Expectation values of QHO in |n> basis

Binomial_theoremIn summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of expressing any observable A(X,P) in terms of ladder operators. The person is trying to evaluate the expectation value of 1/X^2 in the |n> basis and is looking for a way to express 1/X^2 in terms of ladder operators. The conversation also mentions the use of a Hamiltonian with a potential quadratic in position coordinates and non-relativistic kinetic energy. There is a discussion about the mathematical definition of <ψ|(1/X^2)|ψ> and the possibility of using a Binomial expansion to expand the bracket.
  • #1
Is it possible to express ANY observable A(X,P) in terms of the ladder operators?

I know how to evaluate expectation values in the |n> basis given the operators in terms of a & a+, but was trying to figure out <1/X^2>. How do you express 1/X^2 in terms of ladder operators? <ψ|(1/X^2)|ψ> can be done in the X basis fine, by evaluating ∫ψ*(1/x^2)ψ dx , but what about in |n> basis?

Given X^2 = (h/2mw)[a^2 + aa' + a'a +a'^2] how do I "invert" this into 1/X^2 , and be able to evaluate it in a state <1|(1/X^2)|1> for example?
(a' = a-dagger)
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  • #2
the division process is not defined for operators. unless you mean inversion which gives a rather simple answer, knowing that the lowering and raising operators are each others inverses. If you just want to know what is the inverse of the expectation value of x squared, that isn't too difficult, you just evaluate x squared and take its inverse.
  • #3
Yeah I don't mean division, I guess it would be the inverse of X^2? Since <ψ|(X^2)(1/X^2)|ψ> will just be <ψ|ψ>. And yeah I don't just want to be able to work out 1/<X^2> which is easily done, I want <1/X^2>.

So how do I find the inverse of X^2 = (h/2mw)[a^2 + aa' + a'a +a'^2] ?
I need some operator in terms of a and a' such that when I have the product of the two, all the terms cancel out to the Identity operator.. how?

edit*Thinking about it, how would it even be possible to get to say, 1/X, using a = X + iP and a' = X - iP (ignoring the coefficients). So I'm guessing you CANT write any observable using ladder operators? Only if they have powers of X and P that are in the natural numbers including 0.
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  • #4
You're kind of missing the point here. You cannot perform a division operation on a vector.
<ψ|(1/X^2)|ψ> is not mathematically defined. The object 1/<X^2> however makes more mathematical sense.
Any Hamiltonian with a potential quadratic in position coordinates, and non relativistic kinetic energy, can have raising and lowering operators associated with it. Although I don't think this is what you were asking for. In general you can write any observable that depends on x or p in terms of the familiar lowering and raising operators for the QHO.
In theory if you write 1/X as X^(-1), then we have X^(-2) = ((h/2mw)^(-2)).([a^2 + aa' + a'a +a'^2]^-2). But then you would have to expand that bracket. No easy task I grant you, but the crucial assumption here is that the X and P are scalars; we are working with a 1 dimensional harmonic oscillator. In that case matrix and scalar inversion are effectively the same operations. If you have trouble with expanding that bracket, try a Binomial expansion, but be careful with the orderings as these are differential equations you are manipulating.
  • #5
What do you mean <ψ|(1/X^2)|ψ> isn't defined? Maybe my notation is just bad, what I meant by that is expectation value of (1/X^2), where (1/X^2)|x> = (1/x^2)|x> .
In general <1/X^2> ≠ 1/<X^2>.
But yes I see, so I should be able to get the right result by expanding that bracket, looks tedious haha, thanks for your answers.
  • #6
yes i was perhaps pressing on a point not quite relevant to your question. any way the bracket needs to be expanded by a multinomial expansion, or a binomial expansion if you prefer that way.
here's some help on how to do those:

FAQ: Expectation values of QHO in |n> basis

What is the QHO (Quantum Harmonic Oscillator)?

The QHO is a quantum mechanical model that describes the behavior of a particle in a harmonic potential. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to understand the behavior of many physical systems.

What does "expectation value" mean in the context of the QHO?

The expectation value in the context of the QHO refers to the average value of a physical quantity, such as position or momentum, that is predicted by the quantum mechanical model. It is calculated by taking the integral of the product of the quantity and the probability amplitude for that quantity.

What is the |n> basis in the context of the QHO?

The |n> basis, also known as the number state basis, is a set of states that describe the energy levels of the QHO. Each state is labeled by an integer value n, which represents the number of quanta of energy in that state.

How is the expectation value of the QHO calculated in the |n> basis?

The expectation value of the QHO can be calculated by using the formula ⟨x⟩ = ⟨n|x|n⟩, where x is the operator for the physical quantity of interest, and ⟨n|x|n⟩ is the probability amplitude for the state |n> in the x basis.

What is the significance of calculating expectation values in the |n> basis for the QHO?

Calculating expectation values in the |n> basis allows us to understand the behavior of the QHO in terms of its energy levels. It also provides a more intuitive understanding of the system and allows for easier comparison with classical systems. In addition, it is a useful tool for predicting the outcomes of measurements on the QHO.
