Expanding Space-time and the active vaccuum.

In summary, there are two widely accepted phenomena in science: the expansion of space-time and the continuous creation and disappearance of matter/energy in a quantum vacuum. It is believed that these two things are connected, as the expansion of space-time may leave behind "empty space" for the virtual particles to pop into existence. However, the theories surrounding this connection are still tentative and there is a significant disagreement in the calculations. It is possible that the vacuum energy calculation is incorrect and there is something suppressing the higher frequency electromagnetic modes, which could bring it down to match the dark energy. It is also possible that the expansion of space-time is creating energy in the vacuum. However, this distinction may be meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
  • #1
There are 2 phenomena which I understand are more or less received wisdom (when seen from my pop science standpoint anyway).

Firstly :space-time is ever expanding.
Secondly:in a quantum "vacuum" matter/energy is continuously being created ( and disappearing) out of "nothing".

Could there be any connection between these 2 phenomena?

I mean ,as the Space-Time expands could it be leaving "empty space"in the wake of its expansion which was filled by these "popping into existence" quantum events?

I am not really peddling this argument but my whole understanding of the subject would be limited to the extent that I would be happy just for someone with a better handle of what I am talking about to say words to the effect of "don't be ridiculous" ,"you have got completely the wrong end of the stick" or words to that effect (or even "by jimbo ,lad I believe you're onto something there!").

(In my own defence I really don't have the time or the ability to study to be able to judge for myself whether my explanation has any merit or not -which is why I am hoping someone else might!)
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  • #2

There is a connection. The acceleration of the expansion is believed to be caused by "dark energy". This is related to the virtual particle creation that you described. The theories involved are quite tentative. I presume that physicist will eventually clarify this problem. The major problem in trying to connect these two things is that there a disagreement by a factor of ~ 10120.
  • #3
It's possible that the calculation of vacuum energy is wrong, and there is something suppressing the higher frequency electromagnetic modes, which could bring down the vacuum energy to equal the dark energy. Really, they should be the same thing: just the energy of empty space.
  • #4
Is it at all possible (aside from anything being "possible") that is is the other way round and it is the expansion of Space-Time that is creating energy in the " vacuum" ?

Would that be a meaningless distinction? (or just meaningless...?)

ps @mathman 10^120 is really quite a discrepancy! I understand it has been described as "the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics"!
  • #5
10^120 is a lot less than infinity, so it can't really be that bad.

Related to Expanding Space-time and the active vaccuum.

1. How does space-time expand?

The expansion of space-time is a fundamental concept in modern physics. It is described by the theory of general relativity, which explains that space-time can expand or contract due to the presence of matter and energy. Imagine space-time as a rubber sheet, and the objects in it as weights. The more weights you place on the sheet, the more it will stretch and expand.

2. What is the role of dark energy in the expansion of space-time?

Dark energy is a mysterious force that is believed to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe. This means that the rate of expansion is increasing over time, rather than slowing down as one might expect. Dark energy is thought to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe and its repulsive force counteracts the gravitational pull of matter, causing the expansion of space-time.

3. How do we measure the expansion of space-time?

The expansion of space-time can be measured through various methods, such as measuring the distances between galaxies, observing the cosmic microwave background radiation, and studying the redshift of light from distant objects. These measurements allow scientists to determine the rate of expansion and understand how space-time is changing over time.

4. Does the expansion of space-time affect our daily lives?

On a small scale, the expansion of space-time is not noticeable in our daily lives. However, on a cosmic scale, the expansion of space-time has significant effects on the structure and evolution of the universe. It is also thought to be the reason for the increasing distance between galaxies and the eventual fate of the universe.

5. What is the active vacuum?

The active vacuum, also known as the quantum vacuum or zero-point energy, refers to the lowest possible energy state of space. This vacuum is not empty, but rather filled with virtual particles that constantly pop in and out of existence. These particles have been observed and their existence is supported by various experiments. The active vacuum plays a crucial role in the expansion of space-time and is a key concept in quantum field theory.

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