Exploring Anti Matter Black Holes: Physical and Statistical Possibilities

In summary, according to the speaker, it is physically possible for a galaxy made entirely from anti matter, and it is statistically possible. However, to work out the statistics would be problematical at best. If two black holes collide, they will get bigger.
  • #1
Dear PF Forum,
In less than 1 second after big bang, baryons were created. And there's asymmetry in it.
Can anyone help me?

1. Is it physically possible for a galaxy made entirely from anti matter?
2. If it's true, is it statistically possible for a galaxy made entirely from anti matter?
If it's true, then I'd like to know the answer question here.
No information can come out black hole.
Only their mass, and with it their gravity.
3. Is it possible for us to tell that this black hole originator is matter or anti matter?
Or you guys scientist just say, well No information can come out black hole. So we don't know :smile:
4. Does "matter" black hole differ from "anti matter" black hole? If question number 3 is true.
5. If question number 4, what if we throw an anti matter black hole to a matter black hole?
A. Will they explode?
B. Will they gets bigger. By "bigger" I mean their schwarzshild radius, of course its size is always zero if it's a singularity. Because, by logic. The explosion will generate more energy
E = (m(Matter Black Hole) + m(Anti matter black hole)) x c2
And this E will eventualy become m, right?
m = E/c2
But where is this m come from? Matter? Anti matter?
I just want to know if my logic in question 5 is right.
Consider this:
A star, 1 solar mass comes from the north of our sun and hit our sun.
What happen? Okay..., there's blast. Earth are surely destryoed.
Solar system is destroyed, some TNO might survive.

So what I'd like to know is,
What if a matter+anti matter black hole collide?
Will it explode like the sun, or will it getting bigger?

But first of all we must be sure that
Anti matter galaxy is physically possible, statistically possible, matter and anti matter black hole is different and ... they collide.

Thanks for any answer.
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  • #2
1. Is it physically possible for a galaxy made entirely from anti matter?
Yes. There is nothing in principle preventing an antimatter galaxy ... though we would expect that the same mechanism that gives the local assymetry about us would make a whole antimatter galaxy very unlikely.

2. If it's true, is it statistically possible for a galaxy made entirely from anti matter?
That would follow from the above - unless you choose a model where the antimatter doesn't survive in large enough conglomerations.
To work out the statistics would be problematical at best.

If it's true, then I'd like to know the answer question here.
No information can come out black hole.
Only their mass, and with it their gravity.
3. Is it possible for us to tell that this black hole originator is matter or anti matter?

Or you guys scientist just say, well No information can come out black hole. So we don't know :smile:
4. Does "matter" black hole differ from "anti matter" black hole?
No. (Follows from 3 - included for completeness.)
5. If question number 4, what if we throw an anti matter black hole to a matter black hole?
In principle - yes.
A. Will they explode?
You are thinking of an antimatter-matter annihilation ... that is a "yes and no". The mass-energy gets combined to one object. It does not matter if the matter and antimatter inside annihilates or not, the resulting energy cannot escape.
B. Will they gets bigger. By "bigger" I mean their schwarzshild radius, of course its size is always zero if it's a singularity. Because, by logic. The explosion will generate more energy
Yes. When two black holes gobble each other, they get bigger.
E = (m(Matter Black Hole) + m(Anti matter black hole)) x c2
And this E will eventualy become m, right?
m = E/c2
But where is this m come from? Matter? Anti matter?
There is no useful distinction to be made between energy and mass. They are the same thing - this is what ##E=mc^2## means.
I just want to know if my logic in question 5 is right.
Consider this:
A star, 1 solar mass comes from the north of our sun and hit our sun.
What happen? Okay..., there's blast. Earth are surely destryoed.
Solar system is destroyed, some TNO might survive.

So what I'd like to know is,
What if a matter+anti matter black hole collide?
Will it explode like the sun, or will it getting bigger?
You end up with one bigger black hole.

But first of all we must be sure that
Anti matter galaxy is physically possible, statistically possible, matter and anti matter black hole is different and ... they collide.
Galaxy is not a single object - and you have shifted from black holes to stars. The result would be much like what happens when regular matter galaxies collide only with more energetic parts when matter/antmatter stars collide. This is now highly speculative - we can address it here in terms of the light it sheds on current models of matter and gravitation.

Bottom line: If you chuck antimatter into a black hole, the antimatter joins the "singularity" as positive energy - increasing the mass of the black hole. Same if you chuck matter into an antimatter black hole. In GR there is no distinction to be made between energy and mass - it all goes into the stress-energy tensor.

You are starting to approach concepts which require a better framework than the one you have. See:
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  • #3
Thank you very much Simon Bridge for answering each question.

  • #4
Black Holes don't have matter to collide... It's vacuum up to the singularity... Even if you have matter/antimatter annihilation there - resulting in other particles- those particles can't escape...
Yet it's not certain if you can talk about particle interactions in a black hole as you do in our everyday experience of particle physics..
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  • #5
ChrisVer said:
Black Holes don't have matter to collide... It's vacuum up to the singularity...
And the size of this singularity is... 0 cm? or 0 km?:smile:
  • #6
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  • #7
The singularity is a point...
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  • #8
ChrisVer said:
Yes, yes I know. It's just a pun.
So, they say no information comes out of black hole.
They say that gravity propagates at the speed of one of the 4 forces, electromagnetic force.
And the only information that we can get from black hole is it's mass?
Light can't escape black hole, while gravity which propagates at the speed of light can escape?
  • #9
ChrisVer said:
The singularity is a point...
I'm sorry did you say/type a point in 4D? And when I hit reply the 4D is disappear.
Is it really something from 4D?
I imagine a flat paper in 2 dimension and we somehow penetrate a cone and what they see in 2D is a circle/hyperbole/parabole/ellips and perhaps just a point.
Is it like that for a black hole?. A 4D object enters 3D space? Or it's just
ChrisVer said:
The singularity is a point...
and you correct your error?

Thanks for your trouble to answer me Chris.
  • #10
In fact I think I should correct it even further and drop the notion of a point out of this conversation... the singularity is not even part of your spacetime.
  • #11
As for the gravity escaping, I don't think there is any kind of escape from the BH... It's how the geometry of your spacetime looks like when you are trying to solve the Schwarczhild metric's in Einstein Field Equations.
  • #12
Stephanus said:
And the size of this singularity is... 0 cm? or 0 km?

Neither. See below.

ChrisVer said:
The singularity is a point...

Not really. Strictly speaking, it's not part of spacetime at all, as you say later on. But you can take the limit as ##r \rightarrow 0## of the set of all points in the spacetime at the same ##r##. The limit of this set is not a point; it's a spacelike line (the limit of an infinite set of 2-spheres as the radius of the 2-spheres goes to zero).

Stephanus said:
Light can't escape black hole, while gravity which propagates at the speed of light can escape?

It doesn't have to. See this Usenet Physics FAQ article:

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FAQ: Exploring Anti Matter Black Holes: Physical and Statistical Possibilities

1. What is anti-matter and how does it relate to black holes?

Anti-matter is the opposite of regular matter, with the same mass but opposite charge. Black holes are thought to be made up of regular matter, but the intense gravitational pull may also attract anti-matter particles.

2. How are anti-matter black holes different from regular black holes?

Anti-matter black holes would have the same properties as regular black holes, such as a singularity and an event horizon. However, they may also have unique characteristics due to the interaction of matter and anti-matter.

3. Can anti-matter black holes exist in our universe?

The existence of anti-matter black holes is still a topic of debate and research. While they are theoretically possible, there is currently no evidence to support their existence in our universe.

4. How do we study anti-matter black holes if they are so rare or possibly non-existent?

Scientists use mathematical and statistical models to explore the possibility of anti-matter black holes. They also study high-energy phenomena, such as collisions between particles, to look for evidence of anti-matter black holes.

5. What are the potential implications of discovering anti-matter black holes?

If anti-matter black holes are proven to exist, it could challenge our current understanding of the universe and provide new insights into the nature of gravity and the behavior of matter and anti-matter. It could also have practical applications in fields such as energy production and space travel.
