Explaining the Color Variations of Main Sequence Stars

In summary, the surface temperature of a star is determined by its mass, composition, and luminosity. More massive stars have higher surface temperatures, and stars with different compositions display different colors.
  • #1
If all main sequence stars are engaged only in hydrogen fusion, why don't they all exhibit the same color?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why do you think they should?
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  • #3
Hmm, I thought that I was asking the question. Seriously though, since all main sequence stars generate thermal energy via the same hydrogen fusion reactions and it is the thermal energy that determines a star's surface temperature, why should a larger star display a different color (as dictated by the Wien relationship) than a smaller star? I must be missing something basic here.
  • #4
More massive stars fuse hydrogen more rapidly, hence have higher temperatures, hence have the corresponding colour.
  • #5
The visual color of a star depends on it surface temperature which also depends on its mass. While composition appears to affect the apparent color displayed by burning objects on Earth this is because these objects do not behave as perfect black bodies - a term coined by the physicist kirchhoff in the 19th century to describe a body in thermal equilibrium that does not reflect or otherwise re-emit any light that falls upon it. While, strictly speaking, no such thing as a perfect blackbody actually exists in nature, the difference is negligibly small for virtually all stars as well as most other souces of thermal radiation.
  • #6
So write doen the Wien relationship, solve for T,and look at the right hand side. Which terms are the same for all stars and which ones are different?
  • #7
The question can be answered fairy simply. Main sequence stars are fusing hydrogen in their core via a mechanism that closely regulates the core temperature, so to within about a factor of 2, they all have the same core temperature-- and that's your question. But this does not require that they should have the same surface temperature. The logic is, the surface temperature is set by the luminosity and the radius of the star, via the formula L = kR2Ts4, for k a constant, which solves for the surface temperature Ts = (L/kR2)1/4. So this shows that you need to know R and L. The L is generally set by radiative diffusion in the interior of the star, which depends on mass essentially because the mass is the "stuff" the light has to diffuse through, and this leads to a relation like L is proportional to M raised to the power 3.5 or so, depending on some opacity details. The point is, M determines L. So now you only need R, and this depends on the history of contraction required to get the core to fusion temperature. That can be determined by using the fact that the average energy per particle necessary for fusion must be about equal to the potential energy per particle, set by M/R. So that sets R-- it is the R needed, given M, to get fusion in the core, so roughly R is proportional to M. Put it all together, and you find Ts is proportional to M to a power of about 0.4, roughly. That says a star 10 times more massive, or 1/10 as massive, than the Sun should have a surface T that is about 3 times higher, or 1/3 as high. That's about right.
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Related to Explaining the Color Variations of Main Sequence Stars

1. What is the main sequence on the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram?

The main sequence on the HR diagram is a diagonal band that represents the majority of stars in the universe. It shows the relationship between a star's luminosity (brightness) and its surface temperature. The hottest and most luminous stars are located at the top left of the main sequence, while the coolest and least luminous stars are located at the bottom right.

2. How does the color of a main sequence star relate to its mass?

The color of a main sequence star is directly related to its mass. The more massive a star is, the hotter it burns and the bluer its color. This is because more massive stars have higher core temperatures, causing them to emit more blue light. On the other hand, less massive stars have lower core temperatures and emit more red light, giving them a redder color.

3. What is the significance of a star's color on the main sequence?

The color of a star on the main sequence provides important information about its physical properties, such as its temperature, luminosity, and mass. By studying the colors of main sequence stars, scientists can gain a better understanding of their evolution and how they change over time.

4. Why do some stars appear white while others appear red, blue, or yellow?

The color of a star depends on its temperature. Stars with hotter surface temperatures appear bluer, while stars with cooler surface temperatures appear redder. The color white typically indicates a star with a balanced temperature, while yellow stars have intermediate temperatures.

5. Can the color of a main sequence star change over time?

Yes, the color of a main sequence star can change over time as it evolves. As a star ages, it undergoes changes in its internal structure and composition, which can affect its temperature and therefore its color. For example, as a star runs out of hydrogen fuel in its core, it will expand and cool, causing it to appear redder on the main sequence. This is known as the star's "evolutionary track" on the HR diagram.

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