Exact Sequences - Dummit and Foote Ch 10 - Proposition 29

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In summary: F(f)(d) + F(g)(d)$for any $f, g \in \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$ and any $d \in D$.Now, it is straightforward to check that this is a module homomorphism. To see this, suppose we have some $g' \in \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$ such that $F(g')(d)e F(g)(d)$. Then, by definition, $F(f+g')(d)e F(f)(d) + F(g)(d)$, so $F(f+g')
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote, Section 10.5 : Exact Sequences - Projective, Injective and Flat Modules.

I am studying Proposition 29 (D&F, page 388)

I need some help in order to fully understand the proof of the last statement of Proposition 29.

Proposition 29 and its proof (Ch 10, D&F page 388) reads as follows:

View attachment 2494

As can be seen above, in the proof, D&F define \(\displaystyle \pi_1 \pi_2, f, \pi_1 \circ f text{ and } \pi_2 \circ f \) and then state the following:

"This defines a map from \(\displaystyle Hom_R (D, L \oplus N) \) to \(\displaystyle Hom_R ( D, L ) \oplus Hom_R ( D, N )\) which is easily seen to be a homomorphism.

Can someone please help me to see explicitly and formally how the definitions of MATH] \pi_1 \pi_2, f, \pi_1 \circ f text{ and } \pi_2 \circ f [/MATH] lead to such a map and also help me to determine an explicit expression/formala for this homomorphism?

Hope someone can help.

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  • #2
Peter said:
I am reading Dummit and Foote, Section 10.5 : Exact Sequences - Projective, Injective and Flat Modules.

I am studying Proposition 29 (D&F, page 388)

I need some help in order to fully understand the proof of the last statement of Proposition 29.

Proposition 29 and its proof (Ch 10, D&F page 388) reads as follows:

View attachment 2494

As can be seen above, in the proof, D&F define \(\displaystyle \pi_1 \pi_2, f, \pi_1 \circ f text{ and } \pi_2 \circ f \) and then state the following:

"This defines a map from \(\displaystyle Hom_R (D, L \oplus N) \) to \(\displaystyle Hom_R ( D, L ) \oplus Hom_R ( D, N )\) which is easily seen to be a homomorphism.

Can someone please help me to see explicitly and formally how the definitions of MATH] \pi_1 \pi_2, f, \pi_1 \circ f text{ and } \pi_2 \circ f [/MATH] lead to such a map and also help me to determine an explicit expression/formala for this homomorphism?

Hope someone can help.

I have reflected on my post above and believe I have a (tentative) idea of the map referred to be D&F:

I believe one should proceed as follows:

Let \(\displaystyle \pi_1 : \ L \oplus N \to L \) where \(\displaystyle \pi_1 ( ( l_1, n_1)) = l_1 \)

and let \(\displaystyle \pi_2 : \ L \oplus N \to N \) where \(\displaystyle \pi_2 ( ( l_1, n_1)) = n_1 \)

Now let \(\displaystyle f : \ D \to L \oplus N \) where \(\displaystyle F(d) = ((l_1, n_1)) \)

Thus we have the following:

\(\displaystyle \pi_1 \circ f : \ D \to L \text{ where } \pi_1( f (d) ) = \pi_1 ( ( l_1 , n_1) ) = l_1 \)


\(\displaystyle \pi_2 \circ f : \ D \to L \text{ where } \pi_2( f (d) ) = \pi_2 ( ( l_1 , n_1) ) = n_1 \)

Now we can define what I believe to be the required homomorphism, as follows:

Let \(\displaystyle F : \ Hom_R (D, L \oplus N) \to Hom_R ( D, L ) \oplus Hom_R ( D, N ) \text{ where } F(f) = ( \pi_1 \circ f , \pi_2 \circ f ) \)

Can someone please confirm that F is the required map?

Still have to show that \(\displaystyle F\) is a homomorphism but I am slightly perplexed as to the details of this task.

To show \(\displaystyle F\) is a module homomorphism, we must show that

\(\displaystyle F(f + g) = F(f) + F(g) \) where \(\displaystyle f, g \in Hom_R (D, L \oplus N ) \)


\(\displaystyle F (rf) = rF(f)\) for \(\displaystyle r \in R \)

BUT ... how to do this?

Can someone please help?

  • #3
In categorical language, we are saying we have a FUNCTOR:

$H: R-\mathbf{Mod} \to R-\mathbf{Mod}$

given on objects by:

$H(M) = \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$

and on arrows (maps), by:

for $\psi:M \to N, H(\psi) = \psi'$, where for any $f \in \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$ we have $\psi'(f) = \psi \circ f$.

This is often called "the pullback of $\psi$ by $f$" (allowing us to "modify" $\psi$ so its domain is now "pulled back" to $D$), and the functor $H$ is often called $\text{Hom}_R(D,-)$ (an example of a "hom-functor").

If you are going to be reading more on this subject in other texts, it might be wise to assimilate some of this language now. I note in passing that this type of construction lies at the heart of the "chain rule" that proves to be such a stumbling block for many first-year calculus students. You may find it enlightening to consider what changes if we have a common "target":

$M \to \text{Hom}_R(M,D)$


In any case, as with most "hom-functors", showing we have the requisite morphism properties is so "work-a-day" that the proofs are often entirely omitted. To start with, we assume an arbitrary $d \in D$. Then:

$F(f+g)(d) = [(\pi_1\circ(f+g))\times(\pi_2\circ(f+g))](d) = (\pi_1((f+g)(d)),\pi_2((f+g)(d)))$

$= (\pi_1(f(d)+g(d)),\pi_2(f(d)+g(d)) = (\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d))) + (\pi_1(g(d)),\pi_2(g(d)))$

$= [(\pi_1 \circ f) \times (\pi_2 \circ f)](d) + [(\pi_1 \circ g) \times (p_2 \circ g)](d) = F(f)(d) + F(g)(d) = (F(f) + F(g))(d)$.

And, for any $r \in R$:

$F(rf)(d) = [(\pi_1 \circ (rf)) \times (pi_2 \circ (rf))](d) = (\pi_1((rf)(d)), \pi_2((rf)(d)))$

$= (pi_1(r(f(d))),\pi_2(r(f(d)))) = (r\pi_1(f(d)),r\pi_2(f(d))) = r(\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d)))$

$= r[(\pi_1 \circ f) \times (\pi_2 \circ f)](d) = r(F(f(d)) = (rF)(f)(d)$.

Note that your $F$ is really just $\pi_1' \times \pi_2'$, where $\pi_1,\pi_2$ are the canonical projection homomorphisms, so in shorter language we are asserting:

$\pi_1' \times \pi_2' = (\pi_1 \times \pi_2)'$


Imagine diagrams between the (single) modules lying "flat" on a surface, with $D$ lying in space above them. Each diagram is then augmented with an arrow from $D$ down to the modules lying below. The commutative triangle diagrams (from the common source $D$) we obtain from each arrow on the flat surface can be "stitched together" (composed) by identifying "matching edges".

In particular, we can make the diagram corresponding to the two projection maps:

$L \leftarrow L \oplus N \rightarrow N$

and "pulling this back to $D$", gives us two "commutative triangles" which serve the same function in the hom-sets as the projection maps do on the modules. By the universal property of the product construction:

$\text{Hom}_R(D,L \oplus N) \cong \text{Hom}_R(D,L) \oplus \text{Hom}_R(D,N)$
  • #4
Deveno said:
In categorical language, we are saying we have a FUNCTOR:

$H: R-\mathbf{Mod} \to R-\mathbf{Mod}$

given on objects by:

$H(M) = \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$

and on arrows (maps), by:

for $\psi:M \to N, H(\psi) = \psi'$, where for any $f \in \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$ we have $\psi'(f) = \psi \circ f$.

This is often called "the pullback of $\psi$ by $f$" (allowing us to "modify" $\psi$ so its domain is now "pulled back" to $D$), and the functor $H$ is often called $\text{Hom}_R(D,-)$ (an example of a "hom-functor").

If you are going to be reading more on this subject in other texts, it might be wise to assimilate some of this language now. I note in passing that this type of construction lies at the heart of the "chain rule" that proves to be such a stumbling block for many first-year calculus students. You may find it enlightening to consider what changes if we have a common "target":

$M \to \text{Hom}_R(M,D)$


In any case, as with most "hom-functors", showing we have the requisite morphism properties is so "work-a-day" that the proofs are often entirely omitted. To start with, we assume an arbitrary $d \in D$. Then:

$F(f+g)(d) = [(\pi_1\circ(f+g))\times(\pi_2\circ(f+g))](d) = (\pi_1((f+g)(d)),\pi_2((f+g)(d)))$

$= (\pi_1(f(d)+g(d)),\pi_2(f(d)+g(d)) = (\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d))) + (\pi_1(g(d)),\pi_2(g(d)))$

$= [(\pi_1 \circ f) \times (\pi_2 \circ f)](d) + [(\pi_1 \circ g) \times (p_2 \circ g)](d) = F(f)(d) + F(g)(d) = (F(f) + F(g))(d)$.

And, for any $r \in R$:

$F(rf)(d) = [(\pi_1 \circ (rf)) \times (pi_2 \circ (rf))](d) = (\pi_1((rf)(d)), \pi_2((rf)(d)))$

$= (pi_1(r(f(d))),\pi_2(r(f(d)))) = (r\pi_1(f(d)),r\pi_2(f(d))) = r(\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d)))$

$= r[(\pi_1 \circ f) \times (\pi_2 \circ f)](d) = r(F(f(d)) = (rF)(f)(d)$.

Note that your $F$ is really just $\pi_1' \times \pi_2'$, where $\pi_1,\pi_2$ are the canonical projection homomorphisms, so in shorter language we are asserting:

$\pi_1' \times \pi_2' = (\pi_1 \times \pi_2)'$


Imagine diagrams between the (single) modules lying "flat" on a surface, with $D$ lying in space above them. Each diagram is then augmented with an arrow from $D$ down to the modules lying below. The commutative triangle diagrams (from the common source $D$) we obtain from each arrow on the flat surface can be "stitched together" (composed) by identifying "matching edges".

In particular, we can make the diagram corresponding to the two projection maps:

$L \leftarrow L \oplus N \rightarrow N$

and "pulling this back to $D$", gives us two "commutative triangles" which serve the same function in the hom-sets as the projection maps do on the modules. By the universal property of the product construction:

$\text{Hom}_R(D,L \oplus N) \cong \text{Hom}_R(D,L) \oplus \text{Hom}_R(D,N)$
Thanks so much for the help Deveno ... Just working through your post now ...

  • #5
Deveno said:
In categorical language, we are saying we have a FUNCTOR:

$H: R-\mathbf{Mod} \to R-\mathbf{Mod}$

given on objects by:

$H(M) = \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$

and on arrows (maps), by:

for $\psi:M \to N, H(\psi) = \psi'$, where for any $f \in \text{Hom}_R(D,M)$ we have $\psi'(f) = \psi \circ f$.

This is often called "the pullback of $\psi$ by $f$" (allowing us to "modify" $\psi$ so its domain is now "pulled back" to $D$), and the functor $H$ is often called $\text{Hom}_R(D,-)$ (an example of a "hom-functor").

If you are going to be reading more on this subject in other texts, it might be wise to assimilate some of this language now. I note in passing that this type of construction lies at the heart of the "chain rule" that proves to be such a stumbling block for many first-year calculus students. You may find it enlightening to consider what changes if we have a common "target":

$M \to \text{Hom}_R(M,D)$


In any case, as with most "hom-functors", showing we have the requisite morphism properties is so "work-a-day" that the proofs are often entirely omitted. To start with, we assume an arbitrary $d \in D$. Then:

$F(f+g)(d) = [(\pi_1\circ(f+g))\times(\pi_2\circ(f+g))](d) = (\pi_1((f+g)(d)),\pi_2((f+g)(d)))$

$= (\pi_1(f(d)+g(d)),\pi_2(f(d)+g(d)) = (\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d))) + (\pi_1(g(d)),\pi_2(g(d)))$

$= [(\pi_1 \circ f) \times (\pi_2 \circ f)](d) + [(\pi_1 \circ g) \times (p_2 \circ g)](d) = F(f)(d) + F(g)(d) = (F(f) + F(g))(d)$.

And, for any $r \in R$:

$F(rf)(d) = [(\pi_1 \circ (rf)) \times (pi_2 \circ (rf))](d) = (\pi_1((rf)(d)), \pi_2((rf)(d)))$

$= (pi_1(r(f(d))),\pi_2(r(f(d)))) = (r\pi_1(f(d)),r\pi_2(f(d))) = r(\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d)))$

$= r[(\pi_1 \circ f) \times (\pi_2 \circ f)](d) = r(F(f(d)) = (rF)(f)(d)$.

Note that your $F$ is really just $\pi_1' \times \pi_2'$, where $\pi_1,\pi_2$ are the canonical projection homomorphisms, so in shorter language we are asserting:

$\pi_1' \times \pi_2' = (\pi_1 \times \pi_2)'$


Imagine diagrams between the (single) modules lying "flat" on a surface, with $D$ lying in space above them. Each diagram is then augmented with an arrow from $D$ down to the modules lying below. The commutative triangle diagrams (from the common source $D$) we obtain from each arrow on the flat surface can be "stitched together" (composed) by identifying "matching edges".

In particular, we can make the diagram corresponding to the two projection maps:

$L \leftarrow L \oplus N \rightarrow N$

and "pulling this back to $D$", gives us two "commutative triangles" which serve the same function in the hom-sets as the projection maps do on the modules. By the universal property of the product construction:

$\text{Hom}_R(D,L \oplus N) \cong \text{Hom}_R(D,L) \oplus \text{Hom}_R(D,N)$

Thanks again for the help Deveno ...

Can you demonstrate explicitly why the following step in your reasoning is justified:

$= (\pi_1(f(d)+g(d)),\pi_2(f(d)+g(d)) = (\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d))) + (\pi_1(g(d)),\pi_2(g(d)))$

Would appreciate help regarding the reason why this step is valid.

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  • #6
Peter said:
Thanks again for the help Deveno ...

Can you demonstrate explicitly why the following step in your reasoning is justified:

$= (\pi_1(f(d)+g(d)),\pi_2(f(d)+g(d)) =

Would appreciate help regarding the reason why this step is valid.

Just been reflecting on my own question ... and believe I have seen the reason (which I have to say appears to be quite straightforward ...)

We have

\(\displaystyle = (\pi_1(f(d)+g(d)),\pi_2(f(d)+g(d)) = (\pi_1(f(d)) + \pi_1(g(d), \pi_2(f(d)) + \pi_2(g(d)))\)

\(\displaystyle = (\pi_1(f(d)),\pi_2(f(d))) + (\pi_1(g(d)),\pi_2(g(d))) \)

since \(\displaystyle (x_1 + x_2, y_1 + y_2) = (x_1, y_1) + (x_2, y_2) \) by the definition of component-wise addition.

Can you confirm this is OK?

It is pretty simple and looks OK ... but just to be sure ...

  • #7
That is correct.

Related to Exact Sequences - Dummit and Foote Ch 10 - Proposition 29

1. What is an exact sequence in mathematics?

An exact sequence is a sequence of mathematical objects, such as groups or modules, connected by homomorphisms in a way that the image of one object equals the kernel of the next. This means that the composition of consecutive homomorphisms is always zero.

2. How is an exact sequence useful in mathematics?

Exact sequences are useful in many areas of mathematics, particularly in algebra and topology. They allow us to study the relationship between different mathematical objects and understand how they are connected. They also help us solve problems and prove theorems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps.

3. What is the difference between an exact sequence and a short exact sequence?

A short exact sequence is a specific type of exact sequence where the first and last objects are trivial (i.e. the identity element or zero element). This means that there are no non-trivial homomorphisms between these objects, making the sequence shorter and easier to work with.

4. How do you determine if a sequence is exact?

To determine if a sequence is exact, you need to check if the image of one object is equal to the kernel of the next object. This can be done by applying the homomorphisms in the sequence and checking if the resulting elements are equal. If they are, then the sequence is exact.

5. Can you give an example of an exact sequence?

One example of an exact sequence is the sequence of abelian groups: 0 → ℤ → ℤ/2ℤ → ℤ/2ℤ → 0, where the first and last objects are the trivial group 0, and the middle object is the group of integers modulo 2. The homomorphisms in this sequence are the natural inclusion map and the modulo 2 map, and they satisfy the condition that the image of one object equals the kernel of the next.

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