Exam Question: Rolling Ball on Concave Surface - Is Work Done?

In summary: Specifically, if we call the radius of the ball r, then we have v = r omega One could use the relationship v = r omega to find the angular speed if one knows what the speed is at the instant the ball touches the surface. But how do you find that speed?In summary, the question is about whether work is done by three forces on a ball rolling down a concave surface. The answer is that frictional force does no work, the weight of the ball does positive work, and the normal reaction force does not do negative work but rather no work at all due to the direction of movement. To calculate the final speed, one can use the initial gravitational energy and equate it to the total kinetic energy,
  • #1

Homework Statement

A question I had in an exam today, just wanted to see whether it was right:
A ball is rolling down the inside of a concave surface. The radius of the ball and the curvature of the surface is such that there is no slide. Is work done by a) the friction force b) the Normal reaction force and c) the weight of the ball.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Frictional force does no work, as the ball is rolling.
The Weight of the ball does positive work (mg sin theta)
The Normal reaction force does negative work (-mg sin theta)

Does that sound right?
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  • #2
Hello tomwilliam,
tomwilliam said:

The Attempt at a Solution

Frictional force does no work, as the ball is rolling.
So far so good. :approve:
The Weight of the ball does positive work (mg sin theta)
I like the general idea, but the equation you gave has units of force, not energy (i.e. not work). :frown: You'll have to redo that equation. What part of the ball's movement is parallel to the direction of its weight (whether it is rolling or not)?
The Normal reaction force does negative work (-mg sin theta)
You should rethink the normal reaction force.

Work is defined as the path integral

[tex] W = \int _P \vec F \cdot d \vec l [/tex]

where [itex] \vec F [/itex] is the force at any given position, and [itex] d \vec l [/itex] is the differential length of the movement. Notice there is a dot product involved! Even if your class is not calculus based, you'll still need to use an equation that involves a dot product.

What can you say about the direction of the normal force compared to the direction of the movement at any given point on the surface?

(btw, if you consider angular energy due to the rotation of the ball, in addition to the ball's translational energy, it becomes an interesting problem to contemplate. You kind of have to do that at least a little for the first part because if the ball wasn't rolling, and instead sliding, friction would be doing work. But in the other two parts, since the question is not asking for any final velocities or final ratios of translational and rotational energy, simply treat energy as energy -- simply consider the direction of the ball's overall movement compared to the direction of the forces involved.)
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  • #3
tomwilliam said:
Frictional force does no work, as the ball is rolling.
That's good.
The Weight of the ball does positive work (mg sin theta)
The Normal reaction force does negative work (-mg sin theta)
Is there a displacement in the direction of the normal force? (And why do you think mg sin theta is the reaction force?)
  • #4
Sorry, yes, I realize that the equations I gave were for force, not work. Of course as the ball passes through a height h then the work can be calculated. The question only asked me to state whether or not work was done.

The second part of the question (given the radius and mass of the ball, and height h) was to calculate the final speed. Of course you can use mgh as the initial gravitational energy, taking the bottom of the surface as the zero of potential energy, which you then have to equate to the total kinetic energy, rotational plus translational. I knew the moment of inertia so could calculate translational kinetic energy but didn't know how to find out the angular speed, so couldn't finish the question.
  • #5
tomwilliam said:
Sorry, yes, I realize that the equations I gave were for force, not work. Of course as the ball passes through a height h then the work can be calculated. The question only asked me to state whether or not work was done.
Yes, I understand.

But you'll still need to rethink part b), the part about the normal reaction force. You claimed that it did negative work, but that's not quite right.
The second part of the question (given the radius and mass of the ball, and height h) was to calculate the final speed. Of course you can use mgh as the initial gravitational energy, taking the bottom of the surface as the zero of potential energy, which you then have to equate to the total kinetic energy, rotational plus translational.
Very nice. That's the way to do it. :approve:
I knew the moment of inertia so could calculate translational kinetic energy but didn't know how to find out the angular speed, so couldn't finish the question.

The trick is to realize that a point on the outer perimeter of the ball is moving due to rotation. And that rotational speed must be the same speed that the center of the ball is moving. Combining the two makes that point (on the outer perimeter of the ball) have a velocity of 0 at the instant the point touches the surface. If it wasn't that way, the ball wouldn't be rolling, it would be sliding! This provides a tidy relationship between |v| and omega.

FAQ: Exam Question: Rolling Ball on Concave Surface - Is Work Done?

What is the concept of work in relation to a rolling ball on a concave surface?

The concept of work refers to the transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied to an object and it moves in the direction of the force. In the case of a rolling ball on a concave surface, work is done when the force of gravity causes the ball to move from a higher point to a lower point on the surface.

How does the shape of the surface affect the amount of work done by the rolling ball?

The shape of the surface plays a significant role in the amount of work done by the rolling ball. In the case of a concave surface, the ball will experience a change in height as it moves, which results in a change in potential energy. This change in potential energy is directly related to the amount of work done by the ball.

What factors influence the amount of work done by the rolling ball on a concave surface?

The amount of work done by the rolling ball on a concave surface is influenced by several factors, including the mass of the ball, the angle of the incline, and the friction present on the surface. These factors affect the forces acting on the ball and ultimately determine the amount of work done.

Is there a relationship between work done and the speed of the rolling ball on a concave surface?

Yes, there is a relationship between work done and the speed of the rolling ball on a concave surface. As the ball gains speed, it also gains kinetic energy, which is a measure of the work done on the ball. Therefore, a faster-moving ball will have a greater amount of work done on it compared to a slower-moving ball.

How is the concept of work done on a rolling ball on a concave surface relevant in real-world applications?

The concept of work done on a rolling ball on a concave surface has many real-world applications, such as in sports like bowling or curling, where the movement of the ball is influenced by the shape of the surface it is rolling on. It is also relevant in the design of roller coasters and other amusement park rides, where the shape of the track determines the amount of work done on the moving car or cart.

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