Expansion tensor on rotating disk

In summary, Dale calculates the expansion tensor for a disk of constant radius and non-constant angular velocity using a definition of a time-like congruence. The result does not contain any information about shear, which is expected given the rotational symmetry of the problem.
  • #1
Hi Everyone,

Suppose that we have cylindrical coordinates on flat spacetime (in units where c=1): ##ds^2 = -dt^2 + dr^2 + r^2 d\theta^2 + dz^2##

I would like to explicitly calculate the expansion tensor for a disk of constant radius R<1 and non-constant angular velocity ##\omega(t)<1##. I don't know how to do this. All I know that it starts with defining a congruence that represents the material of the disk.

Each point on the disk would have a four-velocity of
$$v=\left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-r^2 \omega^2}},0, \frac{r\omega}{\sqrt{1-r^2 \omega^2}},0\right) = \gamma \partial_t + r\omega\gamma\partial_{\theta}$$ where ##\gamma=(1-r^2 \omega^2)^{-1/2}##

I think that is the congruence, but where do I go from there?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Wikipedia has a brief definition of the expansion tensor (as well as the other elements of the kinematic decomposition):


The computations are tedious (at least, I find them so :wink:) but straightforward.

For this particular case, it looks to me like there should be zero shear, so all the information about expansion (if any) should be in the expansion scalar, which is easier to calculate; it's just ##\nabla_a u^a##, i.e., the (covariant) divergence of the 4-velocity.
  • #3
Hi Dale, see http://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/0312087v2.pdf

The authors do not explicitly write out the details of the calculations, rather they simply explicitly write down the expansion and rotation tensors from the definitions, but this does let you check the result of your own calculations.

As Peter remarked, the shear tensor vanishes identically as we would expect given the rotational symmetry of the entire problem. The expansion tensor is non-vanishing of course due to the fact that the 4-velocity field of the time-like congruence is not parallel to a time-like Killing field of flat space-time, which by the Herglotz-Noether theorem implies the non-Born rigidity of the congruence since the 4-velocity field has non-vanishing vorticity.
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  • #4
Thanks Peter and WBN, I will get back to you if I get stuck.
  • #5


The expansion tensor is a measure of how a congruence of worldlines diverges or converges. In this case, the congruence is represented by the material points on the rotating disk, and the expansion tensor can be calculated by considering the change in the four-velocity vector as we move along the worldlines of these points.

As you have correctly identified, the four-velocity vector for each point on the disk is given by v=(1/√(1-r^2ω^2),0,rω/√(1-r^2ω^2),0). To calculate the expansion tensor, we need to use the formula:

θ_ab=∇_a v_b + ∇_b v_a - (1/3)h_ab (∇_c v^c)

where θ_ab is the expansion tensor, ∇ is the covariant derivative, and h_ab is the projection tensor onto the plane of the disk. This projection tensor is given by:

h_ab=η_ab - u_a u_b

where η_ab is the Minkowski metric and u_a is the unit normal vector to the disk, which is given by u_a=(-rω/√(1-r^2ω^2),0,0,0).

Using these expressions, we can calculate the expansion tensor for the rotating disk. However, since the angular velocity is non-constant, the calculation becomes quite complicated and may not have a closed-form solution. It may be easier to use numerical methods to approximate the expansion tensor at different points on the disk.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Related to Expansion tensor on rotating disk

1. What is an expansion tensor on rotating disk?

An expansion tensor on rotating disk is a mathematical representation of the change in size or volume of a rotating disk as it undergoes deformation or expansion. It is commonly used in fluid mechanics and solid mechanics to analyze the behavior of rotating disks under different conditions.

2. How is the expansion tensor on rotating disk calculated?

The expansion tensor on rotating disk is calculated using the strain or deformation tensor, which is a measure of the change in size or shape of an object. The strain tensor is then multiplied by the rotation tensor, which represents the rotation of the disk. This gives the expansion tensor, which describes the change in size of the disk as it rotates.

3. What are the applications of the expansion tensor on rotating disk?

The expansion tensor on rotating disk has many applications in engineering and physics. It is used to analyze the behavior of rotating disks in machines such as turbines and engines. It is also used in the study of fluid flow in rotating systems, such as in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans.

4. How does the expansion tensor on rotating disk affect the stability of a rotating system?

The expansion tensor on rotating disk can affect the stability of a rotating system by causing changes in the size and shape of the system. This can lead to imbalances and vibrations, which can impact the performance and lifespan of the system. Proper analysis and understanding of the expansion tensor can help engineers design more stable and efficient rotating systems.

5. Are there any limitations or assumptions in using the expansion tensor on rotating disk?

Yes, there are some limitations and assumptions when using the expansion tensor on rotating disk. It assumes that the disk is rotating at a constant angular velocity and that the deformation is small. It also does not take into account factors such as material properties and external forces. Additionally, the expansion tensor may not accurately represent the behavior of highly complex or nonlinear systems.

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