Exploring Faster Fluid Flow with Obstacles: A New Perspective

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of finding a quicker path in a constant and homogeneous fluid flow when an obstacle is introduced. The constraints mentioned are a constant flow rate and head between endpoints. It is also clarified that the fluid is incompressible and approaching a constant velocity towards infinity. The term "path" is corrected to "streamline" for accuracy.
  • #1
Loren Booda
I believe I heard somewhat of the following thesis on TV:

Take a constant and homogeneous fluid flow, introduce an obstacle, and you can find at least one path connecting original endpoints that is quicker than without the obstacle. Might this be so?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you keep the flow rate, I don't known how it could be different...
  • #3
Loren Booda said:
I believe I heard somewhat of the following thesis on TV:

Take a constant and homogeneous fluid flow, introduce an obstacle, and you can find at least one path connecting original endpoints that is quicker than without the obstacle. Might this be so?
What are the constraints? Constant flow rate, constant head between endpoints...?

Also, when you say "path", do you really mean "streamline"? There's a big difference between the two, and only the latter makes any sense to me.
  • #4

I overlooked mentioning that the fluid was incompressible, and approached a constant velocity toward infinity.

"Constant head between endpoints"[?] does not show up on Google except for this thread.

Streamline it is, not path. Thanks for the correction.

FAQ: Exploring Faster Fluid Flow with Obstacles: A New Perspective

1. What is the purpose of exploring faster fluid flow with obstacles?

The purpose of this exploration is to gain a better understanding of the behavior and dynamics of fluid flow when obstacles are present. This can have practical applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and biology.

2. How is this new perspective different from previous studies on fluid flow with obstacles?

This new perspective takes into account the interactions between the fluid and the obstacles, rather than just studying the fluid flow around them. It also considers the effect of varying obstacle shapes and sizes on the flow, providing a more comprehensive understanding.

3. What are some potential real-world applications of this research?

This research can have practical applications in fields such as aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and biomedical engineering. For example, it can help in designing more efficient and streamlined structures for vehicles, optimizing fluid flow in pipes and channels, and understanding the flow of blood in the human body.

4. What are some challenges in exploring faster fluid flow with obstacles?

One challenge is accurately modeling and simulating the complex interactions between the fluid and the obstacles. Another challenge is obtaining precise measurements and data, especially in real-world scenarios. Additionally, different fluid and obstacle properties can affect the results, making it difficult to generalize findings.

5. What are some potential future directions for this research?

Future research in this area could focus on developing more sophisticated models and simulation techniques, as well as exploring the effects of different fluid and obstacle properties on the flow. There is also potential for exploring applications in other areas such as environmental science and renewable energy.
