone. It is mentioned that this is part of the survival strategy of many insects, and technically, their exoskeleton serves as their skin. However, it is questioned whether an organism can evolve with a strong skin to support its form rather than an internal skeleton, with the example of human skin having similar properties to rubber or elasticity. It is also considered whether a humanoid with stronger skin than bone would injure itself while moving. The conversation concludes that it may be possible for an endoskeleton to evolve softer than skin, but it would need to resist deformation to support the organism's weight.
  • #1
Physics quest
Is it possible for an organism to evolve with skin stronger than bone? theoretically? As in, a humanoid only instead of strong bones, it has strong skin? Would that make sense biologically?

Thank you for any aid!
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't know about a humanoid, but this is part of the survival strategy of many insects. It's called an exoskeleton.
  • #3
Technically though is not the exoskeleton a skeleton? Just its on the outside rather than inside?
  • #4
Yes, and it serves as their skin. This is what you were, asking no? Whether an organism can evolve with a strong skin to support its form rather than an internal skeleton?
  • #5
Aye I suppose, when I say skin i was thinking of like human skin, I was wondering if something would have human skin with similar properties to skin, e.g. a rubbery/elastic healing substance that has higher tensile strength/pressure resistance than bone.

Like would it be possible for a persons endoskeleton to evolve softer than their skin, which would be comparatively harder to bone? Would said entity injure itself upon moving because would its skin, if stronger than bone and muslce rip those tendons and what not on movement?

Sorry for weird question, just something I was thinking of.
  • #6
I'm not sure it is possible to have any material that is softer than skin and harder than bone. This is like saying it is more dense than steel but less dense than water.
  • #7
So if humans constantly physically evolved and a byproduct of that was their skin was tougher, eventually would bones have to grow to support the toughness of the skin?
  • #8
I don't know. It depends on the requirements of their environments. I don't see evolving tougher skin as practical, as it would limit mobility.

Pick up a copy of Campbell's "Biology" if you would like to explore the topic more seriously.
  • #9
Thanks Crador, may well do that and thank you again for your aid.
  • #10
Physics quest said:
Aye I suppose, when I say skin i was thinking of like human skin, I was wondering if something would have human skin with similar properties to skin, e.g. a rubbery/elastic healing substance that has higher tensile strength/pressure resistance than bone.

Like would it be possible for a persons endoskeleton to evolve softer than their skin, which would be comparatively harder to bone?

Well, just look at turtles, armadillos, and other similar animals. It certainly appears that this could happen given the right circumstances. I'm not sure the skin would retain all the properties you're asking about, as the it would need to resist deformation enough to support the person's wait. It's hard to make good load bearing structures out of material that has high elasticity.

Would said entity injure itself upon moving because would its skin, if stronger than bone and muslce rip those tendons and what not on movement?

Evolution isn't going to evolve a species who injure themselves just by moving, so no, that's not going to happen. (At least, not by natural selection)

FAQ: Evolving with skin stronger than bone

1. What is "Evolving with skin stronger than bone"?

"Evolving with skin stronger than bone" refers to a hypothetical scenario where a species evolves to have skin that is stronger and more durable than its bones. This would be a significant adaptation, as bones are typically considered the strongest tissue in the human body.

2. Is it possible for a species to evolve with skin stronger than bone?

While there are some animals that have very tough and durable skin, such as the scales of a crocodile, it is highly unlikely for a species to evolve to have skin that is stronger than its bones. Bones are necessary for structural support and movement, and it would be difficult for skin to fulfill these functions in the same way.

3. What would be the advantages of having skin stronger than bone?

Having skin stronger than bone could potentially provide greater protection against physical injuries and external threats. It could also allow for a more efficient and streamlined body structure, as the bones would not need to bear as much weight or provide as much support.

4. Are there any examples of animals with skin stronger than bone?

There are some animals that have incredibly tough and resilient skin, such as the armored plates of an armadillo or the scales of a pangolin. However, these animals still rely on their bones for support and movement, and their skin is not truly stronger than their bones.

5. How does natural selection play a role in the evolution of skin strength?

Natural selection is a fundamental mechanism of evolution, and it would play a role in the development of stronger skin. If a species were to face selective pressures that favored individuals with stronger skin, then over time, those traits would be passed down to future generations, leading to the evolution of skin that is more durable and resilient.
