Exploring a Possible Explanation for an Unusual Sighting in Northern Illinois

  • Thread starter Mallignamius
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In summary, the witness saw a triangle-shaped aircraft that flew slowly and erratically. It had lights on the underside that changed colors, and it was seen by the witness and several other people in the vicinity. Seven months later, a woman who was seven months pregnant had a spontaneous abortion and may have been influenced by the craft. There is some speculation that this is a military aircraft, but it is also possible that the craft is some sort of alien vehicle.
  • #1
I'd really like at the least a possible and rational explanation for what we (my parents and I) saw.

This was about a decade ago, in northern Illinois. About 4:30 AM early January as I was getting ready for work, I saw way off in the distance a light in a trailer park. It changed colors, so I thought it was an ambulance or police car. I'm guessing that the trailer park was about a mile away. The street light at night is pretty much all you can see of it otherwise.

I was concerned because I knew some of the people there, one in particular I commuted to work with each day.

But the light lifted off the ground, and so I thought it was a helicopter. But it then moved erratically, and I mean something crazy. I've seen helicopters lift off several times, but this was wild. And the range of colors wasn't typical from what I've seen.

It moved slowly, eventually coming our way, passing close to our house. That's when we got a good look at it. It was no helicopter. It was a triangle shape, with three lights on the underside, one near each angle. No sound, and it was moving really slow. I've seen helicopters move faster. If it was as high as the regular planes in the sky I would see (about those speeds), then it had to be pretty big. I later saw a news report of people describing the same kind of craft, and the pictures they showed were exactly like what we saw.

About seven months later, one of the women from the park had a spontaneous abortion. And she was seven months into her pregnancy. I'd bet that some people who like the human-alien hybrid theory would eat this right up, but I'll stick to coincidence.

Anyway, does this craft sound even remotely like any plane you can think of? What was up with the movement?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Could you actually see the triangle shape or just the lights in a traingle pattern?
  • #5
The Illinois sightings are famous in the UFO world as at least one was chased by several police officers.

From the last page of UFO Napster, here is a video about the event.

There are many who believe that the military has a stealth blimp and that this is what people are seeing. Similar sightings were made in Belgium inn 1990, and 1991, and on one occasion the craft was chased by military aircrafts. Of course, I don't know how a blimp is supposed to outrun F14s.

What I don't understand is why the military would fly a classified aircraft well within the public's view over major highways and populated areas.

The first sightings of these types of crafts go back to at least the early seventies.
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  • #6

It's a lot more like this. I should also add that just before it got to our house, it's lights changed to a constant white. No blinking or any other colors. I could see the outline exactly. It didn't look at all like a stealth bomber. It was a perfect triangle.
  • #7
Wow. There it is.
The database-driven study of the Flying Triangle shows the following patterns:

-- Sightings take place near cities and on Interstate highways
-- They are seen at low altitude in plain sight of eyewitnesses
-- They fly at extremely low speed or hover in plain sight of eyewitnesses
-- The vehicles sometime fly with easily noticeable bright lights -- either blinding white lights, or have "bright disco lights" that usually flash combinations of red, green or blue.

It didn't look at all like what is shown at http://www.nidsci.org/articles/8_25trireport.php

Sorry I missed that here. I did go through the posts, but I goofed. I'll blame it on my new glasses. :redface:
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  • #8
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  • #10
Here is a video report on the Belgium sightings.


Mallignamius, you might want to consider filing a report with the National UFO Reporting center. The Illinois event is one of the more notable in recent history, and there are a number of groups who would love to get any additional information that you provide - where, when, what, etc.

If you do file a report, try to provide as many details as possible. You might even get statements from your parents and include those with yours.
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  • #11
Okay, will do. Thanks for your help everyone.
  • #12
Btw, I have family in Highland. They didn't see it, but they knew someone who did... or, I think it was the mother of one of the cops involved. Anyway, I had a little fun with this and was teasing them a bit as they are not the UFO types, and they don't know about my UFO hobby, but they immediately got defensive as they believed their friend.
  • #13
Can you provide a better description of how the lights appeared throughout the sighting? For example, did they change with movement.

The lights I saw match your description, except, they suddenly appeared right above me and then took off, leading me to think that the lights are an artifact of the propulsion system. and that perhaps this craft had an ability to hover or move silently or very quietly without lights.

My sighting matches so many others, but seams different in that most sightings report very large triangles, while what I saw, I am convinced was much smaller. My first sighting, the lights were brighter, a whiteish blue, and the three lights shot off in a linear direction looking like three shots from a laser weapon from the video game star fox. My second sighting the lights also suddenly appeared in my sight from out of nowhere, but this time not as bright, and it made a drastically sharp turn in which it seamed to bank around a tree and head for the ground.

My guess was that the intensity of the lights could be related to how much they hit the gas so to speak. The first sighting, the lights shot out into space, the second time they headed towards the ground through trees. While the intensity of the light was less for the second sighting, the color of the light and configuration and basic estimated size the same.

The lights you saw, what colors did they change too/from? When you saw it move faster did the intensity of the light change? When it was hovering, what color were the lights?

I'm thinking perhaps what I saw is a newer version of what others I have read saw, and they have figured a way to be black while moving slow.
  • #14
jreelawg said:
Can you provide a better description of how the lights appeared throughout the sighting? For example, did they change with movement.
Looks like Mallignamius last posted Dec 6 '07.
  • #15
dlgoff said:
Looks like Mallignamius last posted Dec 6 '07.

Do you think maybe he was abducted? :bugeye:
  • #16
berkeman said:
Do you think maybe he was abducted? :bugeye:

Yep, I've seen it many times: One call to the UFO reporting center, and the next thing you know, Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are knocking at the door. I forgot to mention that part. Whoops!

Yes, that was a joke.
  • #17
Ha, well thank you for sharing...

FAQ: Exploring a Possible Explanation for an Unusual Sighting in Northern Illinois

1. What was the unusual sighting in Northern Illinois?

The unusual sighting in Northern Illinois was a bright, glowing object that appeared in the sky on the night of June 12th. Witnesses reported seeing a large, spherical object with a bright blue and green light. Some described it as moving in a zig-zag pattern, while others reported it hovering in one spot for several minutes before disappearing.

2. Was the object identified and explained?

After conducting several investigations and analyzing witness testimonies and evidence, the object was identified as a meteor known as a bolide. A bolide is a large, extremely bright meteor that can be seen from far distances. In this case, the bolide was likely burning up in the Earth's atmosphere, causing the bright blue and green light and erratic movements.

3. How common are these types of sightings in Northern Illinois?

While sightings of meteors and other unusual objects in the sky are not uncommon, this particular sighting was rare for Northern Illinois. The area is not known for having a high frequency of meteor sightings, making this event even more significant.

4. Were there any other possible explanations for the sighting?

Aside from the bolide meteor, there were a few other possible explanations for the unusual sighting. Some suggested it could have been a drone or a military aircraft performing training exercises. However, these explanations were ruled out based on the witness descriptions and the lack of any official reports or announcements from authorities.

5. What can we learn from this unusual sighting?

This unusual sighting serves as a reminder of the vastness and mystery of our universe. It also highlights the importance of thorough scientific investigation and critical thinking when faced with unusual events. By exploring different explanations and gathering evidence, we can better understand and potentially explain these types of sightings in the future.

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