Exact Sequences - Lifting Homomorphisms - D&F Ch 10 - Theorem 28

In summary: Dummit and Foote, the statement "F = \psi' (F')" implies that "\phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi' ( F' (d)))", but this is not always the case. A helpful way to see the sequence 10 as being a cone with a base at 0 and an apex at D is provided by micromass on the Linear and Abstract Algebra forum of the Physics forum.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote, Chapter 10, Section 10.5, Exact Sequences - Projective, Injective and Flat Modules.

I need help with a minor step of D&F, Chapter 10, Theorem 28 on liftings of homomorphisms.

In the proof of the first part of the theorem (see image below) D&F make the following statement:


Conversely, if F is in the image of \(\displaystyle \psi'\) then \(\displaystyle F = \psi' (F') \) for some \(\displaystyle F' \in Hom_R (D, L) \) and so \(\displaystyle \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi ( F' (d))) \) for any \(\displaystyle d \in D\). ...


My problem is that surely \(\displaystyle F = \psi' (F') \) implies that \(\displaystyle \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi' ( F' (d))) \) and NOT \(\displaystyle \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi ( F' (d))) \)?

Hoping someone can help>

Theorem 28 and the first part of the proof read as follows:



NOTE: This has also been posted on the Physics Forums in the forum Linear and Abstract Algebra.
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  • #2
Peter said:
I am reading Dummit and Foote, Chapter 10, Section 10.5, Exact Sequences - Projective, Injective and Flat Modules.

I need help with a minor step of D&F, Chapter 10, Theorem 28 on liftings of homomorphisms.

In the proof of the first part of the theorem (see image below) D&F make the following statement:


Conversely, if F is in the image of \(\displaystyle \psi'\) then \(\displaystyle F = \psi' (F') \) for some \(\displaystyle F' \in Hom_R (D, L) \) and so \(\displaystyle \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi ( F' (d))) \) for any \(\displaystyle d \in D\). ...


My problem is that surely \(\displaystyle F = \psi' (F') \) implies that \(\displaystyle \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi' ( F' (d))) \) and NOT \(\displaystyle \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi ( F' (d))) \)?

Hoping someone can help>

Theorem 28 and the first part of the proof read as follows:



NOTE: This has also been posted on the Physics Forums in the forum Linear and Abstract Algebra.

Just a note to say I received some excellent help from micromass on the Linear and Abstract Algebra forum of the Physics forum.

The solution/answer due to micromass was as follows:

micromass said:
If you simply substituted, then you would have gotten

[tex]F(d) = \psi^\prime(F^\prime)(d)[/tex]

Thus \(\displaystyle \psi^\prime(F^\prime)\) acts on \(\displaystyle d\). You would not get [tex]F(d) = \psi^\prime(F^\prime(d))[/tex]

Now, by definition, we have \(\displaystyle \psi^\prime(F^\prime) = \psi\circ F^\prime\). Thus

[tex]F(d) = \psi^\prime(F^\prime)(d) = (\psi\circ F^\prime)(d) = \psi(F^\prime(d))[/tex]
  • #3
It's easy to get confused about these things:

There are 3 "layers" here:

Layer 1: individual $R$-modules.

Layer 2: homomorphisms (arrows) between different modules.

Layer 3: arrows between sets of arrows (the "primed" maps).

As such, when you see something like $f(-)$ ("$f$" of something), you have to check the "something" is on the right layer.

It may, or may not, be helpful to see the sequence (10) as being something like a cone, with the sequence:

$0 \to L \to M \to N$ at its "base", and $D$ at the apex.

So, for example, the map $\psi'$ is actually a triangular commutative diagram:

$\begin{array}[l]{ccc}D\\ \downarrow\rlap{f}&\stackrel{\psi'(f)}{\searrow}\\L&\stackrel{\psi}{\longrightarrow}&M \end{array}$

(my apologies for the poor drawing).
  • #4
Deveno said:
It's easy to get confused about these things:

There are 3 "layers" here:

Layer 1: individual $R$-modules.

Layer 2: homomorphisms (arrows) between different modules.

Layer 3: arrows between sets of arrows (the "primed" maps).

As such, when you see something like $f(-)$ ("$f$" of something), you have to check the "something" is on the right layer.

It may, or may not, be helpful to see the sequence (10) as being something like a cone, with the sequence:

$0 \to L \to M \to N$ at its "base", and $D$ at the apex.

So, for example, the map $\psi'$ is actually a triangular commutative diagram:

$\begin{array}[l]{ccc}D\\ \downarrow\rlap{f}&\stackrel{\psi'(f)}{\searrow}\\L&\stackrel{\psi}{\longrightarrow}&M \end{array}$

(my apologies for the poor drawing).

Thanks Deveno, appreciate your thoughts ...

... Helpful in my attempt to understand projective, injective and flat modules ...

  • #5

Dear Peter,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I agree with your observation that the statement in the proof should be \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi' ( F' (d))) instead of \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi ( F' (d))). This is a minor error in the proof and does not affect the overall validity of the theorem. However, it is important to correct this in order to maintain the accuracy of the proof.

To see why this correction is necessary, let us consider the definition of the image of a homomorphism. The image of a homomorphism \psi : A \rightarrow B is defined as the set of all elements of B that can be obtained by applying \psi to elements of A. In other words, if we have an element b \in B, then b is in the image of \psi if and only if there exists an element a \in A such that \psi(a) = b. In the proof of Theorem 28, we are trying to show that if F is in the image of \psi', then F = \psi' (F') for some F' \in Hom_R (D, L). This means that F is an element of Hom_R (D, L) that can be obtained by applying \psi' to elements of D.

Now, let us look at the statement in question: \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi' ( F' (d))). As we established, F is an element of Hom_R (D, L) and \psi' is a homomorphism from D to L. This means that \psi' ( F' (d)) is an element of L, and since \phi is a homomorphism from L to M, \phi ( \psi' ( F' (d))) is an element of M. Therefore, \phi ( F (d) )) and \phi ( \psi' ( F' (d))) are both elements of M, and the statement is correct.

On the other hand, if we were to use \phi ( F (d) )) = \phi ( \psi ( F' (d))) instead, this would imply that F is in the image of \psi, which is not necessarily true. In fact, if we assume that F is in the image of \psi, then

Related to Exact Sequences - Lifting Homomorphisms - D&F Ch 10 - Theorem 28

1. What is an exact sequence in mathematics?

An exact sequence in mathematics is a sequence of algebraic objects and homomorphisms between them that captures the relationship between the objects and preserves their algebraic structure. In other words, the image of one object is equal to the kernel of the next object in the sequence.

2. What is the significance of exact sequences in mathematics?

Exact sequences are important tools in algebraic and homological algebra as they help to understand the structure and properties of algebraic objects, such as groups, rings, and modules. They also provide a framework for studying more complex mathematical structures and can be used to prove important theorems.

3. What is a lifting homomorphism?

A lifting homomorphism is a homomorphism between two objects in a sequence that preserves the exactness of the sequence. In other words, it is a homomorphism that maps the kernel of one object to the kernel of the next object in the sequence.

4. How is Theorem 28 in D&F Chapter 10 related to lifting homomorphisms?

Theorem 28 in D&F Chapter 10 states that if there is a lifting homomorphism between two objects in an exact sequence, then there exists a unique lifting homomorphism between the corresponding quotient objects. This is a useful result in proving the existence and uniqueness of certain homomorphisms in algebraic structures.

5. Can you provide an example of an exact sequence with lifting homomorphisms?

One example of an exact sequence with lifting homomorphisms is the short exact sequence of abelian groups: 0 → Z/2Z → Z/4Z → Z/2Z → 0. The homomorphism from Z/4Z to Z/2Z is a lifting homomorphism, as the kernel of Z/4Z (which is the set {0, 2}) is mapped to the kernel of Z/2Z (which is the set {0}).

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