Expand (1-6x)^4 (1+2x)^7 - Solve Binomial Expansion

In summary, when expanding the expression (1-6x)^4 (1+2x)^7 up to and including the terms in x^3, the final answer should be 1-10x-36x^2+424x^3+... There may have been a mistake made while adding up the terms, resulting in a missing term and incorrect coefficients. Careful checking and recalculating may help to solve the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Expand (1-6x)^4 (1+2x)^7 in ascending powers of x up to and including the terms in x^3

Homework Equations

(1-6x)^4 (1+2x)^7

The Attempt at a Solution

Firstly, I expand (1-6x)^4
= (1)^4 + 4C1 (-6x) + 4C2 (-6x)^2 + 4C3 (-6x)^3 + ...
= 1 + 4(-6) + 6 (36x^2) + 4(-216^3) + ...
= 1 -24x + 216^2 - 864x^3 + ...

Then after that, I expand (1+2x)^7
= (1)^7 + 7C1 (2x) + 7C2 (2x)^2 + 7C3 (2x)^3 +...
= 1 + 7 (2x) + 21 (4x^2) + 35 (8x^3) + ...
= 1 + 14x + 84x^2 + 280x^3 + ...

Finally, I expand (1-6x)^4 (1+2x)^7 together...
= (1-24x+216x^2=864x^3+...) (1+14x+84x^2+280x^3+...)
= 1+14x+84x^2+280x^3-24x-336x^2-2016x^3+3024x^3-864x^3+...
= 1 -10x-252x^2+2240x^3+...

My final answer is wrong.:frown: It should be 1-10x-36x^2+424x^3+...

Can someone help me solve this? Thanks.:-p
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  • #2
= (1-24x+216x^2=864x^3+...) (1+14x+84x^2+280x^3+...)

That's OK

= 1+14x+84x^2+280x^3 OK
-24x-336x^2-2016x^3 OK
+3024x^3-864x^3+... That's where you went wrong. There's a term missing, and probably you made another mistake adding up the terms because I can't see how you got 2240x^3 from your (wrong) numbers.
  • #3

Your final answer is incorrect because when multiplying the two expressions together, you have not properly accounted for the terms with the same power of x. For example, the term with x^2 should be (6x)^2 from the first expression multiplied by (2x)^2 from the second expression, which gives a coefficient of 36. Similarly, for the term with x^3, it should be (6x)^3 from the first expression multiplied by (2x)^0 from the second expression, which gives a coefficient of 216.

A correct solution would be:

(1-6x)^4 (1+2x)^7 = (1+4(-6x)+6(36x^2)+4(-216x^3)+...) (1+7(2x)+21(4x^2)+35(8x^3)+...)
= 1 + 28x - 108x^2 + 424x^3 + ...

FAQ: Expand (1-6x)^4 (1+2x)^7 - Solve Binomial Expansion

1. What is the purpose of solving a binomial expansion?

The purpose of solving a binomial expansion is to find the expanded form of a binomial expression raised to a certain power. This can be useful in simplifying algebraic expressions and solving equations.

2. How do you expand a binomial expression?

To expand a binomial expression, use the binomial theorem or Pascal's triangle to determine the coefficients for each term in the expansion. Then, multiply each term by the corresponding coefficients and simplify the resulting expression.

3. What does the number in parentheses represent in the binomial expansion?

The number in parentheses represents the terms in the binomial expression. For example, in the expression (1+2x)^7, the number 7 represents the number of terms.

4. What is the difference between a binomial expansion and a polynomial expansion?

A binomial expansion is a specific type of polynomial expansion that involves raising a binomial expression to a certain power. A polynomial expansion, on the other hand, can involve any type of polynomial expression with multiple terms.

5. Can you provide an example of solving a binomial expansion?

Yes, for the expression (1-2x)^3, the expanded form would be 1 - 6x + 12x^2 - 8x^3. This can be found by using the binomial theorem or Pascal's triangle to determine the coefficients, and then multiplying each term by the coefficients and simplifying the resulting expression.
