Expansion of space: Earth - Moon

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the expansion rate between the Earth and the Moon using Hubble's law, which is found to be very small due to the influence of gravity. The idea of the expansion of space eventually tearing apart atoms is also mentioned, but it is deemed unlikely and not supported by evidence. A theoretical calculation is referenced, which shows that the effect of cosmological expansion on local systems is extremely small.
  • #1

I made a (rough) calculation of how far the Moon would be moving away from Earth according to Hubble's law = 72.6 (km/s)/Mpc


1 megaParsec = 3.08 × 1022 m ≈ 4 × 1022 m

Distance between Moon and Earth ≈ 4 x 108 m

Expansion rate ≈ 7.2 104 (m/s)/4 × 1022 m = 7.2 (m/s)/4 × 1018 m

Thus expansion for Earth - Moon ≈ 7.2 x 10-10 m/s


Is this calculation correct? If so, than that it would be about one picometer per second, or is Earth's gravity force simply keeping the Moon in it place?


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  • #2
Hubble's law applies to intergalactic distances. It does not apply to stars within our own galaxy, much less distance between planets in a single solar system not distance between a planet and it moons.
  • #3
ok, thanks.

Than how can we calculate the expansion of the Universe on a local scale, or is there no expansion locally because gravity keeps it all together?
  • #4
Correct. Gravitational bound objects are essentially immune to the effects of expansion. The force of expansion is overwhelmed by gravity over 'short' distances. By 'short' distances we are talking the level of galactic clusters.
  • #5
FWIW, the Moon *is* receding, but due tidal friction, currently ~ 38 mm / yr.

IIRC, this is measured by laser ranging using the retro-reflector panels positioned by Apollo astronauts or mounted on Russian rover.
  • #6
Why do I keep hearing that the expansion of space will eventually rip even atoms apart, if it's too weak to affect anything below intergalactic distances?
  • #7
Lsos said:
Why do I keep hearing that the expansion of space will eventually rip even atoms apart, if it's too weak to affect anything below intergalactic distances?

The so-called "Big Rip" scenario that you describe is hypothetical and not widely believed to be likely. There is no evidence for it, just speculation.

I SEEM to recall (sorry I can't give a link, so this is hearsay) that it has even been disproven, but that may be a stretch. Call it unlikely.
  • #8
The influence of the cosmological expansion on local systems
F. I. Cooperstock, V. Faraoni, D. N. Vollick

They calculate this kind of thing. The effect is extremely small. The predicted general-relativistic effect on the radius of the Earth's orbit since the time of the dinosaurs is calculated to be about as big as the diameter of an atomic nucleus.
  • #9
phinds said:
The so-called "Big Rip" scenario that you describe is hypothetical and not widely believed to be likely. There is no evidence for it, just speculation.

I SEEM to recall (sorry I can't give a link, so this is hearsay) that it has even been disproven, but that may be a stretch. Call it unlikely.

Here's an interesting blogpost by a theoretical astrophysicist on this topic, and somewhere on it there is also a link to that paper:

  • #10
bcrowell said:
The influence of the cosmological expansion on local systems
F. I. Cooperstock, V. Faraoni, D. N. Vollick

They calculate this kind of thing. The effect is extremely small. The predicted general-relativistic effect on the radius of the Earth's orbit since the time of the dinosaurs is calculated to be about as big as the diameter of an atomic nucleus.

Thanks, this was the kind of information I was curious about.

FAQ: Expansion of space: Earth - Moon

What is the expansion of space between Earth and Moon?

The distance between Earth and Moon is constantly changing due to the expansion of space. This expansion is caused by the force of dark energy, which is pushing galaxies and objects in the universe apart.

How fast is the expansion of space between Earth and Moon?

The expansion of space between Earth and Moon is currently measured at a rate of about 3.8 centimeters per year. This rate is constantly changing and is expected to increase over time.

Will the expansion of space between Earth and Moon affect the Moon's orbit?

No, the expansion of space between Earth and Moon will not affect the Moon's orbit. The Moon is held in place by the gravitational pull of Earth, which is stronger than the force of dark energy causing the expansion of space.

Can we measure the expansion of space between Earth and Moon?

Yes, scientists can measure the expansion of space between Earth and Moon using various astronomical techniques. One method is by measuring the distance between Earth and Moon using laser ranging, which can detect changes in distance as small as a few millimeters.

Will the expansion of space between Earth and Moon ever stop?

It is currently unknown if the expansion of space between Earth and Moon will ever stop. Some theories suggest that the expansion will continue indefinitely, while others propose that it may eventually slow down or even reverse. More research is needed to fully understand the expansion of space and its effects on our universe.
