Explaining the Concept of Triple Integrals in Calculus

In summary: Continue reading In summary, the order in which the integrals are given in the problem does not match the order in which the limits of integration occur.
  • #1
Gold Member
15.6.4 Evaluate the iterated integral
6xy\, dy\, dx\, dz$$OK this is an even problem # so no book answer
but already ? by the xy
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Re: 326 tripel integrals with 6xy

karush said:
15.6.4 Evaluate the iterated integral
6xy\, dy\, dx\, dz$$OK this is an even problem # so no book answer
but already ? by the xy
Start with the inner integral:
\(\displaystyle \int _0^{x + y} 6xy ~dy\)

We already have a problem. If this were a Physics problem then I would be just fine. But in a Math context the variable y you are integrating over and the y in the limit are really two different variables. Did you derive this from a problem or did you find it listed this way?

Let's make it:
\(\displaystyle \int _0^{x + y} 6xy' ~ dy'\)

x is constant over the y' integral so...
\(\displaystyle \int _0^{x + y} 6xy' ~ dy' = 6x \int _0^{x + y} y' ~ dy' = 6x \cdot \dfrac{1}{2} y'^2 \left . \right | _0^{x + y} = 3x(x + y)^2\)

Now try the x integral. Remember, the y is constant for this one.

  • #3
Re: 326 tripel integrals with 6xy

karush said:
15.6.4 Evaluate the iterated integral
6xy\, dy\, dx\, dz$$OK this is an even problem # so no book answer
but already ? by the xy
It looks to me as though the notation here clashes with what most mathematicians would use. I would reverse the order of $dy\, dx\, dz$, so that the integral becomes $$\int_0^1\left(\int_y^{2y}\left(\int_0^{x+y} 6xy\, dz\right)\, dx\right)\, dy.$$ Treat $x$ and $y$ as constants when doing the inner integral. Then treat $y$ as a constant when doing the $dx$ integral. Finally, do the outer integral as a function of $y$ going from $0$ to $1$
  • #4
Re: 326 tripel integrals with 6xy

Opalg, if you are going to "reverse the order of dxdydz" then you have to reverse the order of the integrals as well. That is, the limits on the integral with respect to z are 0 to 1, not "0 to x+ y" and, in fact that just gives [tex]\left[6xyz\right]_{z=0}^1= 6xy[/tex] so the integral quickly reduces to [tex]\int_y^{2y}\int_0^{x+y} 6xy dxdy[/tex].

As other said, we should not have the same letters representing limits of integration and "dummy" variables of integration as well. If this really
Is supposed to be an integral it would be better written, using "u" and "v" as the variables of integration, [tex]\int_y^{2y}\int_0^{x+y} 6uv dudv= 6\int_y^{2y}v\left(\int_0^{x+y} udu\right) dv[/tex][tex]= 6\int_y^{2y}v\left(\frac{1}{2}u^2\right)_0^{x+y} dv[/tex]= [tex]3\int_y^{2y}u(x+y)^2 du= 3(x+y)^2\left(\frac{1}{2}u^2\right)_y^{2y}= \frac{3}{2}(x+ y)^2(4y^2- y^2)= \frac{9}{2}y^2(x+ y)^2[/tex].​
  • #5
Re: 326 tripel integrals with 6xy

HallsofIvy said:
Opalg, if you are going to "reverse the order of dxdydz" then you have to reverse the order of the integrals as well. That is, the limits on the integral with respect to z are 0 to 1, not "0 to x+ y" and, in fact that just gives [tex]\left[6xyz\right]_{z=0}^1= 6xy[/tex] so the integral quickly reduces to [tex]\int_y^{2y}\int_0^{x+y} 6xy dxdy[/tex].

As other said, we should not have the same letters representing limits of integration and "dummy" variables of integration as well. If this really
Is supposed to be an integral it would be better written, using "u" and "v" as the variables of integration, [tex]\int_y^{2y}\int_0^{x+y} 6uv dudv= 6\int_y^{2y}v\left(\int_0^{x+y} udu\right) dv[/tex][tex]= 6\int_y^{2y}v\left(\frac{1}{2}u^2\right)_0^{x+y} dv[/tex]= [tex]3\int_y^{2y}u(x+y)^2 du= 3(x+y)^2\left(\frac{1}{2}u^2\right)_y^{2y}= \frac{3}{2}(x+ y)^2(4y^2- y^2)= \frac{9}{2}y^2(x+ y)^2[/tex].​
I disagree with that, and I do indeed believe that whoever wrote this problem intended that the $z$ integral should go from $0$ to $x+y$, not from $0$ to $1$. I believe that this is the only reasonable way of interpreting it. Otherwise, you would be left with an integral where the dummy variable of integration also occurs as one of the limits of integration.

As I implied in my previous comment, I believe that whoever set this question must be using a convention in which the order of the symbols \(\displaystyle \int_0^1\int_y^{2y}\int_0^{x+y}\) matches up with the symbols $dy\, dx\, dz$ in the same order, namely \(\displaystyle \int_0^1 dy\), \(\displaystyle \int_y^{2y}dx\), \(\displaystyle \int_0^{x+y}dz\).
  • #6
OK, I learned some very valuable things with this
I did notice on other exercises that the dxdydz was not always in this order so I presume the the way the order the integrals are given has to match so we always go from the inside out as we do with composites.

I know I am posting here really a lot but tomorrow I turn 75 and this forum has been very good for me
when I took math before the internet was not in existence like it is today and even calculators could not do integrals etc. there was no learning center to go to for help. if you made an appt with the teacher it was just a 5 min thing that often raised just more questions. actually much of the help I got here. I was in turn able to help some high school students. So its been a very strong sense of being useful which many seniors fail to experience. Also, I have tried about 10 different forums but I always come back to this one. it definitely is the most user friendly with live latex and other features. And the help is a lot more extensive.

probably future posts I will just post a cropped screenshot of the problem so that what the intention is clear.
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  • #7
Yes, [tex]\int_a^b\int_c^d\int_e^f \phi(x,y,z) dxdydz[/tex] means [tex]\int_{z=a}^b \left(\int_{y=c}^d \left(\int_{x= e}^f \phi(x,y,z) dx\right)dy\right)dz[/tex]
  • #8
karush said:
...tomorrow I turn 75...
Happy birthday!


Related to Explaining the Concept of Triple Integrals in Calculus

1. What is a triple integral?

A triple integral is a mathematical concept used in multivariable calculus to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional shape or region. It involves integrating a function over a three-dimensional space.

2. How do you solve a triple integral?

To solve a triple integral, you need to first set up the integral using the appropriate limits of integration for each variable. Then, you can solve the integral using various techniques, such as using the fundamental theorem of calculus, substitution, or integration by parts.

3. What is the purpose of using three integrals in this context?

The purpose of using three integrals is to account for the three dimensions of the space being integrated over. Each integral represents the integration over one of the three variables (x, y, and z).

4. How does the function 6xy affect the triple integral?

The function 6xy is the integrand of the triple integral and represents the value of the function at each point in the three-dimensional space. It affects the value of the integral, as the integral is essentially calculating the sum of the function values over the entire three-dimensional region.

5. What real-world applications use triple integrals?

Triple integrals have various real-world applications, such as calculating the mass or density of an object, determining the center of mass of a three-dimensional object, and finding the probability of an event occurring in a three-dimensional space.

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