Explanation of Higgs mass exclusion graphs?

In summary, the conversation discusses a graph from an article on the search for the Higgs using the Atlas detector. The graph shows the cross section for a Higgs process relative to the standard model prediction and the upper limit for this at a 95% confidence level for different Higgs masses. The conversation also touches on understanding the graph and what the expected ratio and exclusion limits mean. It also mentions how a positive identification of the Higgs at a certain mass would appear. The conversation also includes figures from the ATLAS and CMS experiments showing the consistency of data with the presence or absence of a Higgs boson.
  • #1

This is a graph from an article from last November on the search for the Higgs with the Atlas detector.

It shows the cross section for a Higgs process relative to the standard model prediction.
And then the upper limit of this, at the 95% confidence level. And this for different Higgs masses.

For the upcoming new results I would like to understand these kind of graphs, can someone explain what it shows?
The standard model prediction, is that with or without the Higgs particle?
Why is the expected ratio not 1, the standard model is expected?
How do you read from this graph the mass range that is excluded?
How does a positive identification of the Higgs at a certain mass look like?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Eonic said:
The standard model prediction, is that with or without the Higgs particle?
With. It is "the SM prediction for the Higgs boson" in particular. "1" means as many Higgs bosons as predicted by the SM.
Eonic said:
Why is the expected ratio not 1, the standard model is expected?
These are exclusion limits. An exclusion limit of 10 means they can exclude that 10 times as many Higgs bosons as predicted by the SM are produced. That doesn't help much, of course - people are interested in the region where the exclusion limit is better than 1: "We can exclude the production of Higgs bosons with a mass of X as often as the SM predicts." The range where the exclusion limit is below 1 is excluded (at 95% confidence level - you can never be sure, of course).

The expected exclusion limits are just what you expect to get on average if there is no Higgs boson. If you are not very sensitive to the Higgs at some mass then your expected exclusion limit will be high: You expect that you cannot make a strong statement about the existence or non-existence of the particle at this mass.
Eonic said:
How does a positive identification of the Higgs at a certain mass look like?
The exclusion plots have a mass range where the expected exclusion limit is way below 1 ("if there is no Higgs as often as the SM predicts, we expect that we can rule out the presence of it there") but the observed exclusion limit is above 1 ("we cannot exclude the SM Higgs there").

Figure 7 from ATLAS shows this feature (left side):


You can't properly judge the significance of the identification from such a plot, so what the experiments show in addition is a bit different: How consistent is the data with the hypothesis "no Higgs boson here" and how consistent is it with "SM Higgs boson here"?
Here is figure 13 from CMS:


Without a Higgs boson at 125 GeV CMS expected that they can rule out the SM Higgs boson at ~99.999% CL, but what they actually saw was very consistent with the SM Higgs at 125 GeV.

FAQ: Explanation of Higgs mass exclusion graphs?

1. What is the Higgs mass exclusion graph?

The Higgs mass exclusion graph is a graph that shows the possible values of the Higgs boson's mass based on experimental data. It is used to determine the mass of the Higgs boson and to exclude certain mass values based on the data.

2. Why is the Higgs mass exclusion graph important?

The Higgs mass exclusion graph is important because it helps to confirm the existence of the Higgs boson and its mass, which is a crucial component of the Standard Model of particle physics. It also helps to guide further research and experiments in the field.

3. How is the Higgs mass exclusion graph created?

The Higgs mass exclusion graph is created by analyzing experimental data from particle collisions and using statistical methods to determine the likelihood of different Higgs boson masses. The data is then plotted on a graph to show the range of possible mass values.

4. What are the implications of the Higgs mass exclusion graph?

The Higgs mass exclusion graph has important implications for our understanding of the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. It helps to confirm the Standard Model of particle physics and provides insight into the origins of mass in the universe.

5. How does the Higgs mass exclusion graph impact future research?

The Higgs mass exclusion graph guides future research by providing a framework for testing and refining our understanding of the Higgs boson and its properties. It also helps to identify areas where further research is needed, such as exploring the Higgs boson's interactions with other particles.

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