Experiment showing energy levels of light are quantized

In summary: The existence of an infinite number of energy levels is also not verified, and there are theoretical arguments against it. Additionally, this idea of discrete energy levels can lead to contradictions when considering different reference frames. Therefore, it is not a universal concept and should not be assumed for all radiation. In conclusion, while there is evidence for the existence of discrete energy levels in certain systems, it is not a general property of all radiation.
  • #1
Although I have not been thinking very much about actual physics for while now I suddenly got the urge to read a little bit about it and I decided to start by checking out the birth of quantum mechanics again.

In the book quantum theory by Bohm in chapter 1 the ultra-violet catastrophe and its resolution are explained. It is also mentioned there that Planck originial idea was that the material oscillators in the wall of the cavity only emit energy at certain discrete levels. In the book as well as in my recollection of verious quantum mechanics courses I recall one usually also assumes that the light itsself can only receive energy in quanta. In the book Bohm reasons as follows. He says that, since the only light we can detect couples with matter and the material that the walls of the cavity are made of does not matter, it is equivalent to assume that the light only absorbs energy in quanta or to assume the material only emits energy in quanta.

He then continues to demonstrate the quantization of matter with an example about the dependence of the specific heat of a crystal on temperature. I thought this reasoning is a little bit strange since it seems Occams razor would suggest only deciding that matter must emit quanta. It actually seems like Bohm's reasoning tells me no experiment could show that light always absorbs energy in specified quanta. In which case it confuses me that I seem to have always been taught this.

So I guess my question is if someone understands my confusion and can help me, or more precisely. Is there some other experiment that shows that the allowed energies of specifically light (of some frequency) only take a discrete set of values?
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  • #2
I think that you have mixed things up here, because you are combining two different phenomena into one.

First, there is the quanta of light. This is where the energy carried by light come in clumps. Initially, the photoelectric effect is a strong evidence to show this. Nowadays, the which-way experiment, and the photon antibunching experiment are very strong evidence for the existence of photons.

The other question is the discrete energy levels. This is not due to photons but rather the discrete energy level of the system in question, such as an atom. This was known even before the idea of photon or quantum mechanics came into existence. The spectrum of light emitted or absorbed by these atoms are well-known and is the clearest evidence for it. How do you think we identify atoms and molecules from a substance noawdays?

  • #3
conquest said:
Is there some other experiment that shows that the allowed energies of specifically light (of some frequency) only take a discrete set of values?
This is not true in general. It is true in a cavity, and every laser, microwave, ... resonator demonstrates this nicely.
  • #4
Thank you both (ZapperZ and mfb) for the responses. However, I am still a bit confused.

ZapperZ said:
First, there is the quanta of light. This is where the energy carried by light come in clumps. Initially, the photoelectric effect is a strong evidence to show this. Nowadays, the which-way experiment, and the photon antibunching experiment are very strong evidence for the existence of photons.

This I had indeed considered and it is very possible that my terminology is messed up. In the end my question is really more about the allowed energies for the radiation, not about the particle nature of photons (which it seems to me these experiments are about, but I may be confused about that). I hope you understand my question below and can possibly elaborate about how these experiments might answer that question.

ZapperZ said:
The other question is the discrete energy levels. This is not due to photons but rather the discrete energy level of the system in question, such as an atom. This was known even before the idea of photon or quantum mechanics came into existence.

I think this is rather what my question is about. In the book Bohm analyzes the ultraviolet catastrophe and concludes that we may treat the radiation in the cavity as a collection of harmonic oscillators. He then seems to imply that these oscillators are only allowed discrete energy levels. Apparently Planck's original hypotheses is about the energy levels in the walls of the cavity (so the atoms), which is also what you seem to say here.

The question I have is caused by the fact that Bohm also mentions that since all the radiation coming from matter with discrete energy levels would have discrete energy levels it does not matter whether we assume the harmonic oscillators making up the radiation have these discrete energy levels or the material (since the material of the walls does not matter). Somehow I also had the impression that it is then implied that all radiation
has this property of discrete energy levels.

mfb said:
This is not true in general. It is true in a cavity, and every laser, microwave, ... resonator demonstrates this nicely.

So these experiments show that it is true in a cavity? Then what experiments show that it is not true in general?
  • #5
conquest said:
So these experiments show that it is true in a cavity? Then what experiments show that it is not true in general?
You can never verify that there is an infinite number of possible energy levels, as you cannot count to infinity. There is absolutely no indication of any steps, however. There are also strong theoretical arguments against it. For example, imagine photons energies would occur in steps only for some observer A. Take observer B moving slowly relative to A: he would see different energy levels, and to make it worse the energy levels woud depend on the direction. The physics would prefer one reference frame - again something never observed anywhere.
  • #6
mfb said:
You can never verify that there is an infinite number of possible energy levels, as you cannot count to infinity.
I am a bit confused about this, my question was not about whether or not there was an infinite amount of energy levels, only if there is a discrete
set of levels. Can I interpret this as saying that this is also unverifiable or only that it has not ever been verified.

mfb said:
For example, imagine photons energies would occur in steps only for some observer A. Take observer B moving slowly relative to A: he would see different energy levels, and to make it worse the energy levels woud depend on the direction. The physics would prefer one reference frame - again something never observed anywhere.
I don't get this. Why would the photon suddenly have no steps if observer B makes the observation?
  • #7
conquest said:
I am a bit confused about this, my question was not about whether or not there was an infinite amount of energy levels, only if there is a discrete set of levels.
That is the same question. Discrete levels are finite (at least if you restrict the range), a continuum does not have a finite number.
It is impossible to rule out steps of arbitrarily small size.
conquest said:
I don't get this. Why would the photon suddenly have no steps if observer B makes the observation?
It would have steps, but different ones, and the step positions would depend on the direction. It is expected that physics is the same for all observers, and thousands of measurements tested this with extremely high precision.

Related to Experiment showing energy levels of light are quantized

1. What does it mean for energy levels of light to be quantized?

Quantized energy levels refer to the concept that energy can only exist in discrete, specific amounts rather than being continuous. In the context of light, this means that light can only exist at certain energy levels, or "packets" known as photons, rather than being able to exist at any energy level.

2. How was the quantization of light energy levels first discovered?

The quantization of light energy levels was first discovered by German physicist Max Planck in 1900. He was studying blackbody radiation, or the emission of light from a hot object, and found that the energy of the emitted light was not continuous but rather came in discrete units or "quanta". This discovery led to the development of quantum mechanics.

3. What is the significance of the quantization of light energy levels?

The quantization of light energy levels is significant because it provides a fundamental understanding of the behavior of light and has led to advancements in various fields such as electronics, telecommunications, and medical imaging. It also supports the wave-particle duality of light, showing that it can behave as both a wave and a particle.

4. How is the quantization of light energy levels observed in experiments?

One commonly used experiment to observe the quantization of light energy levels is the photoelectric effect. This is when light is shone on a metal surface, causing the emission of electrons. The energy of the emitted electrons is dependent on the frequency of the light and can only occur in discrete values, demonstrating the quantization of light energy levels.

5. Can the quantization of light energy levels be explained by classical physics?

No, the quantization of light energy levels cannot be explained by classical physics. Classical physics assumes that energy is continuous, meaning it can exist at any value. However, the quantization of light energy levels is only possible to explain through quantum mechanics and the concept of discrete energy levels.

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