Explaining B-Field of N-Star: How Neutron Stars Have Magnetic Fields

  • Thread starter turin
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In summary, neutron stars can have a magnetic field due to the presence of other elements in addition to neutrons. The conductive superfluid in the star's core, combined with high density and spin-rate, creates a strong magnetic effect. The maximum mass of a neutron star is reduced by hyperon core saturation, estimated to be 1.5 solar masses. Including this in the (TOV) equation of state results in a maximum mass of 1.571 solar masses for a hybrid neutron star with a hyperon core.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Can someone explain to me how a neutron star (I'm assuming that it has no charge even on the microscopic level) can have a magnetic field? And even if I assume that there is some residual charge left after the collapse, how could the magnetic poles point in significantly different direction from the rotational poles?

My only conjecture that I could come up with is that the quark spins in the neutrons themselves are all alligned (from one neutron to the next).
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  • #2
turin said:
Can someone explain to me how a neutron star (I'm assuming that it has no charge even on the microscopic level) can have a magnetic field? And even if I assume that there is some residual charge left after the collapse, how could the magnetic poles point in significantly different direction from the rotational poles?

My only conjecture that I could come up with is that the quark spins in the neutrons themselves are all alligned (from one neutron to the next).
The first part of an answer is that a neutron star is not composed of just neutrons as most descriptions say. The whole star has a "structure", and a significant portion is other elements starting with an "atmosphere and upper crust".There are lots of other elements (nuclei with free electrons = plasma), so it isn't all neutrons yet. At the top of the crust, the nuclei are mostly iron 56 and lighter elements, but deeper down there is a conductive superfluid which can and does create a huge magneto effect, causing the magnetic field. See the neat chart at: http://www.lsw.uni-heidelberg.de/users/mcamenzi/NS_Mass.html for an example. (I like the chart, but don't agree with the "mass limit" part though)

There is no such thing as "typical" when referring to neutron stars, or any other kind, but in a typical neutron star the surface gravity is ~10^11 times Earth's, and the magnetic field is ~10^12 Gauss. At densities of ~10^6 g/cm^3 the electrons become degenerate causing huge electrical and thermal conductivities because the electrons can travel long distances before interacting. Add this to a high spin-rate and you have a great magneto causing a big-time magnetic field.
  • #3

Independent of the details, Glendenning found a maximum possible mass for neutron stars of only 1.5 solar masses (nucl-th/0009082; astro-ph/0106406).

According to various neutron star core theories, hyperon core saturation (hyperon condensation), results in the reduction of the neutron star maximum mass, resulting in this estimation of the maximum mass of [tex]1.5 M_\odot[/tex].

Results from (TOV) equation of states for spherically symmetric compact stars: (astro-ph/0106406, page 11)

[tex]M_n = 1.649 M_\odot[/tex] - neutron star
[tex]\rho(0) = 7.7n_o[/tex]

[tex]M_n = 1.789 M_\odot,[/tex] - hyperstar (pure hyperons)
[tex]\rho(0) = 5.16n_o[/tex]

When hyperon condensation is included in the (TOV) equation of state (EoS), the neutron star maximum mass is attained at an earlier central density:
[tex]M_n = 1.571 M_\odot,[/tex]
[tex]\rho(0) = 4.49n_o[/tex]

Therefore, the estimate of [tex]1.571 M_\odot[/tex] is a spherically symmetric static hybrid (mixed phase) of a neutron star with a hyperon core.

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FAQ: Explaining B-Field of N-Star: How Neutron Stars Have Magnetic Fields

1. What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is a highly dense and compact object that is formed when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and undergoes a supernova explosion. It is composed almost entirely of neutrons and has a radius of only about 10 kilometers.

2. How do neutron stars acquire magnetic fields?

Neutron stars acquire magnetic fields through a process called dynamos. This occurs when the core of the star collapses during the supernova explosion, and the rapid rotation of the star causes the magnetic field to intensify.

3. How strong are the magnetic fields of neutron stars?

The magnetic fields of neutron stars can be incredibly strong, with some reaching strengths of up to 10^15 Gauss. This is trillions of times stronger than the magnetic field of the Earth.

4. How do magnetic fields affect neutron stars?

Magnetic fields play a crucial role in the behavior and evolution of neutron stars. They influence the structure and temperature of the star, as well as the emission of radiation. They can also cause the star to spin faster, emitting beams of radiation from its magnetic poles, which we detect as pulsars.

5. Why is it important to study the magnetic fields of neutron stars?

Studying the magnetic fields of neutron stars can provide us with valuable insights into the physics of extreme environments. It can also help us understand the formation and evolution of neutron stars, as well as their role in the universe. Additionally, understanding neutron star magnetic fields can have practical applications, such as in improving our understanding of magnetism and developing new technologies.

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