Exploring Coherent States in LQG: Understanding the Measurement Process

In summary: Thomas Thiemann on arxiv.In summary, LQG encodes the quantum state of spacetime in a spin network, with the volume of a region being an eigenvalue of a volume operator. For a classical picture of spacetime to emerge, the universe must no longer be in a superposition, with some agreed upon heuristic for the measurement process. The nodes of the network represent chunks of volume and the links represent flakes of area, which together determine the geometry of the universe. The volume and area operators are diffeomorphism invariant at the kinematical level, but physical observables must also satisfy the Hamiltonian constraint. To understand how classical GR arises, it may be helpful to view the universe as
  • #1
I’ve been starting to look at how LQG works, and if I’ve understood it correctly, just thinking about the kinematics, the quantum state of spacetime is encoded in a spin network. If I want to determine the volume of a region of spacetime, the result will be an eigenvalue of some volume operator. For a classical picture of spacetime to emerge, where a region of spacetime has a well defined volume, isn’t it the case that spacetime must no longer be in a superposition, i.e. “measurements must have happened” ? Is there any agreed way that people heuristically think about the measurement process ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
sheaf said:
I’ve been starting to look at how LQG works, and if I’ve understood it correctly, just thinking about the kinematics, the quantum state of spacetime is encoded in a spin network. If I want to determine the volume of a region of spacetime, the result will be an eigenvalue of some volume operator. For a classical picture of spacetime to emerge, where a region of spacetime has a well defined volume, isn’t it the case that spacetime must no longer be in a superposition, i.e. “measurements must have happened” ? Is there any agreed way that people heuristically think about the measurement process ?

Consider a box with atoms. Each atom has a discrete spectrum of energy levels, and exists in a superposition of those, but the total energy in the box is, in some sense, "well defined".
  • #3
sheaf said:
... Is there any agreed way that people heuristically think about the measurement process ?

The spin networks are the eigenvectors of area and volume operators. The labels on the network determine a certain amount of volume for each node and a certain amount of area assigned to each link.

In order to have a meaningful measurement of volume there must be some physically defined region. Heuristically, think of a region defined in some covariant way, by a physical object or some definite events. Then there is an associated volume observable.

In the state specified by a particular spin network, the volume is just the sum of all the volumes belonging to the nodes of the network which are inside the volume. (I duck the question of borderline cases.)

Or there is some physically defined surface---a desktop?!, an horizon of some type?---and you look at the set of all the links in the network which are CUT by this surface, and add up all the area numbers which are associated with those cut links.

John Baez might have a "This Week's Finds" about this from some years back. He's good with heuristics. Or Rovelli if you find something of his written for beginners, where he wants to make it intuitive.

The nodes of the network can symbolize chunks of volume (that could be revealed by measurement) and the links can stand for flakes of area bounding the chunks. Intuitively if you specify all the possible areas and volumes that you could measure, then you have somehow determined the geometry of the universe. The state of geometry of the universe is somehow revealable by taking all possible area and volume measurements.

I guess there could be other combinations of different sorts of geometric measurements that would also determine a geometric state. There could be some other basis for the kinematic Hilbertspace. Eigenvectors of some other types of geometric measurement.

I'm not a loop gravity expert, but you asked for some heuristic and I can offer a bit of personal intuition. Have you tried Rovelli's book, an online draft is available free for download, or any of the various introductory articles. What level are you trying to go in at?
  • #4
Afaik neither volume nor area operator are diff.-inv. observables in LQG.
  • #5
I must be wrong then! You are definitely more knowledgeable than I! I will leave my post uncorrected so that the questioner can see what i was trying to say, even if it was in error.
Can you offer an improved version of the heuristics?

I don't want to argue, I'll take your word on it. Should we say whether the spin networks are embedded or combinatorial ones (there are those two approaches)? I was thinking that in order to have some definite particular area (or volume) operator there must be some definite physical object. If you then want to talk about diffeo-invariance then if you re-coordinatize the space then the physical object gets re-coordinatized along with everything else.
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  • #6
tom.stoer said:
Afaik neither volume nor area operator are diff.-inv. observables in LQG.

That depends on how you look at it. If you want a volume operator that gives you a 3-volume of a region that's bounded by points with specific 4-coordinates, then of course it's not a diffeomorphism invariant observable, in ANY theory. If you fix the gauge by factoring out diffeomorphisms, what remains is perfectly observable.
  • #7
Concerning gauge invariance, my understanding is that area and volume operators defined at the kinematical level are in fact invariant under 3-diffeomorphisms. Of course, physical obversables, as with quantum states, have to be invariant under the full gauge symmetry and therefore are the subset of the kinematical part that also satisfy the Hamiltonian constraint.
  • #8
Thanks everyone, I guess where I'm coming from is I'm trying to see, given the tiny amount I know about LQG, how classical GR arises in some limiting case. Given that in GR volumes of regions are well defined, I was trying to understand how that would arise given that the universe may not be in an eignestate of the volume operators. But maybe what Hamster said is the right way to look at it - i.e. as an ensemble.

I'll definitely take a look at the Rovelli online draft though - I wasn't aware that was available.
  • #9
sheaf said:
I'll definitely take a look at the Rovelli online draft though - I wasn't aware that was available.
Google "rovelli" to get the website. Google "rovelli book" to get the link to PDF

Hanno Sahlmann has a recent (2010) introduction to LQG on arxiv.
There is a 1998 introduction by Rovelli and Upadhya on arxiv.
I might think of other stuff, you just have to sample and find what's right. Maybe Orbb, Hamster, Tom have some recommendations.

Just in case they might be helpful, Rovelli's 2008 review article:
and a video of the introductory talk he was invited to give at the Strings 2008 conference:
the slides for that talk are also available separately at the cern website:
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  • #10
The most common approach in LQG to try to get classical geometry is to use a coherent state. There's a reader friendly write up in the last section of http://arxiv.org/abs/1007.0402 .

I have never understood why things are supposed to be in coherent states.

Related to Exploring Coherent States in LQG: Understanding the Measurement Process

1. What is the definition of volume measurement in LQG?

The volume measurement in LQG (Loop Quantum Gravity) is a theoretical concept used to measure the volume of space in the quantum realm. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity, and it is used to study the properties of space at the smallest scales.

2. How is volume measured in LQG?

In LQG, volume is measured using a mathematical operator called the volume operator. This operator acts on the quantum state of space, and it gives the volume of a space region in terms of a discrete, quantized value. This is different from traditional methods of measuring volume, which use continuous values.

3. What are the implications of volume measurement in LQG?

The concept of volume measurement in LQG has significant implications for our understanding of the quantum nature of space. It suggests that space is not continuous, but rather composed of discrete units or "atoms" of space. This has implications for theories such as the Big Bang, black holes, and the nature of time.

4. Can volume be measured accurately in LQG?

Currently, it is not possible to measure volume accurately in LQG due to the limitations of our technology and the complexity of the mathematical equations involved. However, scientists continue to work on developing more precise methods for volume measurement in LQG.

5. How does volume measurement in LQG relate to other theories of quantum gravity?

Volume measurement in LQG is a key concept in the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity, but it also has connections to other theories of quantum gravity, such as String Theory and Causal Dynamical Triangulations. These theories also propose discrete units of space, but they use different mathematical approaches to describe them.

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