Exact Sequences - Split Sequences and Splitting Homomorphisms

In summary: To show that $B$ can be decomposed in such a way when we have a split short-exact sequence we let $B_1 = f(A)$ and $B_2 = h(C)$. "Can you explain what you mean by "decompose in such a way"?
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote Section 10.5 Exact Sequences - Projective, Injective and Flat Modules.

I need some help in understanding D&F's proof of Proposition 25, Section 10.5 (page 384) concerning split sequences.

Proposition 25 and its proof are as follows:


Proposition 25. The short exact sequence \(\displaystyle 0 \longrightarrow A \stackrel{\psi}{\longrightarrow} B \stackrel{\phi}{\longrightarrow} C \longrightarrow 0 \) of R-modules is split if and only if there is an R-module homomorphism \(\displaystyle \mu \ : \ C \to B \) such that \(\displaystyle \phi \circ \mu \) is the identity map id on C. Similarly, the short exact sequence \(\displaystyle 1 \longrightarrow A \stackrel{\psi}{\longrightarrow} B \stackrel{\phi}{\longrightarrow} C \longrightarrow 1 \) of groups is split if and only if there is a group homomorphism \(\displaystyle \mu \ : \ C \to B \) such that \(\displaystyle \phi \circ \mu \) is the identity map id on C.

Proof: This follows directly from the definitions: if \(\displaystyle \mu \) is given then define \(\displaystyle c' = \mu (C) \subseteq B \) and if C' is given then define \(\displaystyle \mu = \phi^{-1} \ : \ C \cong C' \subseteq B \).


Now I need some help with the proof ... to be specific ... suppose we are given \(\displaystyle \mu \ : \ C \to B \) such that \(\displaystyle \phi \circ \mu = id \) on C ... ... how, then, do we show that the short exact sequence is split ... that is, how do we show that:

\(\displaystyle B = \psi (A) \oplus C' \) ... ... ... ... (1)

for the submodule C' of B?

Following D&F we put \(\displaystyle C' = \mu (C) \subseteq B \)

... ... but how then do we establish (1)?

I would appreciate some help.

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  • #2
We say that the short-exact sequence,
$$ 0 \to A \to_f B \to_g C \to 0 $$
Is split iff there is a $h:C\to B$ such that $hg = 1$.

We want to construct two submodule of $B$, call them $B_1,B_2$ such that:
(i) $B = B_1\oplus B_2$ i.e. every element of $B$ is uniquely written as $b_1+b_2$ where $b_1\in B_1,b_2\in B_2$
(ii) $B_1 = f(A)$ and $g(B_2) = C$ with $g$ being an isomorphism between $B_2$ and $C$ ($f$ is clearly an isomorphism).

To show that $B$ can be decomposed in such a way when we have a split short-exact sequence we let $B_1 = f(A)$ and $B_2 = h(C)$. We claim that $B_1\oplus B_2 = B$.

To show that we need to show that every element decomposes as a unique sum with $B_1,B_2$. Let $b\in B$, define $b_2 = h(g(b))\in B_2$. Now set $b_1 = b - b_2$. Note that we have $b_1 + b_2 = b$. We know that $b_2 \in B_2$ but why is $b_1\in B_1$? To see why observe that $g(b_1) = g(b-b_2) = g(b) - g(h(g(b))) = g(b) - g(b) = 0$. Thus, $b_1 \in \ker g$ but $\ker g = \text{im} f$ (definition of exact) which means that $b_1 \in f(A) = B_1$.

I guess it remains to show why this decomposition is unique to be finished.
  • #3
ThePerfectHacker said:
We say that the short-exact sequence,
$$ 0 \to A \to_f B \to_g C \to 0 $$
Is split iff there is a $h:C\to B$ such that $hg = 1$.

We want to construct two submodule of $B$, call them $B_1,B_2$ such that:
(i) $B = B_1\oplus B_2$ i.e. every element of $B$ is uniquely written as $b_1+b_2$ where $b_1\in B_1,b_2\in B_2$
(ii) $B_1 = f(A)$ and $g(B_2) = C$ with $g$ being an isomorphism between $B_2$ and $C$ ($f$ is clearly an isomorphism).

To show that $B$ can be decomposed in such a way when we have a split short-exact sequence we let $B_1 = f(A)$ and $B_2 = h(C)$. We claim that $B_1\oplus B_2 = B$.

To show that we need to show that every element decomposes as a unique sum with $B_1,B_2$. Let $b\in B$, define $b_2 = h(g(b))\in B_2$. Now set $b_1 = b - b_2$. Note that we have $b_1 + b_2 = b$. We know that $b_2 \in B_2$ but why is $b_1\in B_1$? To see why observe that $g(b_1) = g(b-b_2) = g(b) - g(h(g(b))) = g(b) - g(b) = 0$. Thus, $b_1 \in \ker g$ but $\ker g = \text{im} f$ (definition of exact) which means that $b_1 \in f(A) = B_1$.

I guess it remains to show why this decomposition is unique to be finished.

Thanks ThePerfectHacker, really appreciate the help ... ...

Just a couple of clarifications:

You write:

"We say that the short-exact sequence,
$$ 0 \to A \to_f B \to_g C \to 0 $$
Is split iff there is a $h:C\to B$ such that $hg = 1$. "Isn't the condition in this proposition \(\displaystyle gh = 1 \)? - see Dummit and Foote, page 384 (see attachment)Another issue I am concerned about is that we say in (ii) above that we require $B_1 = f(A)$ and $g(B_2) = C$ with $g$ being an isomorphism between $B_2$ and $C$ ... ... ... but ... we do not seem anywhere to have shown that the homomorphism $g$ is an isomorphism between $B_2$ and $C$ ... ...A third issue ... where I may be misunderstanding what is going on ... is as follows ... in your post you write:

" ... ... define \(\displaystyle b_2 = h(g(b)) \) ... ... "

... but since hg = 1 we have \(\displaystyle h(g(b)) = b \) ... but then this does not support us writing "set \(\displaystyle b_1 = b - b_2 \) ... can you clarify?Can you help with my concerns above?

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  • #4
There is a "hidden" observation underlying this:

If $g \circ h$ is bijective, then $g$ is injective, and $h$ is surjective. Before you go any further, convince yourself this is true.

Given the short exact sequence:

$0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$

it is natural to regard $A$ as an $R$-submodule of $B$, and $C$ as $B/A$ (this is only true "up to isomorphism", but so?).

If this sequence is split, then we have $B/A$ isomorphic to an $R$-submodule of $A$, since the identity map on $C$ is certainly bijective.

So the claim we are proving is essentially equivalent to:

$B \cong A \oplus B/A$

that is, any element $b \in B$ is uniquely determined by first finding which coset $b + A$ it lies in, and then adding a specific element of $A$ to it. Stated this way, it seems almost obvious (recall that the cosets partition $B$).


Yes, TPH does have it backwards, the condition is that $gh = 1$, but this does not change his proof that $g(b_1) = 0$:

$g(b_1) = g(b - b_2) = g(b) - g(b_2) = g(b) - g(h(g(b))) = g(b) - (g \circ h)(g(b)) = g(b) - g(b) = 0$

My remarks above indicates why $h$ is an isomorphism between $C$ and $h(C)$ (limiting its co-domain to its image forces surjectivity, and I say above why it is injective). It may not be clear why $g$ is likewise an isomorphism, when restricted to $h(C)$. Clearly, $g$ is surjective on this set, since we have:

$c = (gh)(c) = g(h(c))$ so any $c \in C$ has the pre-image (under $g$) of $h(c)$.

Now suppose we have $b_1,b_2 \in h(C)$, with $g(b_1) = g(b_2)$. We can write:

$b_1 = h(c_1), b_2 = h(c_2)$ since these are both in the image of $h$, so:

$g(b_1) = g(b_2) \implies g(h(c_1)) = g(h(c_2)) \implies (gh)(c_1) = (gh)(c_2) \implies c_1 = c_2$.

This, in turn, means that $b_1 = h(c_1) = h(c_2) = b_2$, so $g$ is injective.

You also ask if we don't have:

$(hg)(b) = b$

In general, NO: $g$ is ONLY injective when restricted to $h(C)$ (it is "super-duper non-injective" on the image of $A$ under $f$), and there is no reason to suppose that $b$ lies within the image of $h$ (part of it does, the "$C$" part, the other part, the "$A$" part, gets shrunk by $g$ to nuffin').


Let's look at this in another light:

We have 3 "main maps" in a split short exact sequence:

$f:A \to B$, injective.
$g: B \to C$, surjective
$h: C \to B$, injective.

Note that this gives us a PAIR of injective $R$-module homomorphisms into $B$.

What is $\text{im }h \cap \text{im }f$?

Since the sequence is exact, $\text{im }f = \text{ker g}$.

If $b \in \text{im }h \cap \text{ker }g$, then:

$g(b) = 0$ and $h(c) = b$ whence:

$c = (gh)(c) = g(h(c)) = g(0) = 0$, which shows that $b = h(0) = 0$.

As TPH's post shows, we have $b = f(a) + h(c)$ for some pair $(a,c) \in A \times C$, for any element $b \in B$.

Suppose $b = f(a) + h(c) = f(a') + h(c')$.

Then $0 = f(a-a') + h(c-c')$. Hence, in $C$:

$0 = g(0) = (gf)(a-a') + (gh)(c-c')$

Since $gf = 0$ (by exactness, $g$ annihilates the entire image of $f$), this becomes:

$(gh)(c - c') = c - c' = 0$ that is: $c = c'$.


$0 = f(a-a') + h(c-c') = f(a-a') + h(0) = f(a-a') + 0 = f(a-a')$.

Since $f$ is injective, and $a-a' \in \text{ker }f$, we have: $a - a' = 0$, so

$a = a'$, which shows that we have a UNIQUE pair, $(a,c)$.

The pay-off for this, is that if $D$ is ANY OTHER $R$-module, together with two $R$-module homomorphisms:

$f':A \to D$
$h':C \to D$

we can define a UNIQUE $R$-module homomorphism $k:B \to D$ by:

$k(b) = f'(a) + h'(c)$

and it is clear that:

$f' = kf, h' = kh$, since:

$f'(a) = k(f(a) + h(0)) = (kf)(a) + (kh)(0) = (kf)(a) + 0 = (kf)(a)$

and similarly for $h'$ (do you see "where" I have used the uniqueness of the pair $(a,c)$?).

But this is "the defining universal property" of the direct sum, which shows that $B$ must be isomorphic to $A \oplus C$ (up to a unique isomorphism).
  • #5
Peter said:
"We say that the short-exact sequence,
$$ 0 \to A \to_f B \to_g C \to 0 $$
Is split iff there is a $h:C\to B$ such that $hg = 1$. "
Isn't the condition in this proposition \(\displaystyle gh = 1 \)?

Yes, it is, I made the mistake of writing it backwards. But I think everything else still works through if you go through that paragraph again.

Another issue I am concerned about is that we say in (ii) above that we require $B_1 = f(A)$ and $g(B_2) = C$ with $g$ being an isomorphism between $B_2$ and $C$ ... ... ... but ... we do not seem anywhere to have shown that the homomorphism $g$ is an isomorphism between $B_2$ and $C$ ... ...
Yes, we never shown above that $g$ is an isomorphism between $B_2$ and $C$. But it is not hard to show. Recall the definition $B_2 = h(C)$. Now given $x\in B_2$ it means $x = h(y)$ for some $y\in C$, so $g(x) = g(h(y)) = y$. Therefore, if $x_1\not = x_2$ it means $x_1 = h(y_1)$ and $x_2=h(y_2)$ with $y_1\not = y_2$, applying $g$ yields $g(x_1) = y_1$ and $g(x_2) = y_2$, so $g(x_1)\not = g(x_2)$. This shows that the map $g:B_2\to C$ is injective. Can you show why it is surjective?
A third issue ... where I may be misunderstanding what is going on ... is as follows ... in your post you write:

" ... ... define \(\displaystyle b_2 = h(g(b)) \) ... ... "

... but since hg = 1 we have \(\displaystyle h(g(b)) = b \) ... but then this does not support us writing "set \(\displaystyle b_1 = b - b_2 \) ... can you clarify?

That was the mistake I wrote before, if you change it to $gh = 1$ then it is fine, so it should say $b_2 = h(g(b))$, but except $gh = 1$.

Related to Exact Sequences - Split Sequences and Splitting Homomorphisms

1. What is an exact sequence?

An exact sequence is a sequence of mathematical objects (usually groups, modules, or vector spaces) and homomorphisms that captures the notion of exactness in algebra. It represents a chain of objects connected by homomorphisms where the image of one object is the kernel of the next, ensuring that the sequence is exact.

2. What is a split sequence?

A split sequence is an exact sequence that can be "split" into two shorter exact sequences. This means that the sequence can be broken down into two smaller sequences that are connected by isomorphisms, making it easier to analyze and understand.

3. What is a splitting homomorphism?

A splitting homomorphism is a homomorphism that, when applied to an object in a split sequence, "splits" the sequence into two shorter exact sequences. It is essentially the inverse of a projection, mapping an object from the larger sequence back to the two smaller sequences.

4. How are split sequences and splitting homomorphisms useful?

Split sequences and splitting homomorphisms are useful in algebra because they allow us to break down complex exact sequences into simpler parts. This can make it easier to understand and analyze the properties of the sequence, and can also be used to prove theorems and solve problems in various areas of mathematics.

5. Are split sequences and splitting homomorphisms unique?

No, split sequences and splitting homomorphisms are not unique. There can be multiple ways to split a given sequence, and different splitting homomorphisms can be used depending on the specific properties of the objects in the sequence. However, the concepts of split sequences and splitting homomorphisms are important tools in understanding exact sequences and their properties.

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