Explain to me what resistors do?

In summary, resistors are components used in electrical circuits to resist the flow of current and create heat. They are also used to adjust voltage and current, control gain in amplifiers, and prevent electricity from going where it is not wanted. Resistors play a crucial role in maintaining the right voltages in a circuit and are essential for the proper functioning of devices such as toasters, ovens, and light bulbs. They work by converting electrical energy into heat and sometimes light energy.
  • #1
Can someone please explain to me what resistors do? And why we use them.

Thank you.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
They resist the flow of electrical current, producing heat. We use them for many reasons; water heaters, electric stoves, and toaster ovens actually use resistors specifically to create heat. Resistors are also (speaking loosely) used to keep electricity from going where it is not wanted in a circuit.

- Warren
  • #3
Resistors are also used to adjust the gain of an amplifier, help drive capacitive loads, adjust time constants, etc.
  • #4
So basically you'd really only use a resistor in a circuit that will produce heat, or need to build up heat?

Examples - Toaster, Oven, Gain on an amplifier.

Is that right, for a basic definition/function?
  • #5
No, it's not. That's why I provided examples that do not do this.

Amplifier gain is a ratio of voltages, and has little connection to heat. Besides dissipating electrostatic energy in the form of heat, resistors provide a potential (voltage) difference across their ends. Having the right voltages at different parts of a circuit requires the use of resistors.
  • #6
Maxwell - look up ohms law online.

Basically, its this simple equation:

voltage = current * resistance

Since those are all linked by that equation, if a person wanted to control voltage or current you can change the value of a resistor.

  • #7
Imagine a light bulb, it is connected to a 9 volt battery, but the light bulb is only rated for 2.5 volts. If I connected the batter straight to the bulb, it would flash, and burn out. To prevent this, I would connect a resistor in the circuit, it would restist the flow of current, and cause a voltage drop. This resistor would be the exact value, so it would bring the voltage down to 2.5, and that would propperly light the bulb. Electrons from a power source are constantly colliding with atoms in the wire or load. This makes the atom positivly charged, so it ejects another electron. The resistance determines how much energy the ejected electron has. As the electron collides with the atom, some of the energy is converted into heat (vibrational) energy. The resistance of the molecules determines how much energy is converted back into kinetic energy for the ejected electron. Some energy is also converted into light energy, this is purposely used in light bulbs, making light bulbs resistors.
  • #8
may i ask u , how old are u ? (maxwell )
your id is graet name but your question ?
excuse me for this question !

FAQ: Explain to me what resistors do?

What is a resistor?

A resistor is an electronic component that limits the flow of electric current in a circuit. It is usually made of a material that has high resistance to the flow of electricity, such as carbon or metal.

Why do we need resistors in a circuit?

Resistors are used in a circuit to control the amount of current flowing through it. They are often used to protect other components from getting damaged by too much current, or to reduce the voltage in a circuit.

How do resistors work?

Resistors work by converting electrical energy into heat. When electricity flows through a resistor, the resistance of the material causes a drop in voltage, which results in a decrease in current flow. This reduces the amount of energy being transferred through the circuit, which is then dissipated as heat.

What are the different types of resistors?

There are several types of resistors, including fixed resistors, variable resistors, and specialized resistors such as thermistors and photoresistors. Fixed resistors have a fixed resistance value and are used in most electronic circuits. Variable resistors, also known as potentiometers, allow the resistance to be adjusted manually. Specialized resistors have specific properties that make them suitable for certain applications.

How do I choose the right resistor for my circuit?

The resistance value of a resistor is measured in ohms (Ω). To choose the right resistor for your circuit, you need to know the amount of current and voltage in the circuit, as well as the desired resistance. You can use Ohm's law (V=IR) to calculate the resistance needed for a specific voltage and current. You can also refer to a resistor color code chart to determine the resistance value of a resistor based on its color bands.

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