Exploring Energy from Single Point in Full CI Calculation

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of energy in quantum mechanics and the use of wavefunctions and operators. It is pointed out that energy is not defined at a single point, but rather as the expectation value of the Hamiltonian over all of space. The concept of electron density function and DFT is also mentioned. The conversation also touches on the idea of using a local energy function for computation purposes.
  • #1
energy from single point rather than expectation integral in Full CI calculation??

Hi, i guess this is kind of a stupid line of thought...

if you get a wavefunction, say from a Hartree-Fock calculation, you can find your energy by calculating the expectation value of the hamiltonian.

well actually for any operator, observables are the eigenvalues of the operator. my question is, if you have a wavefunction (or any eigenvector), why don't you just calculate the operator at a single point, then divide out the eigenvector part to get E?

For instance, if you have Psi, why solve the integral <Psi | H | Psi >? Why not do something like H(x=0)Psi(x=0) = E Psi(x=0), and solve for E at some convenient point?

I guess in CI you just get E from a diagonalization, maybe it's a moot point there?

But in in Hartree Fock you have your orbitals, and you go through this business of calculating an expectation value and get overcount terms and such.

in general, a molecule is a system of particles (electrons). but you are solving a wave equation for them. it also seems weird that whatever the position of the electrons, the hamiltonian operating on those electrons (parameterized with positions of nuclei, or whatever) gives the exact same energy...if your electrons are all bunched up beside each other, shouldn't the energy be really high at that point?
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  • #2
i mean, it's a WAVE-function, but it's a function of the positions of the electrons!
  • #3
ok, slow down. first of all, what you are asking has nothing to do with CI or HF, but QM in general.

the energy is not defined at a point, but rather over all of space as the expectation value of the Hamiltonian. what makes you think otherwise?

as far as the energy being a function of the electronic coordinates, consider the following. it was proven by Hohenberg and Kohn that is you define an electron density function as

[tex]\phi(r_1) = \int dr_2 \int dr_3 ...\int dr_N \psi^*(r_1, r_2, r_3,...,r_N) \psi(r_1, r_2, r_3, ..., r_N)[/tex]

then there exists a unique functional of [tex]\phi[/tex] that yields the ground state energy, i.e.:

[tex]E[\phi] = E_0[/tex]

this leads to DFT (since you seem to be interested in numerical solutions).
  • #4
thanks, quetzal.

but if you look at just the time-independent equation, HPsi = EPsi, doesn't this hold for every point along Psi? This is why you can write the expectation value as <Psi|H|Psi> = E<Psi|Psi>, ie E is constant for every volume element.

good point about dft.
  • #5
because that would not be a unique solution, ie.

Why not do something like H(x=0)Psi(x=0) = E Psi(x=0)

what exactly is H(x=0)? remember what you are doing, you are acting an operator (which maps a function onto another function) on an eigenfunction.

for example, consider the free-particle hamiltonian - you cannot act the derivative operator on a point (you agree that Psi(x=0) would be a point?), it must act on a function.

perhaps what you mean (and what i was trying to get at with the DFT example) is some sort of fictious local energy function that is useful for the computation. another example is via diffusion quantum monte carlo (see equation 2.58):


FAQ: Exploring Energy from Single Point in Full CI Calculation

1. What is a Single Point calculation in Full CI?

A Single Point calculation in Full CI (Configuration Interaction) refers to a type of quantum mechanical calculation used to accurately determine the total energy of a molecule or system. It involves calculating the energy of the system at a single point, without taking into account any changes in the molecular geometry or electronic structure.

2. How is energy explored from a Single Point in Full CI?

The exploration of energy from a Single Point in Full CI involves performing a series of calculations with varying molecular geometries and electronic configurations. These calculations are used to generate an energy surface, which shows the change in energy as a function of the molecular coordinates. Using this energy surface, scientists can identify the most stable geometry and electronic configuration for the molecule or system.

3. What are the advantages of using Full CI calculations for exploring energy?

Full CI calculations are considered highly accurate methods for exploring energy due to their use of the full Hamiltonian, which includes all possible electron-electron interactions. This allows for a more complete description of the molecular system, resulting in more accurate energy values. Additionally, Full CI calculations can account for strong correlations between electrons, which are often missed in other methods.

4. Are there any limitations to using Full CI calculations for exploring energy?

One limitation of Full CI calculations is their computational cost. These calculations require significant computing power and time, especially for larger molecules or systems. Additionally, Full CI calculations are only applicable for closed-shell systems, meaning they cannot accurately describe open-shell or highly excited states.

5. How do Full CI calculations compare to other methods for exploring energy?

Full CI calculations are generally considered the most accurate method for exploring energy, especially for small to medium-sized molecules. However, they are also the most computationally expensive. Other methods, such as Hartree-Fock or Density Functional Theory, may provide reasonably accurate results at a lower computational cost, but may not be as accurate for highly correlated systems.
