Exploring 4th Dimension in General Relativity

In summary, the curvature in general relativity can be thought of as an effect of multiple dimensions, but it is not a dimension itself. It is a geometric property of space-time that is independent of any observer and does not require the existence of additional dimensions to be understood. Any attempt to formulate a new theory based on a different interpretation would only be beneficial if it simplifies the current theory or helps to reconcile it with other theories. Otherwise, the classical formulation of general relativity in four-dimensional space is a sufficient and accurate description of gravitation.
  • #1

what do you think that in general relativity, since space is curved, the curvature could be interpreted as a 4th space dimension "hyperspace"?
in other words, the 4th space dimension would take the place of time, for a coordinate observer?
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  • #2
No. When thinking of curved surfaces, we as humans often picture them embedded in a higher dimensional space. That is, we draw a curvy line (1D) in a plane (2D). We see a wavy blanket (2D) in real life (3D). So we assume that our 3D universe must be in a 4D (spatial!) similar situation. This is only our limitations as humans, however. These objects, the line, the curvy blanket, and our own universe, have intrinsic curvature which exists completely independent of their embedding in a higher dimensional space. Mathematically, that is, it is perfectly fine to talk about a 3D curvy object on its own with no reference to a fourth dimension -- only if we tried to visualize such a situation would we need one! Therefore, it is not necessary to posit the existence of such extra dimensions in order to have a curved universe.
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  • #3
Curvature is the effect of 2+ dimensions, not a dimension in itself. Think of a dimension as a measurement, and the count of dimensions as the minimum measurements you need to describe the position of an object, length, width, height, and time. Curvature can be thought of as the effect of the independent variance of 2+ measurements, like how there can be many heights for the same width of an object, thus making the object curved on that slice.

Also, given the above definite of a dimension, you could eliminate curvature as a possible dimension because it doesn't help determine position.
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  • #4
at the horizon, space is infinitely contracted in the reference frame and then a fourth space dimension(and no time dimension, since the horizon exists only for t=infinite), would be welcome
  • #5
Nothing pathological happens to the manifold at the horizon. Only the Schwarzschild coordinates become pathological there. This is easily remedied by introducint a different set of coordinates. A new dimension is certainly not needed and I don't see how it would be helpful in any way for that.
  • #6
its not pathological but the curvature.
  • #7
The curvature at the horizon is always finite and can be made arbitrarily small by using a sufficiently large mass.
  • #8
i did not mean the scalar curvature but the curvature that is observer-dependent
  • #9
What is that? I have never heard of such a thing.
  • #10
DaleSpam said:
What is that? I have never heard of such a thing.

It is the full Riemannian tensor (of order 4) which is a physical characteristic of space-time in Einstein Theory ..it is an absolute property and has nothing to do with any observer's world-line.
  • #11
scope said:

what do you think that in general relativity, since space is curved, the curvature could be interpreted as a 4th space dimension "hyperspace"?
in other words, the 4th space dimension would take the place of time, for a coordinate observer?

It is a sign to deep understaning of GR to try to think of another formulation to the theory but this new formulation would be a true progress in two cases;
first:It is more simple than the classical formulation.
second:It makes possiple to solve the problem of unifying GR and QP or other problems of GR
Otherwise the classical formulation of GR in four-dimension space characterized by the curvature is a good final theory for gravitation and need not be interpreted.
  • #12
Mueiz said:
It is the full Riemannian tensor (of order 4) which is a physical characteristic of space-time in Einstein Theory ..it is an absolute property and has nothing to do with any observer's world-line.
Exactly, so it is not observer-dependent. I have never heard of an observer-dependent curvature like scope was talking about.
  • #13
Mueiz said:
It is the full Riemannian tensor (of order 4) which is a physical characteristic of space-time in Einstein Theory ..it is an absolute property and has nothing to do with any observer's world-line.
It is true that scalar measures of curvature Raa and RabcdRabcd are absoluely invariant ( being scalars) but the components of the Riemann tensor will change if calculated wrt a frame field representing some observer.

See for instance equations (1.4.16a),(1.4.16b) and (1.4.16c) in arXiv:0904.4184v3 [gr-qc] 4 Nov 2010 in the section "1.4.2 Tetrad transformations".
  • #14
Right, but tensors are geometric objects that do not depend on the coordinates. Of course, their representation in a given coordinate system or basis will depend on the coordinates, but the geometrical object itself does not.

Related to Exploring 4th Dimension in General Relativity

1. What is the fourth dimension in general relativity?

The fourth dimension in general relativity is time. In this theory, space and time are considered as a single four-dimensional entity known as space-time.

2. How does general relativity explain the concept of the fourth dimension?

According to general relativity, the fourth dimension is not a physical dimension like the three dimensions of space. Instead, it is a mathematical construct used to describe the relationship between space and time.

3. Can we physically experience the fourth dimension?

No, we cannot physically experience the fourth dimension as we are confined to three-dimensional space. However, we can conceptualize and understand it through mathematical models and theories like general relativity.

4. How does the fourth dimension affect our perception of time?

The fourth dimension, or time, is relative and can be affected by factors such as gravity and velocity. This means that time can pass at different rates for different observers, leading to the concept of time dilation.

5. Are there other dimensions beyond the fourth dimension in general relativity?

Yes, there are theories that suggest the existence of additional dimensions beyond the fourth dimension. These dimensions are not directly observable, but their effects can be seen through phenomena like gravity and dark matter.

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