Expanding universe, big bang question

In summary: It does not explain how the whole universe started. So, in summary, the big bang theory is a theory about how our known universe started, but it does not explain how the entire universe started.
  • #1
I've always been curious about about the big bang because (from what I've read) it's a point we're not able predict before. Is there a possibility that our view of an expanding universe just means we can't see beyond the big bang? Or is there a reason that is ruled out and that everything outside of our view is expanding as well?

On that note, I am also unclear on whether the big bang theory is supposed to be a theory of how our universe started, or how our "known" universe started? I am assuming the latter.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
What universe did you have in mind, other than the one in which we reside?
  • #3
Chronos said:
What universe did you have in mind, other than the one in which we reside?

Well the universe is everything, the known universe is only what we can see. I hope this clears things up.
  • #4
We can only make useful predictions of the observable universe, but I see no reason why much of this cannot be applied to the rest of the universe that we can't see. Of course, there are other possibilities, such as our observable universe being different than the rest of the universe for some reason, but since there's no way to ever know for sure I see little point in talking about it.
  • #5
Drakkith said:
We can only make useful predictions of the observable universe, but I see no reason why much of this cannot be applied to the rest of the universe that we can't see. Of course, there are other possibilities, such as our observable universe being different than the rest of the universe for some reason, but since there's no way to ever know for sure I see little point in talking about it.

I don't understand though, how can it apply to the rest of the universe if we can't see it? Can you explain what you mean by this?
  • #6
deadcat said:
I don't understand though, how can it apply to the rest of the universe if we can't see it? Can you explain what you mean by this?

It's the idea that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. As far as we can tell this is true within the observable universe, so it makes sense to apply it to the whole universe. But since we can't see the whole universe, it's possible that the laws of physics are different elsewhere.
  • #7
Drakkith said:
It's the idea that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. As far as we can tell this is true within the observable universe, so it makes sense to apply it to the whole universe. But since we can't see the whole universe, it's possible that the laws of physics are different elsewhere.

I'm not asking about the laws of physics or if they are different elsewhere. I'm asking about the expanding universe and big bang theory. I think I will have difficulty finding an answer from someone who cannot understand the question being asked. More likely, I think your personal vendetta against me is getting in the way of your forum judgement. It might be time to step down if you can't check your emotions at the door.
  • #8
deadcat said:
I'm not asking about the laws of physics or if they are different elsewhere. I'm asking about the expanding universe and big bang theory. I think I will have difficulty finding an answer from someone who cannot understand the question being asked. More likely, I think your personal vendetta against me is getting in the way of your forum judgement. It might be time to step down if you can't check your emotions at the door.

I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding here. I attempted to answer your questions, but if I've misunderstood them I apologize. Let's take a look at your original post.

deadcat said:
I've always been curious about about the big bang because (from what I've read) it's a point we're not able predict before. Is there a possibility that our view of an expanding universe just means we can't see beyond the big bang? Or is there a reason that is ruled out and that everything outside of our view is expanding as well?

On that note, I am also unclear on whether the big bang theory is supposed to be a theory of how our universe started, or how our "known" universe started? I am assuming the latter.

Let's talk about what "see beyond the big bang" means. The big bang isn't a location in space, it is a point in time, so to "see beyond it" means that we would need to see light that has been traveling since before the big bang. But this isn't possible. The very early universe consisted of high-temperature, high-density plasma that is opaque to EM radiation (light). It wasn't until about 378,000 years after the big bang that something called "recombination" occurred and this plasma was converted into neutrally charged hydrogen and helium, allowing light to finally propagate without being absorbed.

Since prior to 378,000 years after the big bang the universe was opaque, there is literally nothing to see. There is no light from this point in time in the universe today.

Because the universe is a finite age, and because light has a finite speed, we can't see beyond a certain radius from Earth, about 46 billion light years. It's important to understand that this is a distance in space, unlike "seeing" the big bang, which is a point in time. Since we can't see beyond 46 billion light years, we can't tell what the universe is like past this distance. So as far as we know, the universe could behave differently past this distance and we wouldn't know about it.

On that note, I am also unclear on whether the big bang theory is supposed to be a theory of how our universe started, or how our "known" universe started? I am assuming the latter.

The big bang theory explains how our universe evolved over time, going from an initial high-temperature high-density state at the time just after the big bang to the low-temperature low-density state that it is in now. It does not explain the ultimate origin of our universe, or explain what was before the big bang, if anything.

Does that answer your questions? If not, just say so.

Related to Expanding universe, big bang question

Question 1: What is the expanding universe theory?

The expanding universe theory, also known as the Big Bang theory, states that the universe began as an incredibly dense and hot singularity and has been expanding and cooling ever since. This theory is supported by various observations, such as the redshift of galaxies and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

Question 2: How did the Big Bang happen?

The exact cause of the Big Bang is still unknown, but the theory suggests that it was a rapid expansion of space and time from a singularity. Some scientists propose that it was triggered by a quantum fluctuation, while others believe it was the result of a collision between two branes in a higher-dimensional space.

Question 3: What evidence supports the expanding universe theory?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the expanding universe theory. One of the most significant is the redshift of galaxies, which indicates that they are moving away from us at increasing speeds. The cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements, and the large-scale structure of the universe also support this theory.

Question 4: Does the expanding universe theory contradict the laws of physics?

No, the expanding universe theory does not contradict the laws of physics. In fact, it is consistent with many fundamental principles, such as the conservation of energy and the general theory of relativity. However, it does challenge our understanding of the universe and has sparked ongoing research and debate among scientists.

Question 5: What implications does the expanding universe theory have for the future of the universe?

According to the expanding universe theory, the universe will continue to expand and cool until all the stars burn out and everything is too far apart for new stars to form. This is known as the "heat death" of the universe. However, there are other theories that suggest the expansion may eventually slow down or reverse due to the influence of dark energy. Further research is needed to fully understand the fate of our expanding universe.

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