Expectation Values for momentum and a particle in a square well

In summary, the expectation values of p and p2 for a particle in state n=2 in a one dimensional square well potential can be calculated using the wave equation derived through separation of variables. The meaning of n=2 in this context is unclear as it is a two dimensional problem. It is important to apply the momentum operator in both the x and y directions during integration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the expectation values of p and p2 for a particle in state n=2 in a square well potential.

Homework Equations

[itex]\Psi[/itex](x,y) = (2/L)*sin(n1[itex]\pi[/itex]x/L)*sin(n2[itex]\pi[/itex]y/L)

p= -i[itex]\hbar[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex]/[itex]\partial[/itex]x

The Attempt at a Solution

[itex]\int[/itex][itex]\Psi[/itex]p[itex]\Psi[/itex]dxdy limits being from 0 to L for both.

I derived the two dimension wave equation using separation of variables. This is where I had some questions. For the state n=2, does that mean both n1 and n2 equal 2 or does one of them equal 1 and the other 2 since from what I understand 1,2 would be the next highest energy level. Also as I was integrating, the x portion integrated nicely due to the momentum operator while the y portion stayed rather "unclean". Was I suppose to apply the momentum operator in both the x and y direction?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't know what n=2 is supposed to mean for a two dimensional square well where you have two quantum numbers. Are you sure they don't mean a one dimensional problem? That's also called a 'square well' referring to the shape of the potential. Square doesn't necessarily mean two dimensions.
  • #3
Completely forgot I posted here, and yes I just realized that it's just a one dimensional well after lots of thinking...it's been a long a day heh. Thanks for the input though!

FAQ: Expectation Values for momentum and a particle in a square well

1. What are expectation values for momentum and a particle in a square well?

Expectation values for momentum and a particle in a square well are measures of the average momentum and position of a particle in a specific quantum state. In quantum mechanics, the expectation value is the predicted value of a physical quantity based on the wave function of the particle. In the case of a particle in a square well, the expectation value for momentum is zero, while the expectation value for position is the center of the well.

2. How are expectation values for momentum and a particle in a square well calculated?

The expectation value for momentum is calculated by taking the integral of the product of the momentum operator and the wave function squared over the entire space of the well. The expectation value for position is calculated in a similar manner, using the position operator instead. These integrals can be solved using mathematical techniques such as integration by parts.

3. What is the significance of expectation values for momentum and a particle in a square well?

The expectation values for momentum and position provide information about the average behavior of a particle in a specific quantum state. They can be used to make predictions about the particle's behavior and to compare different quantum states. In the case of a particle in a square well, the expectation values can also be used to determine the energy levels of the particle.

4. How do the expectation values for momentum and a particle in a square well change with different quantum states?

The expectation values for momentum and position can vary depending on the quantum state of the particle. In general, the expectation value for momentum will be higher for states with higher energy levels, while the expectation value for position will be closer to the center of the well for states with lower energy levels. However, the specific values will also depend on the shape and size of the well.

5. Are there any limitations to using expectation values for momentum and a particle in a square well?

While expectation values provide useful information about a particle in a square well, they are not the only way to describe the behavior of a particle in quantum mechanics. They are limited in that they only provide information about the average behavior of a particle and do not account for fluctuations or uncertainties in the particle's position or momentum. Additionally, they may not accurately describe the behavior of particles in more complex systems.
