Explaining Visual Disturbances: Experiences & Research

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  • Thread starter SeeFeelTime
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In summary, the individual experiences bright color blobs, patterns, visual snow, and movement in the dark, which can make it difficult to navigate in low light. These visual disturbances became more pronounced when experimenting with cannabis and psychedelics, but also gave the individual more control over them. They can also "silence" the visual noise, but it becomes harder to control the more they pay attention to it. The individual also experiences after images, especially of text, and has talked to a doctor about it but was told it is common for people who are near-sighted. They have also experienced flashes of "creatures" in the dark, but do not interpret them as real. It is suggested that the individual may be experiencing hypnog
  • #1
Forgive me if this isn't the correct spot for this post.

Since about 15, before I had tried any drugs, I always experienced bright color blobs, patterns, visual snow and movement in the dark, as well as grids across the sky (this doesn't happen often anymore). It always kind of made it hard for me to get around in the dark. When I began experimenting with cannabis and psychedelics the visual disturbances became brighter and more pronounced. I also, however, seemed to gain more control over them. If I want to, I can "make" myself see flowing patterns in hardwood, shifting of stones and grains, patterns, grids, faint blobs of color (faint in daylight), etc. I also can "ignore" them.

Even being able control it somewhat, it can be hard to get around in the dark. It gets worse when I'm sad, stressed or angry. Sometimes the colors and patterns I see are so bright, and change so quickly I need someone to guide me out of a room. There are times where I can "silence" the visual noise and focus on my path, but its usually pretty hard to control as the more I pay attention to it the more it happens. In the dark I see tribal patterns, grids, heavy static, and very rarely "creatures". I don't interpret the creatures as actually existing, I just kind of see what look like weird, imaginery creatures lurking in the dark. This state is very similar to what I experience before bed when I let my mind drift and I imagine shapes, places, weird cartoons, space, etc sometimes in shockingly crisp detail with eyes closed. When I listen to music in a dark room often times the colors will dance to the music very much like patterns dance and flow to music on psychedelics.

Is there any explanation for this? It doesn't really bother me at all and in situations like trying to sleep or relaxing in a dark room I barely even notice it but its always there.

I don't know if its relevant, but I often experience after images, especially of text. I don't have to stare at something for it to produce an after image either. Sometimes I'll glance at things and I'll see multiple after images of it in layers until it disappears.

I am also short-sighted but wear prescription glasses. When I put my glasses on, it sharpens the details of the images as if they were as real as everything else.

I am not asking for a diagnosis, I'm simply asking if anyone else experiences this or if anyone has any research or articles that may provide a possible explanation for this.

I am familiar with information on HPPD.
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  • #2
You might be suffering from a mental illness. You could have a neurological disorder. Go see a doctor. We can't help you.
  • #3
Interesting, will do. I don't have history of mental illness in any of my direct family.

I told my doctor about after images and he said that was common for people who are near sighted. I thought it was strange it continued even with glasses on.

I figured I should clarify on the "creature" thing as that probably sounds really weird. Its only happened twice and it was when I was in true pitch darkness for more than a minute. It was just a flash of what appeared to be a creature, very much like what I experience before sleep.

I tried paying attention to it last night and its much less pronounced than it used to be. Its limited to mostly static in the dark with random color blobs.

I'll talk to a doctor about it again to see what's up.

I don't see it as something the interferes with my life so its hardly a disorder. I find it pretty entertaining.
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  • #4
SeeFeelTime said:
Interesting, will do. I don't have history of mental illness in any of my direct family.

I told my doctor about after images and he said that was common for people who are near sighted. I thought it was strange it continued even with glasses on.

I figured I should clarify on the "creature" thing as that probably sounds really weird. Its only happened twice and it was when I was in true pitch darkness for more than a minute. It was just a flash of what appeared to be a creature, very much like what I experience before sleep.

I tried paying attention to it last night and its much less pronounced than it used to be. Its limited to mostly static in the dark with random color blobs.

I'll talk to a doctor about it again to see what's up.

I don't see it as something the interferes with my life so its hardly a disorder. I find it pretty entertaining.

Evo's right, you really should talk to a doc about it.
  • #5
Yeah, I got it. This isn't normal.

I will talk to a doctor next time and will post back with what they tell me.

I think its interesting to note that most psychedelic users I've talked to don't find this weird at all, and many experienced psychedelic users experience similar things.
  • #6
Most probably you are experiencing hypnogogic imagery. Perfectly OK. And lots of fun
  • #7
SeeFeelTime said:
I will talk to a doctor next time and will post back with what they tell me.
It can't hurt, but I wouldn't worry to much :wink:

According to http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T63-51BG404-1&_user=10&_coverDate=10/28/2010&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=9ec08996df953dab81d44ba63652dd2c&searchtype=a", drugfree visual experiences are very common (60%), at least in drug users. But drug is just playing on normal mechanisms, so if you have some genetic particularity regarding some of your serotonin receptors, that may come from that. However it would tricky to figure out, so you'll probably never know -if it doesn't affect your daily living, no reason to worry.
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FAQ: Explaining Visual Disturbances: Experiences & Research

1. What are visual disturbances?

Visual disturbances refer to any changes or disruptions in a person's vision. This can include blurriness, flashes of light, changes in color perception, or other alterations in the way a person sees.

2. What are the most common causes of visual disturbances?

The most common causes of visual disturbances are eye-related conditions such as refractive errors, cataracts, and glaucoma. Other causes may include medications, migraines, head injuries, and neurological disorders.

3. Are visual disturbances a sign of a serious medical condition?

In some cases, visual disturbances can be a sign of a serious medical condition, such as a retinal detachment or stroke. However, they can also be a temporary and harmless symptom caused by fatigue, stress, or eye strain.

4. How are visual disturbances diagnosed?

Visual disturbances can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye exam, which may include a vision test, eye movement test, and examination of the eye's structures. In some cases, additional tests such as an MRI or CT scan may be recommended to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

5. Is there a treatment for visual disturbances?

The treatment for visual disturbances depends on the underlying cause. In some cases, simply wearing glasses or contact lenses can improve vision. Other treatments may include medications, surgery, or lifestyle changes (e.g. reducing screen time for eye strain). It is important to consult with an eye doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
