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I just need a little help in interpreting a question.
Identify the terms in the above two expression and give their physical significance
What do you think they mean by physical significance?
These are the two expressions by the way.
[tex]\epsilon = n_a n_x \frac{< \sigma V >} {\rho}[/tex]
[tex]< \sigma V > =( \frac {8} {m \pi})^{1/2} (kT)^{-3/2} \int_{0}^{100000} S(E) e^{(\frac{-E} {kT} - \frac {b} {E^{1/2}})} dE[/tex]
What I've done is explain all the terms in these expressions
na = number of particles per unit volume of nuclide a
nx = number of particles per unit volume of nuclide x
Q = Energy per reaction
[tex] \rho[/tex] = density
[tex]\epsilon[/tex] = power generated per unit mass
[tex]<\sigma V >[/tex]= the velocity integrated cross-section
m = reduced mass of the target-projectile system.
k = Boltzmann’s constant.
T = temperature of the system
S(E) = cross-section factor
E = Energy
b = this is just a term that simplifies the equation and here all I did was I gave the full expression.
I was thinking that maybe the physical significance would be to say that [tex] e^{\frac {-b} {E^{1/2}} [/tex] is the probability of penetration of the energy barrier and [tex] e^{\frac{-E} {kT}}[/tex] is the maxwellian distribution etc.??
P.S. The integral is meant to be infinity but I didn't know the syntax
Identify the terms in the above two expression and give their physical significance
What do you think they mean by physical significance?
These are the two expressions by the way.
[tex]\epsilon = n_a n_x \frac{< \sigma V >} {\rho}[/tex]
[tex]< \sigma V > =( \frac {8} {m \pi})^{1/2} (kT)^{-3/2} \int_{0}^{100000} S(E) e^{(\frac{-E} {kT} - \frac {b} {E^{1/2}})} dE[/tex]
What I've done is explain all the terms in these expressions
na = number of particles per unit volume of nuclide a
nx = number of particles per unit volume of nuclide x
Q = Energy per reaction
[tex] \rho[/tex] = density
[tex]\epsilon[/tex] = power generated per unit mass
[tex]<\sigma V >[/tex]= the velocity integrated cross-section
m = reduced mass of the target-projectile system.
k = Boltzmann’s constant.
T = temperature of the system
S(E) = cross-section factor
E = Energy
b = this is just a term that simplifies the equation and here all I did was I gave the full expression.
I was thinking that maybe the physical significance would be to say that [tex] e^{\frac {-b} {E^{1/2}} [/tex] is the probability of penetration of the energy barrier and [tex] e^{\frac{-E} {kT}}[/tex] is the maxwellian distribution etc.??
P.S. The integral is meant to be infinity but I didn't know the syntax
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