Experimental history of quantum physics

In summary, there are several books that provide a detailed history of the experiments and developments that led to our current understanding of quantum mechanics. These include Inward Bound by Abraham Pais, Oxford, 1986, Sources of Quantum Mechanics, ed. Van der Waerden, Dover, 1967, Jammer: Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics, and Quantum Concepts in Physics by Malcolm Longair. Longair's book in particular offers a comprehensive and accessible look at the historical figures, motivations, and ideas that shaped quantum mechanics. It also includes a chapter on Schrödinger's papers and how they fit into the larger context of mathematical physics at the time.
  • #1
manu de hanoi
I have a bunch of issues with the various interpretations of quantum physics. I'd like to dig into it but most textbooks on the topic just throw in your face a bunch of equations and tell you "that's the way it works"

Intead, I'm looking for a detailed history of the experiments that led to the current theories of quantum physics, is there such a book ? If yes please let me know the book title/author thank you very much
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  • #2
Inward Bound by Abraham Pais, Oxford, 1986.

I couldn't put it down !

also ( for theory )

Sources of Quantum Mechanics, ed. Van der Waerden, Dover, 1967.

Reprints of papers by Einstein, Hesenberg, Pauli and Dirac amongst others.
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  • #4
Jammer: Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics
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  • #5
My favorite book on the history of quantum mechanics is "Malcolm Longair: Quantum Concepts in Physics".
  • #6
A very detailed multi-volume book is by Mehra and Rechenberg, The historical development of quantum mechanics.
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  • #7
manu de hanoi said:
I have a bunch of issues with the various interpretations of quantum physics. I'd like to dig into it but most textbooks on the topic just throw in your face a bunch of equations and tell you "that's the way it works"

Intead, I'm looking for a detailed history of the experiments that led to the current theories of quantum physics, is there such a book ? If yes please let me know the book title/author thank you very much

One book that I liked from a historical perspective was "What is Quantum Mechanics? A Physics Adventure"

It has a lot of cartoons and is written in an unintimidating style. But don't let that fool you. It gets reasonably rigorous. It follows the history of the development of Quantum Mechanics, starting with Planck and the blackbody radiation problem he was grappling with, the photoelectric effect, then moving on to Einstein's interpretation and synthesis of these. It talks about Compton's scattering experiments. There is a nice section on Bohr's model of the atom based on the spectra of the hydrogen atom. It has a great section on Heisenberg's formulation of Matrix mechanics, and Born's and others' insights into developing it further, Einstein's initial objections to Heisenberg's formulation (it even has a section on how after Heisenberg had presented his results at a meeting, Einstein invited him over and really gave him a grilling on his new formulations. The conversation is taken from a memoir which Heisenberg wrote afterward. It is fascinating to hear their conversation, almost as if you were there). It goes on to DeBroglie's work, then Schrodinger (the section on how Schrodinger derived his equation was really confusing. But I don't think anyone really understands how he did it originally. It has almost an element of divine revelation in it or something. I am still trying to figure it out. Most of the quantum mechanics books which derive the equation and "throw it in your face" nowadays are probably better to try to actually understanding how that equation works). There is a very enlightening section, rare to see anywhere else, showing how Schrodinger went on to prove the mathematical equivalence of his formulation of quantum mechanics with that of Heisenberg's Matrix mechanics.

That's about where the book stops. It does not really go on to talking much about Dirac or anything. But it really gives you a nice feel for the story of how quantum mechanics evolved in its early days, and the stories and motivations behind all the characters behind it. It brings the characters, the motivations, and ideas to life.
  • #8
Sophrosyne said:
It goes on to DeBroglie's work, then Schrodinger (the section on how Schrodinger derived his equation was really confusing. But I don't think anyone really understands how he did it originally. It has almost an element of divine revelation in it or something. I am still trying to figure it out.
Try the chapter on Schrödinger's papers in Longair's book. It contains a good analysis which highlights the key points and nicely provides context. For example, how far Hamilton already got long before people talked about quantum theory or the lucky coincidence that Courant's and Hilbert's book "Methods of Mathematical Physics" appeared just in time to provide the mathematical methods which Schrödinger needed.

FAQ: Experimental history of quantum physics

1. What is the experimental history of quantum physics?

The experimental history of quantum physics is the study of the development of quantum physics through experiments. It involves the observation and measurement of physical phenomena to understand the principles and laws that govern the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

2. Who were the key scientists in the experimental history of quantum physics?

Some of the key scientists in the experimental history of quantum physics include Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and Wolfgang Pauli. Each of these scientists made significant contributions to our understanding of quantum mechanics through their experiments and theories.

3. What were some of the first experiments in quantum physics?

Some of the first experiments in quantum physics include the photoelectric effect experiment by Albert Einstein, the double-slit experiment by Thomas Young, and the blackbody radiation experiment by Max Planck. These experiments helped to establish the principles of quantum mechanics and paved the way for further research in the field.

4. How has the experimental history of quantum physics impacted our understanding of the universe?

The experimental history of quantum physics has greatly impacted our understanding of the universe by revealing the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level. It has also led to technological advancements such as transistors, lasers, and nuclear energy, and has contributed to fields such as chemistry, biology, and cosmology.

5. What are some current experiments in quantum physics?

Some current experiments in quantum physics include the study of quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation, and quantum computing. These experiments aim to further our understanding of the strange and fascinating world of quantum mechanics and have potential applications in fields such as communication, encryption, and computing.

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