Experienced Physicist Looking to construct Particleaccelerator

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In summary, an 8th grader is looking to construct a small-scale particle accelerator for his science fair. He is seeking the help of professionals, and has researched various options. He is considering using a Van De Graff generator, but is concerned about the power he would be able to generate. He is also worried about the safety risks involved in building the accelerator. If you are an 8th grader, I would strongly discourage you from working on this project. The risks are too high and you don't have the experience or maturity to deal with them.
  • #1
I am an aspiring physicist looking to construct a functioning small-scale particleaccelerator for my 8th grade science fair. I am aware of the complexity of this endeavor and have multiple means of completing it at my disposal, including some very generous parents.
My interest and credibility in the field of particle and nuclear physics has spawned from my completion of a Inertial Electrostatic Containment fusion device (a fusor) for my 7th grade science fair.
Unfortunately, I am still inexperienced with many aspects of particle acceleration and so I am here seeking the aid of professionals.
I first planned to construct a cyclotron, as I have a high-voltage power source (15 keV) and would prefer a somewhat high yield from the device. However, I am now leaning to constructing a linear accelerator, due to its ease of construction (but I am skeptical of how much juice I would be able to get out of it.)
Could I use a Van De Graff generator to power a simple tubular Linac?
I have done extensive research in past months and would like to complete this project by February, 2011.
I am looking forward to hearing from my fellow physicists for instruction, tips or even criticism.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You are not an experienced physicist - you are an 8th grader.

Anything involving high voltage is dangerous. It would be irresponsible to encourage an 8th grader to work with high voltage. If the 8th grader is irresponsible enough to misrepresent himself as an "experienced physicist", this becomes doubly so.
  • #3
If you have a television that uses a Cathode Ray to project images, I would suggest you extract it with parental supervision. This would be the most efficient way to demonstrate a particle accelerator - you're accelerating electrons.
  • #4
I can only define my "experience" in the field of physics as being my scientific achievements; I don't recall any of history's great scientists being judged on their age. I responsibly figure that after achieving the successful construction of a cloud chamber, Fusion reactor (15 keV and up) and a Van De Graaff, I possesses the experience necessary to take on the relatively meager endeavor of a small particleaccelerator. I joined the field of physics to make achievements of science in a respectable manner, a goal that common opinion, though understandable, will not keep me from.
I thank Kevin_Axion for the tip. I have considered using a Cathode Ray tube, but I would honestly like to have more experience with designing the electromagnet assembly and the particle source myself.
Any suggestions?
  • #5
Your interest in physics is laudable and I don't want to discourage you. But I must warn you that the best thing you and your parents could do for you is to take a year or so to study all the *genuine life threatening hazards* in the work you contemplate.

For example, at 15kv, do you know how many x-rays your accelerator will create and where the deadly beams will be directed? Do you know the dielectric strength of the insulators in your equipment so you don't electrocute someone?
Unless you can calculate how much "juice" your device might create or how deadly the juice is, you should not build it. Learning the limits is legitimate physics for your stage of professional development and I dare say you need it badly.

Look up Louis Slotin and ask yourself if you're even as careful as he was.
  • #6
I agree. The true issue here is not so much the technicality of his endeavor, but the mental/emotional maturity to learn about, understand and APPLY safety standards.
He seems to be doing well with some technical aspects. If he combines that with a responsible awareness of safety he will do even better.
  • #7
You are heading down a very dangerous road playing with 15KV. I suggest you abandon this venture immediately before you end up killing yourself or someone else.
  • #8
I've worked on particle accelerators for a long time.

It's not difficult to build a small one but as everyone has pointed out it's exceptionally dangerous.
Not only are the voltages involved dangerously high, if you succeed, you will produce radiation at a level that's likely to be almost immediately fatal .

Real accelerators are usually sealed in specially built rooms with walls several feet thick with sophisticated safety systems to prevent accidents.

Many of the Physicists who worked on this stuff before it was fully understood died as a result.

FAQ: Experienced Physicist Looking to construct Particleaccelerator

1. What is a particle accelerator?

A particle accelerator is a scientific instrument that uses electric and magnetic fields to accelerate charged particles, such as protons or electrons, to high speeds and energies. It can be used to study the fundamental building blocks of matter and to create new particles.

2. What is the purpose of constructing a particle accelerator?

The purpose of constructing a particle accelerator is to conduct experiments and research in the field of particle physics. This includes studying the properties of subatomic particles, testing theories such as the Standard Model, and exploring the fundamental laws of nature.

3. What is the process of constructing a particle accelerator?

The construction of a particle accelerator involves several key steps. First, a design and plan must be created, taking into account the desired energy and type of particles to be accelerated. Then, the necessary components such as magnets, vacuum chambers, and particle detectors are assembled. The accelerator is then tested and fine-tuned before experiments can begin.

4. What are the potential benefits of a particle accelerator?

The potential benefits of a particle accelerator are numerous. It can help us understand the fundamental laws of nature and the origins of the universe. It can also lead to technological advancements, such as new medical treatments and energy sources. Additionally, it can inspire new discoveries and advancements in other fields of science.

5. Are there any risks or concerns associated with constructing a particle accelerator?

While there are always risks associated with any scientific experiment, the construction of a particle accelerator is generally considered safe. However, there are some concerns about the high levels of energy and radiation involved, as well as the potential for accidental releases of particles. Strict safety protocols are in place to minimize these risks and ensure the safety of researchers and the surrounding environment.

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