Exploring Euler ODE: Solving for $x^2y'' + xy' - n^2y = 0$ with $y=x^p$

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In summary, the given equation is an Euler ODE and can be solved by making the substitution $y=x^p$ and solving for $p$. The general solution is then given by $y(x)=C_1 x^n + C_2 x^{-n}$, which can be verified by using another approach to Cauchy-Euler equations.
  • #1
Given $ x^2y'' + xy' - n^2y = 0 $

I think this is an Euler ODE, so I try $y=x^p, \therefore y'=p x^{p-1}, \therefore y''= p (p-1) x^{p-2}$

Substituting: $x^p p(p-1) + x^p p - n^2 x^p = 0, \therefore p^2 = n^2, \therefore p= \pm n$

$ \therefore y=C_1 x^n + C_2 x^{-n} $?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I will check your result using another approach to Cauchy-Euler equations, and that is to make the substitution:

\(\displaystyle x=e^t\implies\d{y}{t}=x\d{y}{x}\implies x^2\d{^2y}{x^2}=\d{^2y}{t^2}-\d{y}{t}\)

And so the given ODE becomes:

\(\displaystyle \d{^2y}{t^2}-n^2y=0\)

The characteristic equation is:

\(\displaystyle r^2-n^2=(r+n)(r-n)=0\)

And so the general solution is:

\(\displaystyle y(t)=c_1e^{-nt}+c_2e^{nt}\)

Back-substituting for $x$, we then obtain:

\(\displaystyle y(x)=c_1x^{-n}+c_2x^{n}\)

And this agrees with your result. :)

FAQ: Exploring Euler ODE: Solving for $x^2y'' + xy' - n^2y = 0$ with $y=x^p$

1. What is Euler's ODE?

Euler's ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) is a type of mathematical equation that describes how a quantity changes over time, based on the current value of the quantity and its rate of change.

2. Who is Euler and why is this equation named after him?

Leonhard Euler was an 18th-century Swiss mathematician and physicist who made significant contributions to the fields of mathematics and physics. He is credited with developing the equation that bears his name, which is used to solve a wide range of problems in various scientific and engineering disciplines.

3. What is the significance of Euler's ODE in science?

Euler's ODE is a fundamental equation that is used to model and analyze many natural phenomena, such as the motion of objects, chemical reactions, and population growth. It has applications in physics, biology, economics, and many other fields of science and engineering.

4. Can you provide an example of how Euler's ODE is used in real-world problems?

One example is in physics, where Euler's ODE is used to describe the motion of a falling object under the influence of gravity. The equation can be used to calculate the object's position and velocity at any point in time, which is essential for predicting its trajectory and understanding the forces acting on it.

5. Is Euler's ODE difficult to solve?

The complexity of solving Euler's ODE depends on the specific equation and its initial conditions. In some cases, the equation can be solved analytically, while in others, it requires numerical methods. Overall, it is considered a challenging but important equation in the field of mathematics and science.

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