Exploring CV Bell State Measurement and Entanglement Swapping

In summary: They can swap entanglement between two beams with the same phase difference of pi/2 without destroying it. But they have to combine the two beams with the same phase difference of 90 degrees to get an output that is entangled.
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TL;DR Summary
Continuous variable Bell state measurement
There is something I don't understand called CV Bell state measurement.

In these two experiments they get two entangled beams

"by overlapping phase-squeezed light with amplitude squeezed light with a phase difference of pi/2 at a 50-50 beamsplitter"
See Figure 11

"We generate a pair of entangled beams from the interference of two amplitude squeezed beams."

Of course, the reason they use non-linear crystals is because this is the way to generate amplitude-squeezed light and phase-squeezed light, which have less amplitude noise or phase noise than a coherent light state.

Also, they swap entanglement between laser light and a mirror generated by radiation pressure to the entanglement between the two mirrors by detecting the interference results after a beamsplitter. If you look at Figure 1, it compares this experiment to the above two.

I do not understand how entanglement can be swapped simply by interference of two light beams that are entangled to something else. Also, I don't see any post-selection being mentioned like I see in polarization entanglement swapping.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There may be some equations on page 12 and 13 here https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0410100.pdf
where it says " The two-mode squeezed vacuum state, as produced by the unitary two-mode squeeze operator in Eq. (71) corresponding to the NOPA interaction Hamiltonian in Eq. (70), is equivalent to the two-mode state emerging from a 50:50 beam splitter with two single-mode squeezed vacuum states at the input "

And some sumary of the mirror experiment here https://physicsworld.com/a/plan-for-supersized-entanglement-is-unveiled-by-physicist/
" This entanglement is then “swapped” to become an entanglement between the two mirrors. This is done by measuring the interference of the two light beams as they exit the interferometer. Crucially, this measurement provides information about the nature of the entanglement but does not destroy it because the measurement does not provide any information about an individual mirror. "
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Oh and I forgot to mention that
" Outputs are entangled EPR1 and EPR2 beams when the incident squeezed light beams SL1 and SL2 are combined with relative phase ϕ of 90°. Outputs are two independent squeezed light SL1 ′ and SL2 ′ when the squeezed light beams SL1 and SL2 are combined with ϕ of 0°. "

Which is more confusing to me as why.

FAQ: Exploring CV Bell State Measurement and Entanglement Swapping

1. What is a CV Bell state measurement?

A CV Bell state measurement is a type of quantum measurement that is used to determine the entanglement between two continuous variable (CV) systems. It involves measuring the correlations between the CV systems and comparing them to the correlations of a maximally entangled state, known as a Bell state.

2. How is entanglement swapping achieved?

Entanglement swapping is achieved by using two pairs of entangled particles, where one particle from each pair is sent to a central location and the other particle from each pair is kept at a distant location. By performing a joint measurement on the particles at the central location, their entanglement can be transferred to the particles at the distant location, effectively swapping their entanglement.

3. What are the potential applications of exploring CV Bell state measurement and entanglement swapping?

Exploring CV Bell state measurement and entanglement swapping has potential applications in quantum communication, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography. It can also help in understanding the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and furthering our knowledge of the quantum world.

4. What are the challenges in implementing CV Bell state measurement and entanglement swapping?

One of the main challenges in implementing CV Bell state measurement and entanglement swapping is the requirement for high-precision measurements and control over the CV systems. Additionally, maintaining the entanglement between the distant particles can be difficult due to noise and decoherence.

5. How does CV Bell state measurement differ from traditional Bell state measurement?

CV Bell state measurement differs from traditional Bell state measurement in that it involves continuous variable systems, such as the position and momentum of particles, rather than discrete variables, such as spin states. This allows for a more precise measurement of entanglement and enables the use of CV systems in quantum information processing.
