Expanding Universe-Colliding Galaxies?

In summary, the space between galaxies is expanding and this is what is causing the separation of galaxies. However, the largest structures in the universe are superclusters and not galaxies themselves. These larger structures are composed of many smaller superclusters stretched out in filament fashion. This appearance of thinned out filaments is because they span greater distances, up to a billion light years. Therefore, it is better to consider superclusters as small nodes along larger supercluster filaments instead of large nodes to which smaller supercluster filaments are attached.
  • #1
Ive heard the space between galaxies grows over time and that the universe is expanding in every direction..ive also seen the balloon explanation were they make dots on a balloon and blow it up to demonstrate the expansion of the universe, if this is true how is it we have colliding galaxies? Something to do with galactic clusters? gravity? Differing velocities? The weakness of dark energy vs gravity at this stage?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Good question---and you've already given the right answer.

The universe is expanding overall---and thus, on average, galaxies are moving apart. None the less, certain galaxies can be big enough (and close enough) that their gravity will overcome the expansion and pull them closer together.

Its the same idea as what allows galaxies to form in the first place---on small enough scales, gravity is able to overcome the effects of expansion.

Note that this doesn't have anything to do with 'dark energy' which is the cause of accelerated expansion.
  • #3
It's mainly the space between the galactic super clusters that is generally expanding and creating vast almost empty regions giving our visible universe a somewhat filamentary bubbled appearance. Galactic clusters such as our own , which belongs to the Virgo Super cluster and includes Andromeda and the Milky Way are gravitationally bound to their super clusters and stay within their boundaries.

Here is a chart of super clusters and the separating voids.
  • #4
but so the long tendrils of galaxies stretching from cluster to cluster, these would be "stretching," correct?

I mean, there are tendrils connecting galaxy clusters, right?
  • #5
but so the long tendrils of galaxies stretching from cluster to cluster, these would be "stretching," correct?

I mean, there are tendrils connecting galaxy clusters, right?

They aren't tendriles of galaxies. They are tendriles of superclusters the largest

structures known structues in our universe. They are called supercluster filaments,

complexes, or walls and are considered larger structures than super clusters because

they themselves are composed of many superclusters stretched out in filament fashion.

They appear thinned out because they span greater distances, up to a billion light years.

So it's better to consider superclusters as small nodes along larger supercluster

filaments instead of large nodes to which smaller supercluster filaments are attached.

Being structures indicates that they are gravitationally bound. Which in turn would mean

that the filamentary superclusters would hold their relative positions in relation to each

other while the voids between filaments expand.
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FAQ: Expanding Universe-Colliding Galaxies?

1. What is an expanding universe?

An expanding universe refers to the theory that the universe is constantly growing and expanding, meaning that the distances between galaxies and other celestial bodies are increasing over time. This expansion is believed to have started with the Big Bang, the event that is thought to have created the universe.

2. How do scientists measure the expansion of the universe?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to measure the expansion of the universe, including studying the wavelengths of light from distant galaxies and using the Hubble constant, which is a measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding. Other methods involve studying the cosmic microwave background radiation or the movements of galaxies.

3. What are colliding galaxies?

Colliding galaxies are two or more galaxies that are in the process of merging together due to gravitational forces. These collisions can result in the formation of new galaxies or the destruction of existing ones. Collisions between galaxies are relatively common and can provide valuable insights into the structure and evolution of the universe.

4. Are there any dangers associated with colliding galaxies?

While the idea of galaxies colliding may seem dangerous, the actual collisions between galaxies are relatively harmless. This is because the distances between individual stars within a galaxy are so vast that the likelihood of two stars colliding during a galactic collision is extremely low. However, the gravitational forces involved in these collisions can cause disruptions and changes within the galaxies involved.

5. How do colliding galaxies impact the expansion of the universe?

The impact of colliding galaxies on the expansion of the universe is still a topic of ongoing research. Some theories suggest that these collisions may contribute to the overall expansion of the universe by redistributing energy and matter. Others propose that colliding galaxies may have a minimal impact on the expansion, as the majority of the universe's expansion is believed to be driven by dark energy.

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