Exploring Dimensions: From 0D to ID and Beyond

  • Thread starter Arsonade
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In summary: I'm not sure that's the most intuitive way to think about it.In summary, you have a good understanding of 0-5 dimensional spaces, and understand that there may be other dimensions beyond those four. You are also familiar with the concept of electrical current and its effects in 2 and 4 dimensional spaces. You are not familiar with negative dimensions or fractional dimensions, but you are open to learning more about them.
  • #1
ohk, i was working on some code work during a pre-calc boring reveiw fest and i want to stte some things that i seem to understand as right and some thigs that i would like to figure out

they all deal with dimentions
0d- the zero dimention- nothing exists, it is nothing
1d-the flat line-thinking like a number line
2d-a flat plane-thinking like a chess bored
3d-our world-thinking like, well, in 3d
4d-time- at this point, if you were to draw a grapth, it would like a string of 3d grapths going along a line, each grapth representing a second in time or somthing
5d-energy-asuming the grapth looks something like a whole bunch of 3d grapths is a shape like a 2d where X is time and Y is...energy?
6d-no clue but keeping with the pattern, it would probably be a bunch of 3d grapths in a 3d shape...almost like many universes each with its own individual 3d grapth type thing only all of them in a 3d grapth type thing...wow

ohk those were all things that i knew/ thought i knew/had no idea about

but then, today i was thinking about somthing like a negitive dimention.

-1d, -2d, ect.

i tried reasoning it out, and i didnt get far, i don't think that its simply an inverse, i don't think its somthing we can picture wither, but then, i have no idea

and then, just to torture myself really, i started thinking
what about
id (no pun intended, I am not talking about the thing you have to fake to get drinks lol, i meen i as in sqare root of -1 lol)

i asked my physics teech about this, he had been somone in the navy for a while so he started talking a lot about electrical current and so on and so forth, i didnt really get it, sorry.

and what about somthing like 1.5d?

im making this way too weird, but that's cool

id apreciate it if you would stop laughing at me now lol

anyway if you guys could help me with this i would be eternally greatfull


not usually this perky, must be the suggar high
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  • #2
ohk i just wanted to say, the way i phrased all this was obviosly not too serios, but the question was lol, i would really like to know if i have the right theories on dimentions 0-5 and what the other 3 are (actually i know that there are 11 and then there are many more that are, from waht I've heard, insignifgant) and about anything like an i(imaginary)dimention, negitive number dimentions, or dimentions inthe form of like 3.5 d. or even Square root of 3 dimention.

  • #3
Whoo, you sure are enthusiastic.

You have a fine grasp of 0,1,2,3 dimensional spaces. Physicist agree we live in a 4 dimensional space and percieve one of the dimensions as "time". The reason for past future and all that is because our universe has (locally) hyperbolic curvature (You know, the way a 2 dimensional surface can be curved in a variety of ways).

Two spaces of the same dimension can look very different if they do not also have the same curvature. For instance, in a two dimensional universe curved like a sphere, triangles have over 180 degrees and two parallel lines always meet eventually.

So aside from considering 1,2,3,4 dimensional spaces of different curvature, what else can we do? Mathematically, it is possible to define fractional dimensions although I do not find it intuitively satisfying. It turns out that 3/2 dimensional object embedded in 3 dimensional space has an infinite boundary. That is a shape, the size of a plate in you kitchen, which has an infinitely complex boundary (think of looking at a jagged coastline from space).

I have never heard of negative dimensions, but I think that to give them meaning we would need to form a dimensional algebra. Equivalently, can we give meaning to "one dimension plus on dimension = 2 dimensions"?
  • #4
A zero-dimensional space is a point.

There's no reason to implicitly assume that the fourth dimension is time -- you seem to have randomly associated the fourth dimension with time, and then went on to consider the fifth dimension another of space. Iif you really wanted to keep with the pattern, forget time and just consider spaces of more than four spatial dimensions. A 4D space is one where hypercubes, etc. live. You (nor anyone else) can really visualize spaces with more than three spatial dimensions, but their mathematics are well-founded.

One techniques people use to represent 4D information is to draw a 3D volume -- a cube, say -- and draw each point in the volume with a shade of gray between black and white. Color intensity, then, represents the fourth dimension. You could even use the three primary colors of light, red, green, and blue, to each represent a dimension, and you could draw a full-color cube that could represent six total dimensions.

Negative dimensions simply don't make any sense, and aren't possible. The definition of a dimension is that of a "degree of freedom," the number of independent quantities which determine where something is in space. There's no way to have fewer than zero such degrees of freedom. There's no way it could take -1 quantities to locate an object in a space.

- Warren
  • #5
Or, you could try to get away from the idea of space altogether. As an example, the collection of polynomials with degree less than 5 forms a 5 dimensional vector space. (one dimension for each coefficient)
  • #6
Chroot: The distinction between spatial and temporal dimensions is an arbitrary one that we have made. The only real difference in the "time" dimension is its role in the curvature of our universe (loosely speaking, a 4 dimensional hyperbola has a single axis around which it is symmetric, this is what we call the time axis).
  • #7

Indeed, the only distinction is that the temporal dimension has the opposite sign in the metric.

- Warren
  • #8
well the analogy i generally use for dimentions is a cipher, just because that's how i learned it, now a 0d cipher, well its only one letter, it might as well be nothing
a 1d cipher, that's usually a simple shift cipher
a 2d cipher is what is called a vinigerine (spelled very wrong) cipher in whitch there are 26 of the 1d shift ciphers stacked on top of each other, each shifted from +1 to +26 from top to bottom
a 3d cipher I am going to say i came up with only because i had not seen it anywhere elce (so don't get mad at me saying that i didnt come up with it, its a very simple idea so id be surprised if noonehad come up with it), its basically the 2d cipher stacked 26 times behind itself
this goes on for a while, with 4d suually being a 3d cipher whitch calibration actually changes over time to give a code that is constantly chaning, keeping in syncrinization with the key.
now that i really think about it, for every dimention added, a new variable is created, and by that logic, to go into negitive dimentions would be imposible, there would have to be...negitive variables?...antidata?...dont know.
however when this analogy is carried over to dimentions such as 3.5, it works, having 2 variables with an extra half of a variable...a variable that does not apply half of the time?

then there's the i(imaginary) dimention whitch seems to exist more on Barney shows than physics lol

an imaginary variable?

i can't IMAGINE it ::laughs hysterically and elbows person next to me::

right then


FAQ: Exploring Dimensions: From 0D to ID and Beyond

1. What is the meaning of dimensions?

Dimensions refer to the measurements or parameters that define the size, shape, or extent of an object or space. In science, dimensions are often used to describe the physical properties of matter, such as length, width, height, and time.

2. How many dimensions are there?

In our everyday experience, we are most familiar with three dimensions: length, width, and height. However, in science and mathematics, there are many more dimensions, including time, energy, and even abstract concepts like probability and entropy. Some theories suggest that there may be up to 11 dimensions in our universe.

3. What is the difference between 0D, 1D, and ID?

0D, or zero-dimensional, refers to a point in space with no dimensions. 1D, or one-dimensional, refers to a line with only length as a dimension. ID, or higher-dimensional, refers to objects or spaces with more than three dimensions, such as a 4D cube or a 5D hyperspace.

4. How can we explore dimensions beyond our 3D world?

One way to explore higher dimensions is through mathematical models and visualizations. Scientists also use advanced technologies, such as particle accelerators, to study the behavior of particles in higher dimensions. Additionally, some theories, like string theory, propose the existence of extra dimensions that we cannot directly observe.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding dimensions?

Understanding dimensions is crucial in many scientific fields, such as physics, mathematics, and engineering. Knowledge of dimensions helps us make accurate measurements, create models and simulations, and develop advanced technologies. It also allows us to better understand the nature of our universe and how it operates.

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