Exercise 2.47 on Page 114: Showing a Polynomial Has Root in \mathbb{F}_4 - Peter

In summary: The second way to look at a finite field is to focus on the multiplication. The second thing that one can show is that the multiplicative group of $F$ is ALSO a field, called the CUMULATIVE FIELD of $F$. There is a reason for the name "cumulative":$\langle x\rangle \cong \{(x+y):y\in F\}$ for some natural numbers $x,y$, this number is called the EIGENVALUE of the... uh... cumulative field.The third way to look at a finite field is to focus on the inverse of a element. The third thing that one can show is
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Chapter 2: Commutative Rings in Joseph Rotman's book, Advanced Modern Algebra (Second Edition).

I need help with Exercise 2.47 on page 114.

Problem 2.47 reads as follows:

View attachment 2692I need help with showing that \(\displaystyle f(x)\) has a root \(\displaystyle \alpha \in \mathbb{F}_4 \).

My work on this part of the problem is as follows:

The elements of \(\displaystyle \mathbb{F}_4 \) are 0, 1, 2 and 3.

Now we proceed as follows:

\(\displaystyle f(0) = 0^2 + 0 + 1 = 1_4 \ne 0_4 \)
\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow 0_4 \) is not a root of \(\displaystyle f(x)\) in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{F}_4 \)

\(\displaystyle f(1) = 1^2 + 1 + 1 = 3_4 \ne 0_4 \)
\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow 1_4 \) is not a root of \(\displaystyle f(x)\) in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{F}_4 \)

\(\displaystyle f(2) = 2^2 + 2 + 1 = 7_4 \ne 0_4 \)
\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow 2_4 \) is not a root of \(\displaystyle f(x)\) in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{F}_4 \)

\(\displaystyle f(3) = 3^2 + 3 + 1 = 13_4 \ne 0_4 \)
\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow 3_4 \) is not a root of \(\displaystyle f(x)\) in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{F}_4 \)

... ... BUT I seem to have shown (wrongly I'm sure!) that f(x) has no root in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{F}_4 \)?

Can someone please help me with this issue?

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  • #2
Uh..."2" and "3" DO NOT EXIST in $\Bbb F_4$.

The elements of $\Bbb F_4$ can be written as $0,1,a,a+1$ or: (using vector notation) as $(0,0),(1,0),(0,1),(1,1)$.

Let's use the former to show that $a$ is a root of $x^2 + x + 1$.

As you may recall from a prior post, we have:

$a^2 = a\cdot a = a+1$.


$a^2 + a + 1 = (a + 1) + (a + 1) = (1 + 1)(a + 1) = 0(a + 1) = 0$.

In fact, $a + 1$ is the "other root":

$(a + 1)^2 + (a + 1) + 1 = (a + 1)(a + 1) + (a + 1) + 1 = (a + 1 + 1)(a + 1) + 1$

$= (a)(a + 1) + 1 = a^2 + a + 1 = 0$ (by the above).


$(x - a)(x - (a + 1)) = (x + a)(x + (a + 1))$ (since $\Bbb F_4$ has characteristic 2)

$= x^2 + x(a + 1) + ax + a(a + 1) = x^2 + (a + 1 + a)x + a^2 + a$

$= x^2 + ((a + a) + 1)x - 1 = x^2 + ((1 + 1)a + 1)x + 1$ (remember, $1 = -1$)

$= x^2 + (0a + 1)x + 1 = x^2 + x + 1$.


The 4-element field is NOT $\Bbb Z_4$, which is NOT a field, because it has ZERO DIVISORS (zero divisors cannot have inverses, but they ARE non-zero, and in a field EVERY non-zero element HAS to have an inverse).


$[2]_4 \cdot [2]_4 = [0]_4$, but $[2]_4 \neq [0]_4$.
  • #3
Deveno said:
Uh..."2" and "3" DO NOT EXIST in $\Bbb F_4$.

The elements of $\Bbb F_4$ can be written as $0,1,a,a+1$ or: (using vector notation) as $(0,0),(1,0),(0,1),(1,1)$.

Let's use the former to show that $a$ is a root of $x^2 + x + 1$.

As you may recall from a prior post, we have:

$a^2 = a\cdot a = a+1$.


$a^2 + a + 1 = (a + 1) + (a + 1) = (1 + 1)(a + 1) = 0(a + 1) = 0$.

In fact, $a + 1$ is the "other root":

$(a + 1)^2 + (a + 1) + 1 = (a + 1)(a + 1) + (a + 1) + 1 = (a + 1 + 1)(a + 1) + 1$

$= (a)(a + 1) + 1 = a^2 + a + 1 = 0$ (by the above).


$(x - a)(x - (a + 1)) = (x + a)(x + (a + 1))$ (since $\Bbb F_4$ has characteristic 2)

$= x^2 + x(a + 1) + ax + a(a + 1) = x^2 + (a + 1 + a)x + a^2 + a$

$= x^2 + ((a + a) + 1)x - 1 = x^2 + ((1 + 1)a + 1)x + 1$ (remember, $1 = -1$)

$= x^2 + (0a + 1)x + 1 = x^2 + x + 1$.


The 4-element field is NOT $\Bbb Z_4$, which is NOT a field, because it has ZERO DIVISORS (zero divisors cannot have inverses, but they ARE non-zero, and in a field EVERY non-zero element HAS to have an inverse).


$[2]_4 \cdot [2]_4 = [0]_4$, but $[2]_4 \neq [0]_4$.
Thanks for the help Deveno ... ... I certainly need to get a better understanding of finite fields ...

  • #4
There are 3 main ways to look at a finite field.

The first way is to focus on the addition. The first thing that one can show is that the subgroup of $(F,+)$ generated by $1$ is ALSO a field, called the PRIME FIELD of $F$. There is a reason for the name "prime":

$\langle 1\rangle \cong \Bbb Z_n$ for some natural number $n$, this number is called the CHARACTERISTIC of the field.

Since $\Bbb Z_n$ forms a ring under multiplication, we see that $\langle 1\rangle$ forms a sub-ring of $F$. Let's call this ring $P$.

Now every non-zero element of $P$ is a unit (since this is true of $F$). This tells us something special about $n$: it must be prime. Why?

Well, if $n = ab$, for positive integers $1 < a,b < n$, we have:

$(a1)(b1) = (ab)1 = n1 = 0$, so $a1 \neq 0 \in F$ is a zero-divisor. But $F$, being a field HAS no zero-divisors. This means $n$ cannot be composite, and $n = 1$ is not a possibility, since in a field, $0 \neq 1$.

So $P \cong \Bbb Z_p$, for some prime $p$. And this is a field.

Now $F$ can be made into a $P$-module in a natural way- define, for $a \in P$, and $x \in F$:

$a\cdot x = ax$, where the RHS is the multiplication in $F$.

Since $P$ is itself a field, $F$ is a $P$-vector space. If we choose a basis: $\{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n\}$, it is clear we get:

$|P|^n = p^n$ distinct vectors in $F$, that is: $|F| = p^n$, where $n$ is the cardinality of the basis.

In this view, addition is trivial: we just "add the coordinates". Multiplication, however, is somewhat of a mystery.

The second way is to focus on the multiplicative group: it turns out that the multiplicative group of a finite field is CYCLIC, and therefore has a generator (called a PRIMITIVE, or primitive element). Now the multiplication is trivial, but addition is brutal.

The third way ties the two together: We start with the ring $Z_p[x]$, and choose an irreducible polynomial $f(x)$ of degree $n$. It is clear, then, that $Z_p[x]/(f(x))$ is a finite field with $p^n$ cosets. In fact, ALL finite fields arise this way. This allows us to express elements of this field as "polynomials in $u$", where $u$ is a root of $f(x)$ (which corresponds to the coset $x + (f(x))$).
  • #5
Deveno said:
There are 3 main ways to look at a finite field.

The first way is to focus on the addition. The first thing that one can show is that the subgroup of $(F,+)$ generated by $1$ is ALSO a field, called the PRIME FIELD of $F$. There is a reason for the name "prime":

$\langle 1\rangle \cong \Bbb Z_n$ for some natural number $n$, this number is called the CHARACTERISTIC of the field.

Since $\Bbb Z_n$ forms a ring under multiplication, we see that $\langle 1\rangle$ forms a sub-ring of $F$. Let's call this ring $P$.

Now every non-zero element of $P$ is a unit (since this is true of $F$). This tells us something special about $n$: it must be prime. Why?

Well, if $n = ab$, for positive integers $1 < a,b < n$, we have:

$(a1)(b1) = (ab)1 = n1 = 0$, so $a1 \neq 0 \in F$ is a zero-divisor. But $F$, being a field HAS no zero-divisors. This means $n$ cannot be composite, and $n = 1$ is not a possibility, since in a field, $0 \neq 1$.

So $P \cong \Bbb Z_p$, for some prime $p$. And this is a field.

Now $F$ can be made into a $P$-module in a natural way- define, for $a \in P$, and $x \in F$:

$a\cdot x = ax$, where the RHS is the multiplication in $F$.

Since $P$ is itself a field, $F$ is a $P$-vector space. If we choose a basis: $\{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n\}$, it is clear we get:

$|P|^n = p^n$ distinct vectors in $F$, that is: $|F| = p^n$, where $n$ is the cardinality of the basis.

In this view, addition is trivial: we just "add the coordinates". Multiplication, however, is somewhat of a mystery.

The second way is to focus on the multiplicative group: it turns out that the multiplicative group of a finite field is CYCLIC, and therefore has a generator (called a PRIMITIVE, or primitive element). Now the multiplication is trivial, but addition is brutal.

The third way ties the two together: We start with the ring $Z_p[x]$, and choose an irreducible polynomial $f(x)$ of degree $n$. It is clear, then, that $Z_p[x]/(f(x))$ is a finite field with $p^n$ cosets. In fact, ALL finite fields arise this way. This allows us to express elements of this field as "polynomials in $u$", where $u$ is a root of $f(x)$ (which corresponds to the coset $x + (f(x))$).
Thanks so much Deveno ... ... Really great overview/tutorial on finite fields ... Just working through it carefully now ... ...


FAQ: Exercise 2.47 on Page 114: Showing a Polynomial Has Root in \mathbb{F}_4 - Peter

1. What is Exercise 2.47 on Page 114?

Exercise 2.47 on Page 114 is a math problem that involves showing a polynomial has a root in the finite field of four elements, denoted as \mathbb{F}_4.

2. What is a polynomial?

A polynomial is an algebraic expression consisting of variables and coefficients, using only the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

3. What is a root?

A root of a polynomial is a value that, when substituted for the variable, makes the polynomial equal to zero. In other words, it is the solution to the equation formed by setting the polynomial equal to zero.

4. How do you show that a polynomial has a root in \mathbb{F}_4?

To show that a polynomial has a root in \mathbb{F}_4, you can use the fact that every nonzero element in this field has a multiplicative inverse. This means that for any nonzero element, there exists another element that, when multiplied together, equals 1. By finding this multiplicative inverse, you can show that the polynomial has a root in \mathbb{F}_4.

5. Why is it important to show that a polynomial has a root in \mathbb{F}_4?

Showcasing that a polynomial has a root in \mathbb{F}_4 is important because it helps us understand the algebraic structure of this finite field. It also has applications in areas such as coding theory, cryptography, and error-correcting codes.

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