Exploring EM Wave Transmissions: Experiment & Wavelength

In summary, a small signal is observed by receiver R when transmitter T is placed next to two sheets of material, aluminum (M) and hardboard (N). When M is moved towards N, a series of maxima and minima is registered by R. This is due to the different behavior of the two materials when struck by light. By measuring the distance between the second and seventh minimum (70mm), the wavelength of the emitted e-m waves from T can be determined.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a) A microwave transmitter T and receiver R are placed side by side facing two sheets of material M (aluminium) and N (hardboard). A very small signal is registered by R; what can you deduce about the experimental set up?

b) When M is moved towards N a series of maxia and minima is registered by R. Explain this and deduce the wavelength of the e-m waves emitted by T if the distance moved M between the second and seventh minimum is 70mm.

Any help with this question, also maybe if you could show how to work it out would be great !

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Hi Sixty3, welcome to PF!:smile:

Sixty3 said:
also maybe if you could show how to work it out would be great !

Please re-read the site rules you agreed to when you signed up for your account. We do not do your homework for you. You need to make an effort, show your work/reasoning as clearly as possible, and explain where you are stuck.

As a hint to this problem, consider what happens when light strikes a good conductor (like say aluminum) at approximately normal incidence (the transmitter is facing the two sheets of material) and what happens when it strikes a (more or less linear) dielectric (like hardboard). How much is reflected/transmitted in each case?

FAQ: Exploring EM Wave Transmissions: Experiment & Wavelength

What is an EM wave transmission?

An EM wave transmission is a type of energy transfer that occurs through the electromagnetic spectrum. This includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

How can I conduct an experiment to explore EM wave transmissions?

One way to conduct an experiment is to use a radio transmitter and receiver. You can change the frequency of the transmitter and observe how the receiver picks up the signal. You can also use a prism to separate different wavelengths of light and observe their properties.

What is the wavelength of an EM wave?

The wavelength of an EM wave is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of the wave. It is measured in meters and can range from very long wavelengths, such as radio waves, to very short wavelengths, such as gamma rays.

How does the wavelength of an EM wave affect its properties?

The wavelength of an EM wave affects its properties in several ways. Shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies and more energy, making them more penetrating and potentially more harmful. Longer wavelengths have lower frequencies and less energy, making them less penetrating and less harmful.

What are some real-world applications of EM wave transmissions?

EM wave transmissions have many practical applications in our daily lives. They are used in communication systems such as cell phones and Wi-Fi. They are also used in medical imaging, weather forecasting, and remote sensing. Additionally, EM waves are used in cooking, sterilization, and various industrial processes.
