Expectation values and the Harmonic oscillator

In summary, the student is trying to solve a homework problem and is having trouble understanding the math involved. He is getting help from another student, but is still struggling. He solves the first part of the problem, but needs help with the next parts.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For the Harmonic Oscillator, the state |ψ> = (|0> + |1>) / √(2)

Find [itex]\overline{x}[/itex] = <ψ|x|ψ> [itex]\overline{p}[/itex] = <ψ|p|ψ>
[itex]\overline{x^2}[/itex] = <ψ|x[itex]^{2}[/itex]|ψ> and [itex]\overline{p^2}[/itex] = <ψ|p[itex]^{2}[/itex]|ψ>


<ψ| (x - [itex]\overline{x}[/itex])^2 |ψ><ψ| (p - [itex]\overline{p}[/itex])^2 |ψ>

2. Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I got some help from another student on getting started with the first part of this problem, but in all honesty I'm really not even sure how to start some of these, and how the operators work. This is what I've got so far:

<ψ|x|ψ> = <ψ|√(hbar/2mω) (a+a_)|ψ>
<ψ| = 1/√2 (<0| + <1|)
|ψ> = 1/√2 (|0> + |1>)

giving 1/2 √(hbar/2mω) (<0| + <1|) (a+a_) (|0> + |1>)

from here the raising and lowering operators are operating on the nth states of 0 and 1. I know that a_|0> = 0 and a_|n> = √(n)|n-1> and that a+|n> = √(n+1)|n+1> but if anyone can make a suggestion or show me how to get some results here, I would greatly appreciate it. As well, some direction on how to start the next parts would be amazing too, thank you!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
So you essentially got this expression (<0| + <1|) (a_+ + a_) (|0> + |1>). Ok, there's some operator 'sandwiched' between bra's and ket's. Can you expand this expression into a sum of 4 terms and then compute each term separately ?
  • #3
dextercioby said:
So you essentially got this expression (<0| + <1|) (a_+ + a_) (|0> + |1>). Ok, there's some operator 'sandwiched' between bra's and ket's. Can you expand this expression into a sum of 4 terms and then compute each term separately ?

Meaning have the a+ operator act on the bras and then the a_ operate on the kets?
  • #4
Just have them act on the ket, though it doesn't make a difference.
  • #5
"Though it doesn't make a difference." Why do you say this vela? Is it because of the orthogonality and cancellation if you end up multiplying through after the operations?
  • #6
Because if you do the calculations correctly, it doesn't matter whether you have the operators act on the bra or the ket. Why do you think it does?
  • #7
Actually, there's a trick to take into account. The raising & the lowering ladder operators are not self-adjoint, but one is the adjoint of the other, so that

[tex] \langle 0|a_{+}|0 \rangle = \langle a_{-}0, 0\rangle = \langle 0,a_{+} 0\rangle [/tex].
  • #8
Alright, so I performed the operations and got <x> = 0 and <p> = 0. Two other students I spoke with said that they got <p> = 0 but not <x>. Am I making another mistake here?
  • #9
Ok, never mind, I figured out what was going on. Thank you all very much for your help. After following what was going on, I've successfully solved four of my five assignments! I'll post what I did later on tonight when I've got the time, so if other people have a similar question, they have a direction to go.

FAQ: Expectation values and the Harmonic oscillator

1. What is an expectation value in the context of the Harmonic oscillator?

The expectation value in the context of the Harmonic oscillator is the average value that a physical quantity, such as position or momentum, takes over a large number of measurements. In other words, it is the value that we would expect to measure if we were to repeat the experiment many times.

2. How is the expectation value calculated for a Harmonic oscillator?

The expectation value for a Harmonic oscillator is calculated by taking the integral of the product of the wave function and the operator corresponding to the physical quantity of interest. For example, the expectation value of position can be calculated by integrating the product of the wave function and the position operator, which is simply the position variable multiplied by the wave function.

3. What is the significance of the expectation value in the Harmonic oscillator?

The expectation value in the Harmonic oscillator is significant because it allows us to make predictions about the behavior of the system. By knowing the average value of a physical quantity, we can gain insight into the overall behavior and properties of the oscillator.

4. How is the expectation value related to the uncertainty principle in the Harmonic oscillator?

The uncertainty principle states that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less precisely we can know its momentum, and vice versa. In the context of the Harmonic oscillator, the expectation value of the position and momentum operators are related to the uncertainty principle. The product of the uncertainties in these operators is always greater than or equal to the magnitude of the expectation value of their commutator.

5. Can the expectation value of a physical quantity in the Harmonic oscillator be negative?

No, the expectation value of a physical quantity in the Harmonic oscillator cannot be negative. This is because the wave function, which is squared to calculate the expectation value, is always positive. Therefore, the expectation value will always be positive or zero for any physical quantity in the Harmonic oscillator.
