Exam in 2 days Change of basis BRA and KET

In summary, the author seems to be struggling with how to change basis for an exam. They have been revising all holidays, and have just realized they may have to change basis. They have looked at homework questions, workshop questions, and nothing has helped. They are assuming that to change basis they need to use the identity operator with the new basis. However, they are not sure if that is the correct way to do it. They have also attempted to solve an example problem in the new basis and are not sure if it is correct. Last, the author asks for help confirming that their method is correct before the exam.
  • #1
ive been revising all holidays, unfortunately I've just realized I've been finding eigenvalues using the ensemble when i may have to change basis for the exam. looks at homework questions, workshop questions... nothing!

anyway an example problem:


|PSI> = a|0> + b|1>

in the basis

|phi1> = a|0> + b|1>
|phi2> = b*|0> + a*|1>

my attempt

im assuming that to change basis you need to use the identity operator with the new basis, in this case

I = |phi1><phi1| + |phi2><phi2|

so I|PSI> = |PSI>

which looks a bit strange to me.

ANOTHER example


|PSI> = 1/SQRT2 (|0> + |1>)

in the basis:

|3> = SQRT(1/3) |0> + SQRT(2/3) |1>
|4> = SQRT(2/3) |0> + SQRT(1/3) |1>

my attempt

I = |3><3| + |4><4|

I|PSI> = |PSI>

Please could someone confirm my method is correct before i make an *** of it in the exam. any help once again appreciated!
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  • #2
I have no idea what you think you're doing in your attempted solution. And I have no idea what you meant by "using the ensemble". But maybe the following will help.
rwooduk said:
|PSI> = a|0> + b|1>

in the basis

|phi1> = a|0> + b|1>
|phi2> = b*|0> + a*|1>
Treat the last 2 equation as a pair of simultaneous equations in the unknowns |0> and |1>. I.e., express |0> in terms of |phi1> and |phi2>. Similarly for |1>. Then... (I'll leave the final step to you).
  • #3
strangerep said:
I have no idea what you think you're doing in your attempted solution. And I have no idea what you meant by "using the ensemble". But maybe the following will help.

Treat the last 2 equation as a pair of simultaneous equations in the unknowns |0> and |1>. I.e., express |0> in terms of |phi1> and |phi2>. Similarly for |1>. Then... (I'll leave the final step to you).

I'm not sure that way would work correctly. I am using the identity operator to change basis, which I think is the correct way. (could be wrong lol)

but thanks anyway
  • #4
rwooduk said:
I'm not sure that way would work correctly.
Well, I suggested a "low-brow" method of solution, since you seemed to having trouble with the "higher-brow" way of using a resolution of identity. So maybe you should solve the problems both ways to check that they eventually give the same answer.

HOWEVER, are you sure the new bases in both examples are as per the original question (or did you just make them up). Hint: check whether the new basis states are orthonormal. Are you sure you don't have a wrong sign somewhere?
  • #5

I can confirm that your method for changing basis is correct. In order to change basis, you need to use the identity operator with the new basis, as you have correctly done in your examples. It is important to note that the identity operator represents the transformation between the old and new basis, and by applying it to the state vector, you are essentially changing the representation of the state in the new basis.

In terms of your exam preparation, it is always a good idea to double check your work and make sure you fully understand the concepts before the exam. It is also helpful to practice with different examples to solidify your understanding. Good luck on your exam!

Related to Exam in 2 days Change of basis BRA and KET

1. What is a change of basis in quantum mechanics?

A change of basis in quantum mechanics refers to the process of expressing the same quantum state in terms of different basis vectors. This is necessary because different basis sets can more easily describe certain physical properties of a quantum system.

2. What is the BRA and KET notation used for in quantum mechanics?

The BRA and KET notation is a mathematical tool used in quantum mechanics to represent the state of a quantum system. The BRA notation, ψ, represents a column vector of complex numbers, while the KET notation, , represents a row vector of complex numbers. Together, they form the inner product ψ〉 which is used to calculate the probability of a quantum state.

3. How is a change of basis represented mathematically using BRA and KET notation?

In BRA and KET notation, a change of basis is represented as a transformation matrix T that can be applied to a quantum state ψ to obtain the state in the new basis ψnew = Tψ.

4. How does a change of basis affect the measurements of a quantum system?

A change of basis does not affect the measurements of a quantum system. The physical observables of a quantum system are independent of the basis used to describe it. However, the probabilities of obtaining different measurement outcomes may change depending on the basis set used.

5. Why is understanding change of basis important for quantum mechanics?

Change of basis is important for quantum mechanics because it allows us to better understand and describe the physical properties of a quantum system. By using different basis sets, we can more easily analyze and manipulate quantum states, which is crucial for developing new technologies and applications in quantum computing and quantum communication.
