Experiment(Determining the reaction order)

  • Thread starter Lord Dark
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In summary, the conversation involved a discussion about an experiment to determine the order of reaction between KMnO4 and oxalic acid. The results showed that doubling the OAA concentration did not significantly change the reaction rate, indicating a zero order reaction. However, doubling the KMnO4 concentration actually slowed the reaction rate. The experiment involved measuring the time it took for permanganate to turn yellow with different volumes of distilled water, KMnO4, and oxalic acid. The issue of getting the correct time for the reaction was also mentioned.
  • #1
Lord Dark

Homework Statement

Hi guys, Girls :smile:

Today we've done an experiment to determine the order of reaction of :

KMnO4 & Oxalic acid ,, I've got the following results :

EXP | KMnO4 | Oxalic Acid | Rate

Exp1: 3.3e-3 M 0.39 M 4.48e-3
Exp2: 3.3e-3 M 0.78 M 4.57e-3
Exp3: 6.6e-3 M 0.39 M 2.99e-3

I think there is something wrong with the rates because when I want to get the order of reaction of Oxalic acid I get (0.5)^m=1 ,, so m =0 and I don't think it's right because I think it has to react too,, can anyone tell me what's their order of reaction to know what did I do wrong please ,,

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
We would need a bit more info about what your kind of experiment and obsrvations were. Preferably with figs. You quote units (M) for concentrations but not for rates. If those are Ms-1 then the reaction is over in something like a second. Did you observe a rate over a period during which the reactant concentrations didn't change very much, which would be the simplest for interpretation?

On the face of it, when you doubled the OAA you scarcely changed the reaction rate - that would be zero order. When you doubled the KMnO4 the reaction actually slowed. One could probably come up with a mechanistic conjecture, but it seems sufficiently unexpected people would want to look at the experiment and observations before trying! :smile:
  • #3
actually , the experiment was to measure the period that permanganate become yellow with different volumes of distilled water, potassium permanganate and oxalate acid.
and we got the time then get their invert so we get the rate ,, it's simple but the problem is getting the period right ~.~

FAQ: Experiment(Determining the reaction order)

1. What is an experiment for determining reaction order?

An experiment for determining reaction order involves varying the concentration of one reactant while keeping the concentration of all other reactants constant, and measuring the rate of the reaction. This data is then used to determine the order of the reaction with respect to the varying reactant.

2. How is the rate of reaction measured in this experiment?

The rate of reaction is typically measured by tracking the change in concentration of a reactant or product over time. This can be done using various methods such as colorimetry, titration, or spectrophotometry.

3. What does the reaction order tell us?

The reaction order tells us how the rate of the reaction is affected by changes in the concentration of a specific reactant. For example, a reaction order of 2 indicates that doubling the concentration of that reactant will quadruple the rate of the reaction.

4. How do you determine the reaction order from experimental data?

To determine the reaction order, the experimental data is plotted on a graph of concentration versus time. The slope of the resulting line is then used to determine the reaction order. A slope of 0 indicates a zero order reaction, a slope of 1 indicates a first order reaction, and a slope of 2 indicates a second order reaction.

5. What factors can affect the accuracy of determining reaction order in an experiment?

The accuracy of determining reaction order can be affected by factors such as experimental errors, incomplete reactions, or the presence of catalysts. It is important to carefully control and monitor these factors to ensure accurate results.

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