Expanding a translation operator

In summary, the T(ε) operator is defined as a translation operator with a phase factor in the Shankar textbook. This operator is used to show translation invariance in a system and is expanded to first order as I-iεG/hbar. This expansion is based on the assumption that T(a) can be expressed as a power series in a. The first order term, (-i/hbar * G), is defined as the operator G, which generates the group of unitary operators T(ε). This group is a self-adjoint operator that follows Stone's theorem. The choice of + or - sign in the exponential is a convention for active vs passive views of symmetries.
  • #1
I'm trying to understand the construction of the T(ε) operator and why it is equal to I-iεG/hbar.

The textbook I'm using (Shankar) talks defines the translation operator with the phase factor:

[itex]T(ε)\left|x\right\rangle=e^{i \epsilon g(x)/\hbar}\left|x+\epsilon\right\rangle[/itex]

and translationational invariance

[itex]\langleψ| H|ψ\rangle=\langle ψ_\epsilon| H|ψ_\epsilon\rangle[/itex]

The book then says

"To derive the conservation law that goes with the above equation, we must first construct the operator T(e) explicitly. Since ε=0 correspons to no translation, we may expand T(ε) to order (ε) as
[itex]I-\frac{i ε}{\hbar} G[/itex]

Why is this so? How can you find an equation for only T without it acting on anything?
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  • #2
It's less an equation for T than a definition of G. There's some operator T(a), which depends on a, such that multiplying any state by T(a) translates that state by a distance a. Shankar assumes that we can expand the function T(a) as a power series in a. The zeroth order term must be the identity operator, because T(0) is the identity operator. The first order term Shankar calls (-i/hbar * G), which is just a definition of the operator G
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  • #3
T(ε) is an uniparametric group of unitary operators on a Hilbert space. Its generator G is a self-adjoint operator acting on the same space (dense everywhere subset of it). Mathematically, this is covered through Stone's theorem and its reverse.

The + or - sign when linearizing the exponential is a convention for the so-called active vs passive view of symmetries. He chose - which IIRC stands for the passive view of looking at space translations.

FAQ: Expanding a translation operator

1. What is a translation operator?

A translation operator is a mathematical function that shifts or moves an object or point in space by a certain distance or direction. It is commonly used in geometry and physics to describe the movement of particles or objects in space.

2. How can a translation operator be expanded?

A translation operator can be expanded by using a Taylor series expansion, which is a mathematical method for approximating a function. This involves breaking down the translation operator into smaller and simpler components, and then adding them together to get an overall approximation.

3. What are the applications of expanding a translation operator?

Expanding a translation operator is useful in a variety of applications, such as in quantum mechanics to describe the movement of particles, in computer graphics to create animations and simulations, and in robotics to program the movement of robots or drones.

4. What are the limitations of expanding a translation operator?

One limitation of expanding a translation operator is that it is only accurate for small distances or movements. For larger distances, the approximation may become less accurate and may require more terms in the Taylor series expansion to get a better approximation.

5. Are there any other methods for expanding a translation operator?

Yes, there are other methods for expanding a translation operator, such as using Fourier series or Fourier transforms. These methods are especially useful in signal processing and image processing applications.

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