Explaining Cantor Set: Countable or Uncountable?

  • Thread starter barksdalemc
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    Cantor Set
In summary, the Cantor set is uncountable, but also contains no intervals. It can be mapped bijectively into [0,1] by replacing all the 2's with 1's in the base 3 expansion of an element in the cantor set.
  • #1
Can someone explain how the Cantor set can be uncountable but also contain no intervals? I am assuming that as k goes to infinity, we are left with 0 and 1 in the final interation so the set is finite with those elements. The set of natural numbers is countable so I can bijectively map every Cantor interval to an element in N, right? So it seems countable to me with no intervals. But my notes say the opposite.
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  • #2
Your intuition is wrong. Not that I know what an 'interation' is (nor does anyone else). How can you map every 'cantor interval' to an elementin N? What is a 'cantor interval', for that matter?
  • #3
Yes the word is iteration. In any case, if I call the union of sets produced after the kth iteration, ie after the middle interval is removed, Ak and bijectively map that to k in N then I am stuck thinking that the collection of intervals produced after k iterations can be mapped to N and thus the Cantor set is countable.
  • #4
There are only finitely many intervals at any stage, but this says nothing about the infinite limit. In fact, the cantor set is uncountable, as can be proved by showing that the elements in the set are precisely those whose base 3 expansion contains only 0's and 2's. So it can be mapped bijectively into [0,1] by replacing all the 2's with 1's in the base 3 expansion of an element in the cantor set, and looking at this as a number written in base 2 (check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantor_set" if that isn't clear).

The counterintuitive thing is that the set has lebesque measure 0. I'm not going to try to explain Lebesgue measure too precisely, but basically it works like this: the interval [a,b] has measure b-a, and a countable disjoint union of intervals has as its measure the sum of the constituent intervals. All countable sets have measure 0, and it seems at first to someone learning the theory like uncountable sets could be characterized as those with positive measure, but this turns out not to be true.

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the resolution is that subsets of R with Hausdorff dimension greater than 0 are uncountable, but only sets with dimension 1 have positive Lebesgue measure. The cantor set has dimension ln(2)/ln(3), so it falls in this in between region.
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  • #5
So, you're thinking is :

A_k is countable

A is the limit of A_k

k is in a countable index set

therefore A is countable.

Cardinality just doesn't behave like that I'm afraid.

The techincal reasonfor that is that you're taking an inverse limit rather than a direct limit. I hadn't thought in those terms for Cantor sets before...

You can think of embedding A_{k+1} in A_k, this means there is a diagram


and because all the arrows point 'down' (from a larger numbered set to a smaller one) we have an inverse limit. This means that limit, the cantor set, will be the product of the A_i modulo an equivalence relation, which means the cardinality can be uncountable, since the countable product of finite sets is uncountable.

Had the arrows pointed the other way the limit would have been the disjoint union of the A_i modulo some equivalence relation, and that would have been countable. But they don't go that way.
  • #6

I think I am starting to make some sense of it. My problem logically was that I had just proved that a collection of open disjoint sets was countable, and was trying to treat each set of intervals produced in the cantor kth iteration as a similar collection.
  • #7
also by product of sets I assume you mean the cartesian product?
  • #8
If you want to call it that, then yes, though there is no need to call it the cartesian product.

FAQ: Explaining Cantor Set: Countable or Uncountable?

1. What is the Cantor Set?

The Cantor Set is a mathematical set constructed by removing the middle third of a line segment repeatedly, resulting in a set of points that is self-similar and has no interior points.

2. Is the Cantor Set countable or uncountable?

The Cantor Set is both countable and uncountable. It is uncountable in the sense that it contains an infinite number of points, but it is also countable because it can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the set of real numbers between 0 and 1.

3. How is the Cantor Set related to the concept of infinity?

The Cantor Set is related to infinity in the sense that it is an example of a set that is uncountable, meaning it contains an infinite number of points. It also demonstrates the concept of infinity through its self-similar construction, where the set is made up of infinitely many smaller copies of itself.

4. What are some real-life applications of the Cantor Set?

The Cantor Set has applications in various fields of mathematics, physics, and computer science. It can be used to construct fractals, study self-similarity in nature, and model complex systems. In physics, it has been used to study the behavior of fluids and simulate turbulence. In computer science, it has been used to generate random numbers and design efficient algorithms.

5. Are there any other interesting properties of the Cantor Set?

Yes, the Cantor Set has many interesting properties. For example, it is a perfect set, meaning it has no isolated points and every point is a limit point. It is also totally disconnected, meaning there are no connected subsets other than the empty set and the set itself. Additionally, it has a fractal dimension of ln(2)/ln(3), which is between 0 and 1 and reflects its self-similar nature.
