Exact Sequences and Noetherian Rings - Proposition 3.1.2 - Berrick and Keating

In summary: A$ to $B$, and from $B$ to $C$, respectively.So if you are given a map from $C$ to $A$, and a map from $C$ to $B$, you can "glue" them together (compose them, really) to get a map from $C$ to $C$ (namely, the "right" map at the middle of the sequence).You can also "split" a sequence:$0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$by finding a "right inverse" to the map $B \to C$ (i.e. a map $C \to B$ that composes with $B \to
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading the book "An Introduction to Rings and Modules with K-theory in View" by A.J. Berrick and M.E. Keating ... ...

I am currently focused on Chapter 3; Noetherian Rings and Polynomial Rings.

I need help with the proof of Proposition 3.1.2.

The statement and proof of Proposition 3.1.2 reads as follows (pages 109-110):https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/4839
https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/4840In the above text (at the start of the proof), Berrick and Keating write:" ... ... Suppose that \(\displaystyle M\) is Noetherian. A submodule of \(\displaystyle M'\) is isomorphic to a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\), and so is finitely generated. ... ... "I have two questions ... ...

Question 1

How do we demonstrate, formally and rigorously, that there exists a submodule of \(\displaystyle M'\) that is isomorphic to a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\) ... ... ?Question 2

How, exactly (that is, formally and rigorously), do we know that the submodule of \(\displaystyle M'\) (which is isomorphic to a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\)) is finitely generated ... (I know it sounds plausible ... but ... what is the formal demonstration of this fact) ... ..Hope someone can help ...

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  • #2
By exactness, $\text{ker }\alpha = \{0\}$, so $\alpha$ is injective. That is: $\alpha(M') \cong M'$.

So if $N'$ is a submodule of $M'$, then $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $\alpha(M') \subseteq M$ isomorphic to $N'$.

It sounds as if your text author is using the *definition*:

A right $R$-module is Noetherian if any submodule is finitely-generated.

Since $M$ is Noetherian, and $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $M$, it follows that $\alpha(N')$ is finitely-generated, and so if $\{m_1,\dots,m_n\}$ is a finite generating set for $\alpha(N')$, then $\{\alpha^{-1}(m_1),\dots,\alpha^{-1}(m_n)\}$ is likewise a finite generating set for $N'$.
  • #3
Deveno said:
By exactness, $\text{ker }\alpha = \{0\}$, so $\alpha$ is injective. That is: $\alpha(M') \cong M'$.

So if $N'$ is a submodule of $M'$, then $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $\alpha(M') \subseteq M$ isomorphic to $N'$.

It sounds as if your text author is using the *definition*:

A right $R$-module is Noetherian if any submodule is finitely-generated.

Since $M$ is Noetherian, and $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $M$, it follows that $\alpha(N')$ is finitely-generated, and so if $\{m_1,\dots,m_n\}$ is a finite generating set for $\alpha(N')$, then $\{\alpha^{-1}(m_1),\dots,\alpha^{-1}(m_n)\}$ is likewise a finite generating set for $N'$.
Thanks Deveno ... will be working through this shortly ...

Appreciate your help ...

I obviously need to revise exact sequences ...

  • #4
Deveno said:
By exactness, $\text{ker }\alpha = \{0\}$, so $\alpha$ is injective. That is: $\alpha(M') \cong M'$.

So if $N'$ is a submodule of $M'$, then $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $\alpha(M') \subseteq M$ isomorphic to $N'$.

It sounds as if your text author is using the *definition*:

A right $R$-module is Noetherian if any submodule is finitely-generated.

Since $M$ is Noetherian, and $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $M$, it follows that $\alpha(N')$ is finitely-generated, and so if $\{m_1,\dots,m_n\}$ is a finite generating set for $\alpha(N')$, then $\{\alpha^{-1}(m_1),\dots,\alpha^{-1}(m_n)\}$ is likewise a finite generating set for $N'$.
Hi Deveno,

Just reflecting on your post ... making sure I fully understand what you have said ...

You write:

"... ... By exactness, $\text{ker }\alpha = \{0\}$, so $\alpha$ is injective. That is: $\alpha(M') \cong M'$. ... ... "

Could you explain exactly how/why it is the case that $\alpha$ being injective leads to $\alpha(M') \cong M'$ ... ...

Sorry to be a bit slow, but do need some clarification/explanation ... ...

  • #5
Peter said:
Hi Deveno,

Just reflecting on your post ... making sure I fully understand what you have said ...

You write:

"... ... By exactness, $\text{ker }\alpha = \{0\}$, so $\alpha$ is injective. That is: $\alpha(M') \cong M'$. ... ... "

Could you explain exactly how/why it is the case that $\alpha$ being injective leads to $\alpha(M') \cong M'$ ... ...

Sorry to be a bit slow, but do need some clarification/explanation ... ...


Hmm ... reflecting some more ...

To try to answer my own question ...

... ... to show that $\alpha(M') \cong M'$ we need to demonstrate an injective and surjective mapping between \(\displaystyle \alpha(M')\) and \(\displaystyle M'\) ... ...

BUT ... \(\displaystyle \alpha\) itself is such a mapping ... since it is injective by definition of the exactness of the sequence concerned ... and, further, is of course, surjective on its image \(\displaystyle \alpha(M')\) ...

Is that correct?

  • #6

You see, the "exactness" of a short exact sequence:

$0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$

tells us a great deal.

First of all, $R$-modules have a "zero object" (the trivial module), for which there is only ONE possible $R$-linear map:

$0 \to A$ (namely, sending the only element of the trivial module to the additive identity of $A$).

There is also only one possible $R$-linear map $C \to 0$ (namely, the one that kills everything).

Exactness at the portion $0 \to A \to B$, means the map from $A$ to $B$ is injective, since the image of $A$ is the kernel of the map $0 \to A$, which is the $0$ of $A$.

Exactness of the portion $B \to C \to 0$ means the map $B \to C$ is surjective, since the kernel of the map $C \to 0$ is all of $C$, and this is (by exactness) the image of $B$.

Finally, exactness at the portion $A \to B \to C$ tells us that $C \cong B/\text{im }A$, by the fundamental isomorphism theorem.

In essence then, a short exact sequence embodies (up to isomorphism) the "canonical" short exact sequence:

$0 \to N \to M \to M/N \to 0$ (where $N \subseteq M$).

Typically, this let's us "transfer" information about $M$ to any $R$-module isomorphic to a submodule of $M$, and in certain cases, allows us to "recover" (or "reconstitute") information about a homomorphic image of $M$ by looking at pre-images under the homomorphism.
  • #7
Deveno said:

You see, the "exactness" of a short exact sequence:

$0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$

tells us a great deal.

First of all, $R$-modules have a "zero object" (the trivial module), for which there is only ONE possible $R$-linear map:

$0 \to A$ (namely, sending the only element of the trivial module to the additive identity of $A$).

There is also only one possible $R$-linear map $C \to 0$ (namely, the one that kills everything).

Exactness at the portion $0 \to A \to B$, means the map from $A$ to $B$ is injective, since the image of $A$ is the kernel of the map $0 \to A$, which is the $0$ of $A$.

Exactness of the portion $B \to C \to 0$ means the map $B \to C$ is surjective, since the kernel of the map $C \to 0$ is all of $C$, and this is (by exactness) the image of $B$.

Finally, exactness at the portion $A \to B \to C$ tells us that $C \cong B/\text{im }A$, by the fundamental isomorphism theorem.

In essence then, a short exact sequence embodies (up to isomorphism) the "canonical" short exact sequence:

$0 \to N \to M \to M/N \to 0$ (where $N \subseteq M$).

Typically, this let's us "transfer" information about $M$ to any $R$-module isomorphic to a submodule of $M$, and in certain cases, allows us to "recover" (or "reconstitute") information about a homomorphic image of $M$ by looking at pre-images under the homomorphism.
Thanks for the brief tutorial, Deveno ...

Most helpful indeed ...

Thanks again,

  • #8
Deveno said:
By exactness, $\text{ker }\alpha = \{0\}$, so $\alpha$ is injective. That is: $\alpha(M') \cong M'$.

So if $N'$ is a submodule of $M'$, then $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $\alpha(M') \subseteq M$ isomorphic to $N'$.

It sounds as if your text author is using the *definition*:

A right $R$-module is Noetherian if any submodule is finitely-generated.

Since $M$ is Noetherian, and $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of $M$, it follows that $\alpha(N')$ is finitely-generated, and so if $\{m_1,\dots,m_n\}$ is a finite generating set for $\alpha(N')$, then $\{\alpha^{-1}(m_1),\dots,\alpha^{-1}(m_n)\}$ is likewise a finite generating set for $N'$.
Hi Deveno,

Just a further point of clarification and assurance ...

You write:

" ... ... if $N'$ is a submodule of $M'$, then $\alpha(N')$ is a submodule of \(\displaystyle \alpha(M')\) ... ... "I have worked through the details and convinced myself that this is true ...

BUT ... you go on to claim that \(\displaystyle \alpha(N')\) is a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\) ...

My question is ... where/how have we shown that \(\displaystyle \alpha(N')\) is a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\) ... ?... ... ... ...

... reflecting ... presumably ... a submodule of a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\) ... is a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\) ... ... (it seems so from the definition of a submodule) ...

Is that correct?

  • #9

FAQ: Exact Sequences and Noetherian Rings - Proposition 3.1.2 - Berrick and Keating

1. What is the significance of Proposition 3.1.2 in Berrick and Keating's work on Exact Sequences and Noetherian Rings?

The significance of Proposition 3.1.2 is that it provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence of modules to be exact. This is important because exact sequences play a crucial role in many areas of mathematics, including algebraic geometry and homological algebra.

2. Can you explain the statement of Proposition 3.1.2 in Berrick and Keating's work?

Proposition 3.1.2 states that in a sequence of modules, if the image of one module is contained in the kernel of the next, and the homomorphism between them is surjective, then the sequence is exact. In other words, the image and kernel of each module in the sequence fit together perfectly, allowing for a seamless chain of homomorphisms.

3. How does Proposition 3.1.2 relate to Noetherian rings?

Proposition 3.1.2 is specifically about Noetherian rings, which are commutative rings that satisfy the ascending chain condition for ideals. This condition guarantees that the sequence of modules will eventually stabilize, allowing for the exactness of the sequence.

4. What are some examples of applications of Proposition 3.1.2 in mathematics?

Proposition 3.1.2 has many applications in areas such as algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and homological algebra. For example, it can be used to prove the long exact sequence of a cohomology functor, or to show that certain algebraic varieties are isomorphic.

5. Is Proposition 3.1.2 a difficult concept to understand?

The statement of Proposition 3.1.2 may seem complex at first, but with a solid understanding of basic algebraic structures and terminology, it can be easily grasped. It is a fundamental result in the study of exact sequences and Noetherian rings, and its proof is straightforward and follows directly from the definitions.
