Exploring an Unexpected Journey: 24 Year Old's Academic Odyssey

In summary, the speaker shares their journey of starting in business school but ultimately finding their passion in science, specifically quantum mechanics and computer engineering. They discuss their initial desire for a stable career but realizing that their heart was not in business. They also mention their interest in LISP and using technology to model quantum phenomena. They ultimately chose to pursue a degree in computer engineering instead of physics due to the limitations of a physicist's path. The speaker invites others to share their views but asks for kindness as they do not feel as smart as those who knew their passion from the beginning.
  • #1

I have been reading this forum for about a month and I'm very glad I found it. My journey is peculiar, uncommon, odd, and some might argue that it's impractical; but some people say that things happen for a reason. I'm 24 years old and still in school, the road I've traveled has been tumultuous in nature, but it has taught me many things. I graduated from a British HS with an I.B Diploma; upon graduation, my goal was to explore the world and so I decided to travel. Things didn't go as planned, I found myself lonesome; some friends of mine were starting to go into college, and I felt that I was not 'doing what I was supposed to do'. In some way, I felt society's expectations of following a stable career, etc were starting to reel in. One day I gave in; I returned from a pedestrian life in Europe were I held jobs as bartender and part musician to pay the bills, I enrolled and started taking classes at a local community college - In America, an I.B Diploma is not held as highly as it is in England, my SATs were not good enough to get me into a good American school, and my income was not high enough to pay for a British education.

At the time, all I aspired to do was to get out of college with a 'degree' in Business Administration under my belt. I envisioned myself as a "suit" working for a million dollar company, driving a Bentley, sipping whiskey and having affairs with exotic women (to some degree I was also influenced by my father, the businessman); For some reason, I felt a Business degree was the only career worth pursuing - oh how naive I was! The delusion of making a million dollars and living the dream caught up with me. So there I was getting easily through my first two years at a community college doing all the necessary work, but never going the distance; my heart was not in it. After getting my AA (associates) I transferred to a four year institution which had a great program in business. The institution was located at a metropolis; and In my mind, to experience the 'big city life' while getting a hands-on experience on my career would be enthralling - oh how naive I was!

After the first semester of Business school, I was bored, miserable, I felt like I was living someone else's dream. A friend of mine in New York was trying to help me out by recommending books on spirituality; And so I read, avidly, incessantly, until one day I discovered Herman Weyl's 'Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics' along with David Bohm's 'On Dialogue/On Creativity'. I was hooked. My nights were spent inside a library researching about Quantum Mechanics, doing the math with some of the preparation on Calculus that I had before - I had seen the light. The decision of dropping out of business school was already clear in my mind. I seeked the guidance of counselors, I confronted my family with my decision, and I was willing to pay a hefty price for not knowing before what I wanted to do with my life.

I've decided to walk along the path of science but I've chosen Computer Engineering as my degree of choice, why? Well, because I'm comfortable with technology and I would love to get into Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence in the future. Perhaps I'm aiming to high? I do consider myself a dreamer. At the same time, I truly believe computer engineering will also give me insight on electronics and robotics. I want to learn LISP - I hear it's great for GPS tracking devices, I also want to get involved with quantum entanglement and using intelligent systems to model quantum phenomena along with similar subjects including tangled hierarchies - a bit broad and intimidating, but I'll get there. I had considered majoring in Physics, but the path of a physicist is somewhat limited. On the other hand, I believe Physics is involved in every science; without the "technology" to model the phenomena, physics is simply a formula. Technology will help us translate what is on the blackboard and put it into fruitful practice - So, there you go, a snapshot of my academic life. If you feel like sharing any views or comments feel free to do so, but please be nice, I by no means consider myself as smart as some of you that knew from the beginning what you were meant to do in life.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That was very inspirational, thank you for sharing :)
  • #3
Thank you for sharing that.

I'm experiencing a similar journey; beginning to head into business school for my undergraduate education, but find myself drawn in by the sciences.

Related to Exploring an Unexpected Journey: 24 Year Old's Academic Odyssey

1. What inspired you to embark on this academic journey?

I have always been fascinated by the world around me and have a strong passion for learning. As a 24-year-old, I realized that I was not satisfied with my current career and wanted to challenge myself intellectually. I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue a higher education, which ultimately led me on this unexpected journey.

2. What challenges did you face during this academic journey?

One of the biggest challenges I faced was adjusting to the rigorous academic workload while also balancing my personal and professional life. It required a lot of time management and dedication, but it was all worth it in the end. I also had to overcome imposter syndrome and self-doubt, constantly reminding myself that I was capable of achieving my goals.

3. How did this academic journey impact your personal growth?

This journey has had a significant impact on my personal growth. Not only did I gain a wealth of knowledge in my field of study, but I also developed important skills such as critical thinking, time management, and self-discipline. I also gained a newfound confidence in myself and my abilities.

4. What was the most memorable experience from this academic journey?

There were many memorable experiences throughout my academic journey, but one that stands out to me is when I presented my research at a national conference. It was a proud moment for me to share my work with other professionals in my field and receive positive feedback. It solidified my passion for research and further motivated me to continue on this journey.

5. What advice do you have for others considering embarking on a similar academic journey?

My advice would be to take the leap and not be afraid to challenge yourself. It may seem daunting, but it is a rewarding experience that will lead to personal and professional growth. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help and support from others along the way. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your abilities - you are capable of achieving great things.

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