Experimental measurements of relative magnetic permeability

In summary: So I'm thinking that saturation may have already occurred. What do you think?Welcome to Physics Forums. :smile:In summary, the magnetic materials may have been driven into saturation, causing strange readings from the hall effect sensor.
  • #1
I am trying to measure the relative permeability of a few materials, but the numbers I'm getting don't quite make sense. Maybe someone here can figure out what might be going wrong.

My setup is as follows. I'm making solenoids using 30 AWG magnet wire wrapped around ferrite, steel and wood cores. I'm doing a single layer of wire and I get about 3600 turns per meter, however the solenoids themselves are about 1"L x 1/4"D. I have a hall effect sensor, the Allegro A1324 which has a sensitivity of 5mv/G. I'm placing the end of the solenoid directly against the sensor and measuring the voltage deviation with respect to current in the solenoid.

With the equation B=kμnI where n=N/L~=3600 I'm solving for the relative permeability k. So k=B/(μnI). At 2 amps I get readings of 201, 170, and 15 G for ferrite, steel, and wood respectively. Then solving for the relative permeability I get 2.2, 1.9 and 0.17. Wood should have something close to 1, so I know something is wrong. And the steel/ferrite should be at least 200.

Any ideas? Thanks
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  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums. :smile:

Quite possibly your ampere-turns per meter was excessive, and the magnetic materials were driven into saturation. Repeat using much smaller currents.
  • #3
What value do you get if there is no core in the solenoid?
  • #4
NascentOxygen said:
Welcome to Physics Forums. :smile:

Quite possibly your ampere-turns per meter was excessive, and the magnetic materials were driven into saturation. Repeat using much smaller currents.

Thanks for your reply. I'm in the linear region, I've verified experimentally. I'm not sure where saturation will occur, but the relationship between B and I is very linear from 0-2A for these solenoids. Also, 3600 turns per meter is a relatively small value as far as I'm aware.

@ Nasu, I used the wood to mimic an air core. The wire is flimsy and would not hold the shape on its own. Wood and air should both be very close to 1.

I did find another equation for non-ideal solenoids where the length and radius are taken into account. The results did not improve much.
  • #5

It's great that you are conducting experiments to measure the relative permeability of different materials. However, it seems like there may be some errors in your setup or calculations that are leading to inaccurate results.

First, it's important to make sure that your solenoids are all the same size and have the same number of turns. Any variation in these parameters can affect the magnetic field strength and thus the readings you are getting.

Secondly, the sensitivity of your hall effect sensor may also be a factor. It's possible that the sensor is not able to accurately measure the small magnetic fields produced by wood, leading to the low reading you are getting. You may want to consider using a more sensitive sensor or adjusting your setup to increase the magnetic field strength.

Additionally, the equation you are using to calculate relative permeability assumes that the magnetic field is uniform within the solenoid. However, this may not be the case for your setup, especially with the smaller solenoids. You may need to account for any variations in the magnetic field within the solenoid when calculating relative permeability.

I would also recommend double-checking your calculations and making sure you are using the correct units for all variables. Sometimes, a simple mistake in units can lead to significant errors in the results.

In summary, to get more accurate results, make sure your setup is consistent and precise, consider using a more sensitive sensor, and be mindful of any variations in the magnetic field within the solenoid. Good luck with your experiments!

FAQ: Experimental measurements of relative magnetic permeability

1. What is relative magnetic permeability?

Relative magnetic permeability is a measure of how easily a material can be magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field, compared to the permeability of a vacuum. It is denoted by the symbol µr. Materials with a higher relative permeability have a stronger response to magnetic fields, while those with a lower relative permeability have a weaker response.

2. How is relative magnetic permeability measured?

Relative magnetic permeability can be measured experimentally using various techniques such as vibrating sample magnetometry, SQUID magnetometry, or magnetic force microscopy. These methods involve subjecting a material to a known magnetic field and measuring the resulting magnetic flux density. By comparing this to the magnetic flux density in a vacuum, the relative permeability can be calculated.

3. What factors can affect the measurement of relative magnetic permeability?

The measurement of relative magnetic permeability can be affected by factors such as temperature, frequency of the applied magnetic field, and the microstructure of the material. These factors can alter the magnetic properties of the material, leading to variations in the measured permeability.

4. Why is the measurement of relative magnetic permeability important?

The measurement of relative magnetic permeability is important in understanding the magnetic properties of materials and their potential applications. It can also help in designing and optimizing magnetic devices such as motors, transformers, and sensors. Additionally, relative permeability is a key parameter in the study of electromagnetic fields and their interaction with materials.

5. Can relative magnetic permeability be greater than or less than 1?

Yes, relative magnetic permeability can be greater than or less than 1. Materials with a relative permeability of 1 are considered non-magnetic, meaning they do not respond to magnetic fields. Ferromagnetic materials, such as iron and nickel, have relative permeabilities much greater than 1, while diamagnetic materials, such as copper and gold, have relative permeabilities slightly less than 1.

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