Explanation to this velocity equation

In summary, the backpacker walked east for 6.44km and then turned around and walked west for 3.56km. Her total distance walked was 10.72km.
  • #1
I have already done this problem enough times forwards and backwards to get the answer, so this is more of a theory question rather than help with homework.

The equation for Vavg.=displacement/time or deltaX/deltaT.
This equate to V=(X2-X1)/(T2-T1), correct?

In working through a problem, the correct version of this equation ended up being:

Here's the question: In reaching her destination, a backpacker walks with an average velocity of 1.34m/s, due west. This average velocity results because she hikes for 6.44km with an average velocity of 2.68m/s, due west, turns around, and hikes with an average velocity of 0.447m/s, due east. How far east did she walk?

In fact, here's a link to the solution to the problem that I found:

My question is this: How was that form of the equation derived? I solved this many times using the standard equation and was doing the entire procedure correctly...but was getting the wrong answer as I was using my initial equation rather than the version I have mentioned here. Can someone explain to me what the reasoning is behind this?
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  • #2
[tex]x_2[/tex] is your final position and [tex]x_1[/tex] is your initial position.
For time [tex]t_1[/tex] is your initial time and [tex]t_2[/tex] is your final time.
  • #3
Are you interchanging x and d for displacement?
I'm still not following how Vavg=(deltaX)(deltaT) or V=(X2-X1)/(T2-T1) turned into:
  • #4
You walk 10m right then 3m back.
Now we find displacement, (10-3)-0 = 7.

Another thing to point out. The guy who solved the formula has X1 = distance traveled in the first walk and X2 equals distance travled in the second walk. So if you walk X1 units right, and X2 units left, the displacement would be X1-X2. In the formula you're so interested in you have an X2 and X1 but they do not equal the X1 and X2 he has defined. The same with t, t1 = time of first walk and t2 = time of second walk.
  • #5
Okay, your diagram somewhat clears the water for me. So the displacement is 7 because your initial location was 0 and your final location was 7...which would work for Xf - Xo also. However, when writing the motion your final position is the 10-3 because you come back over the path you've already traveled, nulling its quantity? That clears up the displacement aspect of it for me.

Now, for the average time. Why is it added together in this example rather than being Tf-To like normal? Is it because your final travel time is actually the result of the time it takes you to make the westward hike + the eastward walk? Similarly to the displacement equation, above, Tf=(T1+T2)-To?
  • #6
You first have to decide on a sign convention; which direction is positive and which is negative? Since the question looks only for a magnitude, it does not matter which convention you choose, just so long as you stick to it.
  • #7
[tex]\Delta t = t_f - t_o [/tex]
Your total time, tf, is the time of walk 1 + walk 2. And the time that you start this at is 0.
[tex]\Delta t = T_1+t_2[/tex]

FAQ: Explanation to this velocity equation

What is the velocity equation?

The velocity equation is a mathematical formula that describes the relationship between an object's speed, distance, and time. It is commonly written as v = d/t, where v is velocity, d is distance, and t is time.

How is the velocity equation used in science?

The velocity equation is a fundamental concept in physics and is used to calculate the speed and direction of an object's motion. It is used in many scientific fields, including mechanics, astronomy, and fluid dynamics.

What are the units of measurement for velocity?

The units of measurement for velocity vary depending on the system being used. In the SI system, velocity is measured in meters per second (m/s). In the US customary system, it is measured in feet per second (ft/s) or miles per hour (mph).

Can the velocity equation be used for objects with changing speeds?

Yes, the velocity equation can be used for objects with changing speeds as long as the average speed is known. In this case, the equation becomes v = (d2-d1)/(t2-t1), where d2 and d1 are the final and initial distances, and t2 and t1 are the final and initial times.

Is the velocity equation only applicable to linear motion?

No, the velocity equation can be used for both linear and curved motion. In cases of curved motion, the velocity equation is represented as v = (ds/dt), where ds is the arc length and dt is the change in time.

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