Exploring Doppler Shift: How Motion Affects Wave Frequency

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Doppler shift and its application in analyzing the motion of distant galaxies. The example of two bodies, a wave source and a receiver, is used to illustrate how the frequency of waves changes over time due to the relative motion of the two bodies. The speaker also mentions the importance of considering the speed and direction of the source and receiver when analyzing Doppler shift. However, they suggest that local motions of galaxies can be ignored when measuring the accelerated expansion of the universe, as the effects are too small to change the overall picture.
  • #1
Hello to everyone!
First I would like to go through one simple example:

We have two bodies. One is wave source, other is wave receiver.
In this example they are positioned like this:

(source) O=====> (receiver) O=====>

Distance between them is always 1000 m. Let's say that the waves are sound waves with the speed 340 m/s, and frequency 2500 Hz, both bodies have same acceleration, for example 10 m/s2, they move in same direction with same speed in any moment. They started with no motion at first moment. Their motion started same time as first waves were released from source...

So i calculated what happens as time passes, with frequency received by receiver…

So please check this and say if you agree or not…


Then I made excel sheet that shows what happens as they continue...

So what I wanted to point out is, distance between source and receiver never changes ,but the frequency picked up by receiver keeps changing, compared to original frequency. In this case it decreases as time passes.

So speed and direction of source at the time it emits the waves, and the speed and direction of receiver when waves reach it, should be considered when we analyse Doppler shift noticed by receiver. (1)

Does this make sense to you, and if it does not, what could be mistakes in logic?

Anyway, I chose this example because this could be easily checked with simple experiment, with two falling bodies where one is hanging from another. Only in that case, change in sound speed in different altitude and air temperature and pressure should be considered.

Another example would be with two pendulums on long roaps that oscillate in phase. In that case sound frequency in receiver would oscilate..

So if we apply this principle (1) on light, we could say:

If we observe two distant galaxies, one is 100 million light years away, the other one is 10 million light years away, we see that the light that arrives from more distant one is more redshifted(lightwaves have lower frequencies) than from closer one, than one of the conclusions we could make is:

Galaxy that is 100 million light years away from us, 100 million years ago was moving away from us now, faster then galaxy that is 10 million years away, was moving 10 million years ago, from us now.

This could actualy mean that universe is slowing down its expansion instead of accelerating.
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  • #2
Yes, the relativistic Doppler shift takes into account both longitudinal and transverse velocity. But the local motions of galaxies only account for approximately [itex]\Delta z \approx 0.003[/itex] for fast-moving galaxies. The nearest measurements that result in accelerated expansion typically range from [itex]z \approx 0.3[/itex] to [itex]z \approx 1.5[/itex] (very roughly). The furthest measurement, the CMB, is at [itex]z \approx 1090[/itex].

So for measuring the accelerated expansion, we can completely ignore local motions. The effects are just too small to change the overall picture.

Related to Exploring Doppler Shift: How Motion Affects Wave Frequency

1. What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the source of the waves. This effect is commonly experienced with sound waves, such as when a car speeds by and the pitch of its engine sound seems to change.

2. How does motion affect wave frequency?

Motion affects wave frequency by causing a shift in the wavelength of the wave. When an observer is moving towards the source of the wave, the wavelength appears shorter and the frequency appears higher. Conversely, when an observer is moving away from the source of the wave, the wavelength appears longer and the frequency appears lower.

3. What are some real-life examples of the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is present in a variety of real-life scenarios, such as the change in pitch of a siren as an ambulance or police car passes by, the redshift of light from distant galaxies due to the expansion of the universe, and the change in pitch of a train's horn as it approaches and passes by a stationary observer.

4. How is the Doppler effect used in science and technology?

The Doppler effect has a wide range of applications in science and technology. It is used in weather radar to track the motion and intensity of storms, in medical imaging such as ultrasound to measure blood flow, and in astronomy to study the motion and properties of celestial objects.

5. Can the Doppler effect be observed with all types of waves?

Yes, the Doppler effect can be observed with all types of waves, including sound waves, light waves, and water waves. However, the amount of frequency shift may vary depending on the speed of the observer and the speed of the wave. For example, the Doppler effect is more noticeable with sound waves because they travel at a slower speed compared to light waves.

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