Explaining the Cuspy Halo Problem

  • Thread starter jhe1984
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In summary, the Cuspy Halo Problem is the discrepancy between simulations and observations of the inner density profile of galaxies. There are several possible resolutions to this problem, but until we better understand the nature of dark matter, we won't know for sure which one is correct.
  • #1

I'm reading up on CDM and related theories on Wikipedia and came across the "Cuspy Halo Problem". I followed the link, but it did not provide any further insight to help me visualize this phenomenon (or the absence of it[?]). Please help explain the "Cuspy Halo Problem" to a newcomer.

My current guess is that the problem is that CDM seems to predict a very dense, "deep", and pointed middle section (like a top) upon which the rest of the Universe is rotating, but that this prediction has not played out in observations (and may in fact have been contradicted). Is that correct?

Thanks as always!
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Dark Matter is invoked to explain the gravitational dynamics of spiral galaxies and clusters, to make up cosmological density and to explain the early formation of large scale structure in the universe.

DM cannot be baryonic because there is a strict limit on the baryonic density in standard BB nuclleosynthesis and the required amount of DM exceeds this by nearly an order of magnitude. Because it is dark it is assumed to be non-interacting except gravitationally.

Unfortunately it then clumps too efficiently and should concentrate in dense regions around which ordinary matter forms galaxies, a 'cuspy halo'. However the study of galaxy dynamics requires the DM to be more evenly scattered over a region around the galaxy, in a massive dark halo, rather than at the centre. This is the 'cuspy halo' problem.

The resolution to this problem requires DM to be weakly interacting and able to repel itself so that it cannot concentrate too much. However, until we have identified the DM particle in a laboratory, measured its properties and find them to be exactly what is required to resolve the above problems we will not really know what we are talking about!

  • #3
Both simulations and observations indicate the existence of extended dark matter halos, the problem has to do with the inner slope of the density profile. If we describe the inner density profile of a galaxy as a power law:

[tex]\rho\propto r^{\alpha}[/tex]

we find that simulations predict [itex]-1.5 \lesssim \alpha \lesssim -1[/itex], while observations indicate [itex]-1 \lesssim \alpha \lesssim 0[/itex]. Both the observations and simulations have potentially significant sources of error, so we're still ironing out the details, but there does appear to be a discrepancy.

There have been several suggested resolutions to this problem, one of which Garth already mentioned -- self-interacting dark matter. Although popular, this is far from being the universally accepted solution. Some of us, myself included, suspect that the problem is simply that the simulations aren't good enough yet. It's an issue not only of numerical resolution (which is steadily improving with time), but also of our models of the baryonic component of the galaxy (ordinary matter). Finally, some folks believe that this is evidence for even more exotic physics, such as the extra dimensions predicted by string theory.

Stay tuned, this is a very active area of research.
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FAQ: Explaining the Cuspy Halo Problem

1. What is the Cuspy Halo Problem?

The Cuspy Halo Problem is a phenomenon observed in computer simulations of dark matter halos, where the density profile at the center of the halos is significantly higher than what is expected based on theoretical models.

2. Why is the Cuspy Halo Problem important?

The Cuspy Halo Problem is important because it challenges our current understanding of dark matter and its role in the formation of galaxies. It also has implications for the accuracy of our models and simulations of the universe.

3. What causes the Cuspy Halo Problem?

The exact cause of the Cuspy Halo Problem is still unknown, but it is thought to be related to the way dark matter interacts with and affects the behavior of normal matter and other dark matter particles in the halo. It may also be influenced by the initial conditions of the universe.

4. How do scientists study and explain the Cuspy Halo Problem?

Scientists use computer simulations and observations of galaxies and their dark matter halos to study and explain the Cuspy Halo Problem. They also use theoretical models and mathematical equations to try and understand the underlying physics behind it.

5. What are some proposed solutions to the Cuspy Halo Problem?

Some proposed solutions to the Cuspy Halo Problem include modifying the properties of dark matter, such as its interaction strength, or changing the initial conditions of the universe. Other solutions involve incorporating additional physics, such as baryonic feedback, into the simulations to better match observations.

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